2 Annelid clades

Clitelleta (earthworms & leeches)

Polychaeta (marine worms)


Who live in bearded worms?

What do they do there?

Chemosynthetic Archea convert hydrogen sulfide into energy for the host. Thus, the worms need no digestive track, mouth, anus etc. These worms contain hemoglobin, and have segmented posterior. Hence, an Annelid.

What are the segments of worms called?

What separates the segments?

Metameres are seperated by septum=metamerization
Synapomorphies of annelids


Setae extending from Parapodia. Water regulation and excretion by Metanephridia out nephridiopores.

Ganglia coordinate locomotion hydrostatic skeleton with longitudinal and circular muscles. Closed Circulatory system

What is the difference between Errant Polychaetes and Sedentary Polychaetes?

Errant: sensory organs, parapodia with prominent setae all needed to be ACTIVE PREDATORS

Sedentary: (think sediment) only have shadow reflex, filter feed, reduced setae, many protect themselves in tubes or shells: such as the SPIROBIS species

What was Darwin's crazy idea?
earthworms are good! they mix topsoil w/deep soil. bring potassium and phosphorus to soil from their digestion.

3 characteristics of Leeches.

What ar they missing?

What clade are they in?

Saliva contains 3 things: anasthetic, capillary dilator, anti-coagulant.

Lack septa. 

Hirudinea, a Clitellata subclade.

Name 3 cousin clades.

Nemertia (ribbon worms)

Sipuncula (peanut worm)

Echiura is closest (spoon/Fat Innkeeper Worm)

Synapomorphy of Sipuncula, Echiura and Nemertia clades
Proboscis to catch food
Example of Sipuncula and a distinguishing characteristic.
Peanut worm..a.k.a butthead "figure 8" digestive track puts mouth and anus at same end.
Synapomorphy of Nemertians
stylet on tip of proboscis (ex: Ribbon Worms)

How do earthworms reproduce?

Hermaphrodites. fertilized eggs are shed into a mucus cocoon secreted from the clitellum.
What is the difference between zooids and epitokes?
Zooids are clones that are somewhat attached still. Epitokes are swimming sex organs w/eyes and parapodia. they swim up and shed the gametes..then die.
What is the mother clade of annelid?

Where can you find a spoon worm around here?

What is its clade name?

Echiura is the clade. Elkhorn Slough is the place
How do spoon worms feed?
paristaltic body waves pump water through their mucus net to trap detritus (organic decomposing matter).
Can a female spoone worm rightfully call a male a parasite?
yes. males are dwarf males w/o much more than reproductive organs. they live inside the female. without the female they could not exist.
How do spoon worms determine their sex?
if a young'n lands in the sediment it becomes female: if on the proboscis of a female it becomes a parasitic male.
Who is this and what is special about its digestive tract?
Sipunculid Peanut worm. They have a figure 8 digestive tract, thereby having a mouth near their anus.
How do peanut worms feed?
most filter feed with frilled tentacles. they evert their probuscus (introvert) and can catch large prey such as snails.
In what clade would you find a ribbon worm?
Describe feeding habits of most ribbon worms.
Carnivorous: many have a neurotoxin injecting proboscis.
what is the use of a nephridiopore?
To excrete metabolic wastes.
List the subclades of Clitellata.
Oligochaeta and Hirudinia
List the types of Polycheata.
Errant, Sedentary, & beard worms
Give an example of a Oligochaete Clitellate.
Give an example of a Hirudinian Clitellate.
In what clade does the sea mouse belong?
Polychaeta Errantia
What is this and in what clade does it belong?
Sea Mouse. Errant Polychaete.
What is going on here?
Worm Sex. double the organs, double the reproductivity, double mint gum.
How do errant polychaetes feed?
They hunt and forage. They has tentacles and eyes cuz they gotsta look around fo they food. (ie. they are NOT filter feeders).
In what clade does this belong? and how does it feed? what are some closely related animals?
It's a plume worm. Polycheata Sedentaria (sedentary polychaetes). Filter feed with tentacles. Related to x-mas tree worm and feather duster this is a X-mas Tree worm:
in what clade would you find a tube worm?
polychaete sedentaria; sedentary polychaete. sister of the errant polychaete (the sea mouse).
Tube worms are sedentary Polychaetes: what do they make their tubes from?
sand, leathery proteins or CaCO3. some incorporate their tube into coral.
Synapomorphies of Bryozoa

Resemble colonial hydrozoan cnidarians, but have lophophore.

Have a CALCAREOUS or PROTEINACEOUS exoskeleton with closable OPERCULUM.

Reproduce via sexual zooids.

Synapomorphies of Brachiopoda

Look a lot like bivalves, but w/o the same symmetry. They attach to substrate w/ pedicel.

Shell is calcium phosphate.

What is the function of metanephridia?
Collect metabolic waste from body cavity (coelom) and send it out the nephridiopore.
Do annelids have an open or closed circulatory system?