Levator Scapulae muscle

Action :
- Elevation of scapula
- Lateral flexon of neck
- Transverse process of C1 - C4 Vertebrae
Insertion :
- Scapula
Innervation :
- Dorsal scapular nerve
-Ventral rami of C3-C4 spinal nerves

Action :
- Anterior
-Elevation of rib 1
-Lateral flexion and rotation of neck
- Middle
-Elevation of rib 1
-Lateral flexon of neck
- Posterior
-Elevation of rib 2
-Lateral flexion of neck
Origin :
- Transverse processes of C3-C7 Vertebrae
Semispinalis capitis

Action :
- Unilateral : rotation of head to opposite side
- Bilateral : Extension of head and neck
Origin :
- Transverse process of C7-T6 vertebrae
Insertion :
- Occipital bone
Innervation :
- Cervical spine nerves (dorsal rami)
Splenius Capitis

Action :
- Unilateral : Rotation of head to same side
- Bilateral : Extension of head and neck
Origin :
- Nuchal ligament
- vertebra prominens (c7 spinous process)
- spinous processes of T1-T3 vertebre
Insertion :
- Temporal bone (mastoid process)
- Occipital one (superior nuchal line)
Innervation :
- Dorsal rami of c3-c5 spinal nerves
Splenius cervicis
Action :
- Unilateral: rotation of head to same side
- Bilateral : Extension of head and neck
Origin :
- Spinous processes of T3-T6 vertebrae
Insertion :
- transverse processes of C1 - C3 vertebrae
Innervation :
- Dorsal rami of C3-C5 spinal nerves

Action :
- Unilateral : Rotation of head so face turns to opposite side
- Bilateral : Flexion of head
Origin :
- Clavicle (medial
- Sternum (manubrium)
Insertion :
- mastoid process of temporal bone
Innervation :
- Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)

Action :
- upper fibers : Elevation of scapula / medial rotation of scapula
- Middle : Retraction of scapula
- Lower : depression of scapula
Origin :
- Occipital bone / nuchal ligament / vertebra prominens / spinous process of t1 -t12 vertebrae
Insertion :
- clavicle / scapula
Innervation :
- Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)