Portrait of Perekles by Kresilas CA 430 BC

-Classical Period


-Classical Greek Portraits were not likeness but made humans appear to be gods

The Athenian Akropolis Mod 13


Propylaia,Mnesikles, ca. 437 -432 BC

-classical period

-The entry to the akropolis

-Mneskiles was the archietecht

-it is the only entry to the Akropolis

-Doric Columns on the outside

-Few ionic columns on the inside

The Athenian Akropolis


Parthenon, Iktinos and Kallikrates, CA 447-438

-Classical Period

-Porpotions X=2y+1

-Decorated by Phideas

-Limestone Foundations

-Columns Made of Pentalic Marble

-Built on highest point of Akropolis

-Buldge in the middle 3 inches high

-8 by 17 columns

-Cella held the Statue of Athena

-Ionic Columns on the Inside

-Doric on the outside


Phideas, Athena Parthenos

-Votive Statue

-Inside the Cella of the Parthenon

-Gold and ivery statue of Athena Parthenos (the Virgin)

-She is fully armed holding Nike (Victory) in her extended right hand

-Doric and Ionic Columns in relief

The Athenian Akropolis


Lapith Versus centaur, metope from the south side of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens Greece 447-438 BC

-Created in the 5th Century, Classical Period

Roman Republican Period: 509-27 BCE



East Pediment, British Mueseum

-5th Century classical Period

-showed the birth of Athena, who sprang fully grown and armed from the head of her father Zeus after Hephaistos struck him with an axe. The centrepiece must have comprised these three and probably Hera. The surviving sculptures are of other gods witnessing this event, and of horses drawing the chariots of the Sun (far left) and Moon (far right).


Cutaway diagram of east side of the Parthenon

-5th Centrury Classical Period


West Pediment of the Parthenon

-5th Centuray classical period

The centrepice was a great cross of two gods, Athena and Poseidon, with rearing chariots and charioteers and attendant deities behind mirroring and supporting the duel. Beyond them matters are calmer and less symmetrical with reclining and kneeling figures of both sexes and all ages attending, rather than watching, the outcome of the struggle; they are probably early kings and heroes of Attica and their families.

The Time Periods
  • Archaic period (8th - early 5th century BC)
  • Classical period (5th - 4th century BC)
  • Hellenistic period (late 4th - 1st century BC)
  • Roman period (1st century BC to 2nd century AD)

Doric Order

Thus, in the Doric order, there may be groups in the pediments at each end of a temple, panel reliefs in the metopes around the upperworks of the outside of the temple, and free-standing statues at the apex and corners of each pediment (acroteria).


Ionic Order

In the Ionic order pedimental sculpture is rare but there may be a continuous frieze around the upperworks of the outside of the temple.


Erechtheion 421-405 BC

-5th Century Classical period

-Atheninain Akropolis

-Created to replace the Archiac Athena temple that the persians destroyed

-built to accommodate the religious rituals that the old temple housed

-Ionic Temple


South Porch Carrytaids (Erechtheion)

-5th century classical period

-Replaced ionic compounds

-Contrapposto stance

-the six supporting the roof of the south porch of the Erechtheion at Athens

-Archiac Style


North Porch (Erechtheion)

-5th centrury Classical Period

-Ionic columns

-Entrance for Erectheion


Kalikrates, Temple Of Athena Nike, 427-24 BC

-5th Century classical

-Ionic temple at the entrace to the Acropolis.

-Ionic Building on the Athenian Acropolis, Designed by Kalikrates


-Dedicated to Nike. Godess of victory.

-Ionic Columns

-Ionic Freize


Nike Adjusting Her Sandol 410 BC

-5th century classical period

-Located on the south side of the Athena Nike Temple on te parapet around the Athena Nike Temple


Kinidos Sanctuary of Aphrodite

-4th Centruary Late classical art

-Early Sancturary of the god Aphrodite

-One of two Aphrodite sanctuaries


Knidos Sanctuary of Aphrodite 350 BC

-4th Century Late Classical Period

-Show case for a single statie (Aphrodite of Knidos)


Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos Ca 350-340 BC

-Late classical period, 4th Century

-1st nude statue

-Contrapostle stance


Head of Aphrodite (Bartlett Head) Ca 325 BC

-4th Century late classical period

-Small facial features

-Sentuality, part of classical style


Praxiteles, Hermes and Dionysis from Olympia 340 BC

-4th centuary late classical period

-Praxiteles humanized the the olympian dieties

-Dionysis was born out of the theigh of zues

-Hermes was dionysis older brother

-Crinkly hair smooth face=extreme classism

--Hermes holds the infant Dionysos on his left arm. He once held a bunch of grapes in his right hand, for which the baby reached


Lysippos, Weary Herkales (Farnese Herkales)320 BC

-Late Classical Period 4 century

-Shows Herkales strong and idealized, he is shown strong and tired because he held the cosmos on his back for so long

-Holding apples behind his back

-First showing of the trait of being tired

-1st artist to enter the aspect of realism


Sanctuary of Asklepios

-Askelpios is the son of the god Apollo

-Askelpios was a health god

-He was first a mortal then a god

-Doric Temple

This small Doric temple was built between about 380 and 370 BC. Although now in ruins, we know it was elaborately decorated and once housed a gold and ivory cult statue. The pediments showed Amazons fighting at the Sack of Troy. The acroteria (sculptures on the roof) were figures of Nike (Victory) and women riders, perhaps personifications of breezes.


Polykleitos The Younger Theatre (Epidauros, Greece 350 BC)

-Classical period 4th Century

-Ampitheatre Carved into the hillside

-12,000 spectators


-Skene="Dressing room" right behind stage



Athens,Choragic Monument of Lysikrates,334 BC

-Late Classical 4th Century BC

This was not a public monument, but was built by a private individual named Lysikrates who had won a tripod for being a theatrical sponsor in 334 BC. The monument consists of the tripod set on a small cylindrical building with Corinthian columns, which in turn is set on a tall square base. The frieze shows Dionysos and Satyrs


Corinthain Capitals

The Corinthian order is one of the three biggest classical orders of ancient Greek and Roman architecture. It is the most ornate, characterized by a slender fluted column and an elaborate capital decorated with acanthus leaves and scrolls. The other two orders were the DoricIonic. When classical architecture was revived during the Renaissance, two more orders were added to the canon, the Tuscan order and the Composite order.
