Jean Dubuffet, Volonté de puissance, 1946
Wols, Bird, 1949

Jean Fautrier, Head of a Hostage no. 22, 1944
Jean Fautrier, The Jewess, 1943

Jean Dubuffet, La Métafisyx, 1950
László Moholy-Nagy, Spiral, 1945
Josef Albers and Jane Slater Marquis, matière study using eggshells at Black Mountain College

(no image)
Josef Albers, Homage to the Square, 1970

Nina Leen, The Irascibles, 1951
Willem de Kooning, Untitled, 1948-49
Robert Motherwell, At Five in the Afternoon, 1949
Mark Rothko, Number 3/No. 13 (Magenta, Black, Green on Orange), 1949
Franz Kline, Cardinal, 1950
Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31, 1950), 1950
Jackson Pollock, Number 14, 1951, 1951
Jackson Pollock, Moon Woman Cuts the Circle, c. 1943
Jackson Pollock, No. 1, 1948
Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm, 1950
Barnett Newman, Onement I, 1948
Barnett Newman, Vir heroicus sublimis, 1950-51
Barnett Newman, Here and The Wild, 1950
Barnett Newman, Moment, 1946
Barnett Newman, Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue I, 1966
Robert Rauschenberg, Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953
Robert Rauschenberg with John Cage, Automobile Tire Print, 1953
Ellsworth Kelly, Window, Museum of Modern Art, Paris, 1949

(no image)
Ellsworth Kelly, Colors for a Large Wall, 1951
Cy Twombly, Free Wheeler, 1955
Eduardo Paolozzi, I Was a Rich Man’s Plaything, c. 1947
Richard Hamilton, Hommage à Chrysler Corp, 1957
Installation View of “Parallel of Life and Art,” 1953
Richard Hamilton, Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?, 1956
Jasper Johns, Target with Four Faces, 1955
Jasper Johns, Flag, 1954-55
Jasper Johns, Periscope (Hart Crane), 1963
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1956
Frank Stella, Takht-i-Sulayman, 1967
Alberto Giacometti, Femme debout (Leoni) (Standing Woman [Leoni]), 1947
Alberto Giacometti, Trois hommes qui marchent (Three Walking Men), 1948
Francis Bacon, Study after Velázquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X, 1953
Willem de Kooning, Woman, 1953

Jean Tinguely, Homage to New York, 1960
Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Wall of Barrels, Iron Curtain, 1961-62
François Dufrêne, 1/8 of the ceiling of the first biennial of Paris, 1959

(no image)
Jacques de la Villeglé and Raymond Hains, Ach Alma Manétro, 1949
Daniel Spoerri, Kishka’s Breakfast, no. 1, 1960
Arman, Premier Portrait-robot d’Yves Klein, 1960

(no picture - accumulation of posessions)
Jackson Pollock, Number 13A, 1948: Arabesque, 1948
Morris Louis, Saraband, 1959
Morris Louis, Beta Kappa, 1961
Kenneth Noland, Whirl, 1960
Helen Frankenthaler, Mountains and Sea, 1952
Roy Lichtenstein, Popeye, 1961
Roy Lichtenstein, In the Car, 1963
James Rosenquist, President Elect, 1960-1/4
Ed Ruscha, Large Trademark with Eight Spotlights, 1962
Ed Ruscha, Boss, 1961

(no image, black on brown "Boss"
Roy Lichtenstein, Golf Ball, 1962
Joseph Beuys, Aktion Kukei, akoopee – Nein! Braunkreuz, Fettecken, Modellfetteckenn (Brown cross, Fat corners, Model fat corners), 1964

(no image)
Joseph Beuys, Fluxus action in the large auditorium of the Technical University of Aachen, July 20, 1964
Joseph Beuys, Das Schweigen von Marcel Duchamp wird überbewertet (The Silence of Marcel Duchamp is Overrated), 1964
Joseph Beuys, Monument for Auschwitz, 1958

(no image - painting brown)
Joseph Beuys, Auschwitz-Demonstration (Seitenansicht), 1956-64
Andy Warhol, White Burning Car III, 1963
Andy Warhol, Marilyn Diptych, 1962
Andy Warhol, Lavender Disaster, 1963
Andy Warhol, Thirteen Most Wanted Men, 1964