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PSY 328 EXAM 3
Undergraduate 3

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Sx of Major Depressive Disorder
• Downcast mood
• Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness
• Changes in sleep patterns or appetite
• Loss of motivation
• Loss of pleasure in usual activities
Sx of Persistent Depressive Disorder
• A chronic pattern of depression (2+yrs)
• Typically milder than major depressive disorder, but nagging & lasts for yrs
Sx of Bipolar Disorder
• Periods of shifting moods, energy level and level of activity between mania and depression
• Bipolar I: occurrence of 1 or more manic episodes
• Bipolar II: major depressive & hypomanic episode, but no manic
Common age and gender presentations of Major Depressive Disorder
National lifetime prevelance:
12% men
21% women
16.5% overall
8% adults currently suffer from the disorder
Description of Seasonal Affective Disorders
Depression that comes from the changing of seasons
Difference between Postpartum Blues and Postpartum Depression
Postpartum blues: mood changes that about 80% of new mothers face
-usually lasts for a few days, normal response to hormonal changes of childbirth
Postpartum depression- major depressive episode w/in 4 wks of delivery (50% occurs before delivery)
-affects 10-15% women in 1st yr after childbirth
-may persist from months to 1+yrs
-sx: disturbances in sleep, low seld-esteem, difficulties maintaining concentration or attention
Seligman's Model of Depression
Learned Helplessness- proposes that people may become depressed because they learn to view themselves as helpless to change their lives for the better
-situational factors foster attitudes that lead to depression
Revised theory- perception of lack of control over future rewards or reinforces did not by itself explain the persistence and severity of depression
Attributional style- the way we explain circumstances
Behavioral Theory of Depression
• Behavior therapists generally focus on helping depressed patients develop more effective social or interpersonal skills and increasing their participation in pleasurable or rewarding activities.
• Evidence shows that behavioral techniques can produce substantial benefits in treating depression in both adults and adolescents.
• In fact, this model of therapy, generally called behavioral activation, produced higher rates of remission in treating severely depressed patients in one recent study than did alternative forms of treatment
Cognitive Triad
• The view that depression derives from adopting negative views of oneself, the environment or world at large, and the future. (Aaron Beck)
Suicide rates and means by gender
• More women attempt suicide, but more men “succeed.”
• For every female suicide, there are four male suicides.
• More males “succeed” in large part because they tend to choose quicker-acting and more lethal means, such as handguns.
• Suicides are more common among (non-Hispanic) White Americans and Native Americans than African Americans, Asian Americans, or Hispanic Americans.
Sx of Anorexia
• Refusal to maintain weight at or above what is appropriate for one’s age and height
• Intense fear of becoming fat
• Distorted body image
• Absence of 3 or more menstrual cycles
Sx of Bulimia
• Recurrent binge eating episodes characterized by:
-eating large amounts of food during a 2-hour period or less
-loss of control over food intake
-engaging in behaviors to prevent weight gain such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise, or abuse of diuretics, laxatives, or enemas
-average of at least 1 binge-purge episode per week for at least 3 consecutive months
-concern with one’s shape and body weight
Biological underpinnings of Eating Disorders
• Serotonin plays a key role in regulating mood and appetite, especially cravings for carbohydrates.
• This line of thinking is buttressed by evidence that antidepressants, such as Prozac, which increases serotonin activity, can decrease binge-eating episodes in bulimic women (Walsh et al., 2004).
• We also know that many women with eating disorders are depressed or have a history of depression, and imbalances of serotonin are implicated in depressive disorders.
Nightmares and stage of sleep
• Nightmare disorder – A sleep disorder characterized by recurrent awakenings due to frightening nightmares.
• Nightmares are often associated with traumatic experiences and generally occur most often when the individual is under stress.
Medications used for Insomnia
• Antianxiety drugs are among the drugs often used to treat insomnia, including the class of antianxiety drugs called benzodiazepines (for example, Valium and Ativan).
• When used for the short-term treatment of insomnia, sleep medications generally reduce the time it takes to get to sleep, increase total length of sleep, and reduce nightly awakenings.
• Sleep medications can also produce chemical dependence if used regularly over time and can lead to tolerance (Pollack, 2004a).
• Zolpidem (trade name Ambien) has also been effective to treat insomnia (Roth et al., 2006).
Treatment approaches for Insomnia
• Psychological approaches have by and large been limited to treatment of primary insomnia.
• Cognitive-behavioral techniques are short term in emphasis and focus on directly lowering states of physiological arousal, modifying maladaptive sleeping habits, and changing dysfunctional thoughts.
• Cognitive-behavioral therapists typically use a combination of techniques, including stimulus control, establishment of a regular sleep–wake cycle, relaxation training, and rational restructuring (Lumberg, 2008; Perlis et al., 2008).
• Stimulus control involves changing the environment associated with sleeping.

• Rational restructuring involves substituting rational alternatives for self-defeating, maladaptive thoughts or beliefs.

• Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has emerged as the treatment of choice for chronic insomnia.

• CBT yields substantial therapeutic benefits, as measured by both reductions in the time it takes to get to sleep and improved sleep quality
Hypersomnolence Disorder
– A pattern of excessive sleepiness during the day.
-The excessive sleepiness (sometimes referred to as “sleep drunkenness”) may take the form of difficulty awakening following a prolonged sleep period (typically 8 to 12 hours).
– A sleep disorder characterized by sudden, irresistible episodes of sleep.
• They remain asleep for about 15 minutes.
• The person can be in the midst of a conversation at one moment and slump to the floor fast asleep a moment later.
• - The diagnosis is made when sleep attacks occur daily for a period of 3 months or longer and occur in conjunction with one or both of the following conditions:
(a) Cataplexy (a sudden loss of muscular control)
(b) Intrusions of REM sleep in the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep
Breathing-related sleep
– A sleep disorder in which sleep is repeatedly disrupted by difficulty with breathing normally.
• The subtypes of the disorder are distinguished in terms of the underlying causes of the breathing problem.
• The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea, which involves repeated episodes of either complete or partial obstruction of breathing during sleep.
• There are four specific types of breathing-related sleep disorders
(a) obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea
(b) central sleep apnea
(c) sleep-related hypoventilation
(d) circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders
Circadian rhythm sleep
A sleep disorder characterized by a mismatch between the body’s normal sleep–wake cycle and the demands of the environment.
• The disruption in normal sleep patterns can lead to insomnia disorder or hypersomnolence.
• For the disorder to be diagnosed, the mismatch must be persistent and severe enough to cause significant levels of distress or to impair the person’s ability to function in social, occupational, or other roles
Sx of Schizophrenia
• Two or more of the following over a 1 month period:
-Disorganized speech
-Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
-Negative symptoms.
• Difficulties in social functioning, work, or self-care
• Symptoms continuous for at least six months
• The disorder is not contributed to substance use or another medical condition
Sx of Schizophrenia
• Positive symptoms – Involve a break with reality, as represented by the appearance of hallucinations and delusional thinking.
• Negative symptoms – Affect the person’s ability to function in daily life and include such features as lack of emotions or emotional expression, loss of motivation, loss of pleasure in normally pleasant activities, social withdrawal or isolation, and limited output of speech.
Serotonin levels & Prozac use
Antidepressants of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class (e.g., Prozac) increase the availability of serotonin in synaptic connections between neurons and can help temper feelings of anger and rage. However, we have yet to see antidepressant medication produce any substantial benefits relative to placebo in treating borderline personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
A personality disorder characterized by features such as a deep sense of emptiness, an unstable self-image, a history of turbulent and unstable relationships, dramatic mood changes, impulsivity, difficulty regulating negative emotions, self-injurious behavior, and recurrent suicidal behaviors.
• At the core is a pervasive pattern of instability in relationships, self-image, and mood, along with a lack of control over impulses.
• People with borderline personality disorder tend to be uncertain about their personal identities—their values, goals, careers, and perhaps even their sexual orientations.
• Self-mutilation is sometimes an expression of anger or a means of manipulating others.
• Splitting – An inability to reconcile the positive and negative aspects of the self and others, resulting in sudden shifts between positive and negative feelings
Learning theory explanation of Personality Disorders
• Learning theorists focus on maladaptive behaviors rather than disorders of personality.
• They are interested in identifying the learning histories and environmental factors that give rise to maladaptive behaviors associated with diagnoses of personality disorders and the reinforcers that maintain them.
• Learning theorists suggest that childhood experiences shape the pattern of maladaptive habits of relating to others that constitute personality disorders.
• Children who are regularly discouraged from speaking their minds or exploring their environments may develop a dependent behavior pattern.
• Excessive parental discipline may lead to obsessive–compulsive behaviors.
• Children whose behavior is rigidly controlled and punished by parents, even for slight transgressions, may develop inflexible, perfectionistic standards.
• Youth who develop antisocial personalities may be “unsocialized” because their early learning experiences lack the consistency and predictability that help other children connect their behavior with rewards and punishments.
A type of impulse control disorder characterized by repeated acts of compulsive stealing.
• The stolen objects are typically of little value or use to the person.
• The person may give them away, return them secretly, discard them, or just keep them hidden at home.
• In most cases, people with kleptomania can easily afford the items they steal.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED)
A type of impulse-control disorder characterized by repeated episodes of impulsive, uncontrollable aggression in which people strike out at others or destroy property (Kessler et al., 2012).
• People with IED have episodes of violent rage in which they suddenly lose control and hit or try to hit other people or smash objects.
• People with IED typically experience a state of tension before their violent outbursts and a sense of relief afterwards.
• Typically, people with IED attempt to justify their behavior, but they also feel genuine remorse or regret because of the harm their behavior causes.
A type of impulse-control disorder characterized by repeated acts of compulsive fire setting in response to irresistible urges.
• Pyromania is considered a rare disorder, which may help explain why it remains so poorly understood.
• People with pyromania feel a sense of release or psychological relief when setting fires and perhaps feelings of empowerment as the result of prompting firefighters to rush to the scene of the blaze.
Description of core symptoms of Personality disorders clustered as "dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior"
Cluster B: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders.
• Antisocial personality disorder – A personality disorder characterized by antisocial and irresponsible behavior and lack of remorse for misdeeds.
• People with antisocial personalities often violate the rights of others, disregard social norms and conventions, and, in some cases, break the law.
• People with antisocial personalities also tend to be impulsive and fail to live up to their commitments to others (Swann et al., 2009).
Sx of Antisocial Personality Disorder
• Failure to conform to social norms
• Irresponsibility
• Aimlessness and lack of long term goals or plans
• Impulsive behavior
• Outright lawlessness
• Violence
• Chronic unemployment
• Marital problems
• Lack of remorse
• Substance abuse or alcoholism
• Disregard for others
Borderline personality disorder (BPD
A personality disorder characterized by features such as a deep sense of emptiness, an unstable self-image, a history of turbulent and unstable relationships, dramatic mood changes, impulsivity, difficulty regulating negative emotions, self-injurious behavior, and recurrent suicidal behaviors.
• At the core is a pervasive pattern of instability in relationships, self-image, and mood, along with a lack of control over impulses.
• People with borderline personality disorder tend to be uncertain about their personal identities—their values, goals, careers, and perhaps even their sexual orientations.
Histrionic personality order
A personality disorder characterized by excessive emotionality and an overwhelming need to be the center of attention.
Sx of histrionic personality disorder
• become unusually upset by news of a sad event and exude exaggerated delight at a pleasant occurrence.
• tend to demand more than others.
• meet their needs for attention and play the victim when others fall short.
• be self-centered and intolerant of delays of gratification.
• grow quickly restless with routine and crave novelty and stimulation.
Narcissistic personality disorder
A personality disorder characterized by inflated or grandiose sense of themselves and an extreme need for admiration.
• They expect others to notice their special qualities, even when their accomplishments are ordinary, and they enjoy basking in the light of adulation.
• They are self-absorbed and lack empathy for others.
• They tend to be preoccupied with fantasies of success and power, ideal love, or recognition for brilliance or beauty.
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