What best defines “randomization” in biomedical research?
It is a method of distributing animals among the different groups needed for the study.
Which of the following does not cause enteritis in hamsters?
Mycoplasma spp.
According to statistics, what percentage of the people who work with laboratory animals develop allergic symptoms?
According to statistics, what percentage of the people who work with laboratory animals develop allergic symptoms?
What is the role of cytokines?
They serve to transmit information about the presence of a foreign substance from the receptor molecule to other molecules and cells of the immune system.
What is an example of an activity that reflects the transcendence level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
Mentoring a subordinate
Which of the following is not a recommendation included in the section of the manual describing the hiring process?
The job description should specifically list all the tasks that the employee will need to perform.
Adding an analgesic sedative to ketamine administration has which of the following effects?
It prevents muscle rigidity.
The function of various brain regions have been mapped using which technique?
Positron emission tomography
For small scale accidents in the facility, in what order should the following three steps be taken?
Leave the area, call for help, secure the area.
Which of the following are true of axenic animals as compared to animals with normal microflora?
They have generally lower enzyme levels.
Microfilaria isolated from fresh blood smears are an indication that the animal suffers from which disease?
Where does translation take place?
In the ribosomes
Which of the following is not required by FDA GLPs standard operating procedures?
Staff PPE use
Pharmacologists who develop new drugs or modify existing drugs to reduce their side effects, for example, would probably regularly use a drug classification system based on which feature?
Chemical structure
What is another term for macrophages?
Antigen-presenting cells
Isolators must have what device to allow materials to pass through to the isolator without contaminating the animals?
What is a major advantage of fluoroscopy over standard radiography?
It takes moving pictures.
What is Bremsstrahlung?
X-ray produced by beta particles when they decelerate
Which of the following statements represents the type of comments the supervisor should use in commenting on a completed task?
"Next time, you need to use the other disinfectant."
Why is cyclosporin A often used in individuals who have received tissue transplants?
It is an immunosuppressant drug
Which of the following characteristics does not apply to morphine?
It causes an increase in respiratory rate.
In which techniques is the x-ray beam rotated 360° around the patient to allow precise location of lesions?
Computed tomography
Why is neomycin not given by the enteral route?
It is toxic.
Which is the stage when a protozoan parasite actively multiplies?
Which of the following statements apply to antibodies?
They are produced in plasma cells.
What is a common side effect of anethesia induced with pentobarbital?
Salmonella, Shigella, and Streptococcus are often identified by which characteristic?
Serological typing
If you read an article that states that the results showed a significant difference at the 0.05 level, what does this mean?
There is a 95% probability that the difference is real.
For an aerosol to be used inhalation therapy, the particles must be smaller than what size?
5 µm
In a study that attempts to determine if using treats such as pieces of carrots to elicit a desired behavior in rats (move through a tunnel to a new cage) helps the rats learn the behavior quicker, what would the independent variable be?
The treats
Which of the following statements regarding atrophic rhinitis is true?
There is little that can be done to reverse the damage from atrophic rhinitis once it has occurred.
Who is responsible for providing security-related training to all staff in an animal facility?
The animal facility’s veterinary and supervisory staff
What is one reason to use a pre-anesthetic treatment?
Reduce the amount of anesthetic needed
In rebreathing systems, the concentration of anesthetic is usually expressed as which of the following?
Percentage of anesthetic gas in fresh air
What best describes polyclonal antibodies?
They are groups of antibodies that react with different sites on the same antigen.
Which of the following represents a difference between hysterectomy derivation and embryo transfer?
In one case the embryos are at term and in the other case, the embryos used are at an earlier stage of development.
Which of the following statements apply to haploid cells?
They are the germ cells.
In rebreathing anesthesia systems, what reaches the animal’s lungs?
A mixture of fresh and exhaled gases
What best describe a mutation?
A permanent change in the DNA sequence in some or all of an animal’s cells
What does an antibody titer measure?
The lowest dilution of the blood sample that gives a positive result when exposed to the antigen
Where does replication take place?
In the nucleus
Researchers who work with serum, blood, or tissues from humans or apes should receive what vaccine?
Hepatitis B
How is the mouse thymic virus detected?
Indirect immunoflurorescence assay
Which of the following agents has been nicknamed the "injectable gas?"
If the plasma appears cloudy in the hematocrit tube, it could be an indication of which condition?
In AIDS, the HIV virus destroys which of the cells involved in the immune response?
T helper cells and macrophages
The concentration of which of the following is usually expressed as grams per deciliter (g/dL)?
Which technique allows real time moving images to be observed?
Pregnancy and allergic reactions are two conditions that often cause an elevation in which white blood cell type?
Which of the following statements apply to all bacteria?
They do not have mitochondria in their cytoplasm.
What imaging technique allows the observation of biological processes as they occur?
Positron emission tomography
Atropine and glycopyrrolate belong in which of the following types of drugs?
What is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract in swine associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasturella multocida?
Atrophic rhinitis
Which of the following statements is true of nonrebreathing systems?
They produce large amounts of WAGs
Which of the following describes Carbon-14 (14C), tritium (3H), and Iodine-125 (125I)?
Contagious ecthyma is also known as _______ or _____________.
orf, sore mouth
Which pinworm infection can be detected by a tape test?
Which of the following drugs can reverse the effect of opioids?
Nalorphine and naloxone
The presence of a pathogen in the animals procured from a vendor may not be detected by the health surveillance program for up to how long?
up to 3 months
Dose rates are generally expressed as
Which of the following carbohydrates is a monosaccharide?
The ability to clearly relate the facility’s goals to the staff is an example of:
communication skills.
What is the most common disease of freshwater fish maintained in aquaria in institutional settings?
When wild type females are bred to hemizygous males, what percentage of the offspring can be expected to have the transgene?
What is the predominant type of immunoglobulins found in the saliva of mammals?
What does the term “drug spectrum” refer to?
The type of organisms it is effective against
What is the product of translation?
Enzootic pneumonia is caused primarily by which pathogen?
Mycoplasma spp.
What additional publication from USDA clarifies the intent of the Animal Welfare Act?
The Animal Care Policy Manual
Which class of biosafety cabinets offers the most protection to personnel?
Class III
Which of the following scientists are associated with the development of the basic concepts of immunology?
Jenner and Pasteur
What best describes alpha particles?
They consist of two protons.
What is a characteristic of the respiratory pattern of surgical anesthesia?
Breathing initiated in the thoracic-abdominal area
Which of the following zoonotic viral disease often remains asymptomatic in infected macaques and can be fatal in humans?
Cercopithecine herpevirus I
Which agency administers the Animal Welfare Act?
What term describes lice infestation?
Which of the following treatments is commonly used in laboratory animals to prevent transplant rejection?
Radiation exposure to kill immune system cells
The confidence level is an index of:
The cost for personnel generally represents what percentage of an animal facility’s budget?
More than 60%
Among the red blood indices, which one provides information about the average size of the individual red blood cells?
Mean corpuscular volume
Why are adjuvants used in vaccines?
To enhance the immune response
What does an ultrasonic doppler flow detector measure?
Blood pressure
Which of the following applies to certified feeds?
The concentration of contaminants is below maximum acceptable levels.
Mycobacteriosis in fish is thought to spread through which of the following?
Cannibalism of dead tank mates
Antibody-mediated immune response is associated with which kind of cells?
B cells
What is another name for infectious tracheobronchitis?
Kennel cough
The introduction of an antibiotic resistance gene into a DNA fragment is used for what purpose?
It helps identify the cells that have integrated the transgene.
Using an anticholinergic before anesthesia helps prevent which of the following?
Choking while under anesthesia
If you are anesthetizing a 5 kg dog using a rebreathing system, what capacity would you choose for the rebreathing bag?
100 ml
Describe a good way to give an anesthetic "to effect" using the intravenous route.
Half the dose is injected at once, the rest is injected in small amounts as needed until the desired stage of anesthesia is reached.
Which organization has developed standards and guidelines to help prevent the transmission of zoonoses through importation of animals?
The World Organization for Animal Health
What are the three steps involved in an acquired immunity response to a foreign substance?
Recognition, processing, response
Abdominal distention, dehydration, tooth grinding and a sloshing sound when the abdomen is palpated are clinical signs of which rabbit disease?
Mucoid enteropathy
What easily observable signs could suggest a diagnosis of dermatophytosis?
Crusty lesions around a few hairs or a slight scaliness of the skin
Which of the following are the weakest bonds in DNA?
Which immune system cells secrete antibodies?
Plasma cells
What best describe the "community right-to-know" regulations?
A list of all hazardous materials present in the facility must be made available to local emergency response groups.
An anesthetic log should be kept for each animal. How often should vital parameters be recorded?
Every 10-15 minutes
A mycelium is formed by which of the following?
A mold colony
As a radioactive substance decays, the energy and particles that are emitted are referred to by which term?
Which of the following is not a major difference between the structure and chemical makeup of DNA and RNA?
DNA has nitrogenous bases while RNA has hydrogenous bases.
How often should a research facility using regulated species update their USDA registration?
Every 3 years
hich of the following is not a common gastrointestinal conditions in laboratory rabbits?
What is the primary reason for the establishment and maintenance of a breeding colony?
To produce animals of a specific genotype
Which of the following drugs is a dissociative agent?
How often must the PHS assurance be resubmitted?
Every 5 years
How should a urine sample for microbiological analysis be obtained?
Perform a cystocentesis.
What disease can cause fatal respiratory disease in newborn and weanling mice?
Sendai virus
Which of the following statements represents the type of comments the supervisor should use in commenting on a completed task?
"Next time, you need to use the other disinfectant."
Xylazine is which type of drug?
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
What best describes category C animals?
Animals not experiencing pain or distress
What does the term “gnotobiotics” mean?
Well-known life