Term 1


Definition 1

-It is an S shaped bone also known as the collarbone

-It articulates with the sternum and scapula

-the medial end is rounded and articulates with the mandibrum of the sternum

-the lateral end is flat and articulates with the acromian


Term 2


Definition 2

- Aka Shoulder Blade

-forms the posterior part of the shoulder girdle

-triangular in shape

-Articulates with the clavicle and Humerus



Term 3


Definition 3

-It is the longest and largest bone of the free part of the upper limb.

-it articulates with the scapula (to form the shoulder joint)

and with the ulna and radius (to form the elbow).




Term 4


Definition 4

-it is the longer of the two forearm bones

-In anatomical position, the ulna is located closest to the body (medial)


Term 5


Definition 5

- Lies lateral to ulna (thumb side of forearm)

-the head articulates with the capitulum of the humerus and the radial notch of the ulna.


Term 6


Definition 6

-Articulates with the ulna and radius and metacarpals

-Proximal row- scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisform

-Distal Row- trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate




Term 7


Definition 7

- the Meta-Carpals are located between the carpals (wrist) and the phlanges.

-there are five meta-carpals and they are numbered from one to five starting with the thumb.


Term 8


Definition 8

-There are 14 phalanges, 3 in each finger, and 2 in the thumb.

-the proximal phalanges articulate with the carpals.

- the intermediate phalanges articulate with the proximal phalanges in the four fingers (not the thumb)

-the distal phalanges articulate with the intermediate phalanges.

-the thumb does not have an intermediate phalange.



Term 9


Definition 9

-also known as the wrist

-it is the proximal region of the hand and consists of 8 small bones.


Term 10

Pectoral Girdle

Definition 10

-also called the shoulder girdle.

-it attaches the bones of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton.

-Each of the two pectoral girdles consists of a clavicle and a scapula.