covers the brain
when viewed from the top, which nerves are in front and which are in the midregion of the brain?

further to the front: olfactory nerves

in the midregion: optic nerves

what is between the optic nerves?
optic chiasama
when viewed from the side of the brain, where is the cerebellum?
the starburst/cauliflower-looking thing at the base of the brainstem
what is located next to the cerebellum at the top of the brain stem?
what is the curving region in the middle of the brain above the pons?
corpus callosum
what are the three parts of the kidney, from outer to inner?

starting with outermost:

renal cortex

renal medulla

renal pelvis (yellowish)

what is between the ventricles of the heart?
male mnium
female mnium
mnium antheridium
the one with the arms is female; the round one is male (marchantia)

lycopodium strobilus

note: antheridium and archegonium are on one site!

what are the smaller "leaves" of pterophyta called?
what are the cicles on the pinna of pterophyta?
what are the sori made of?
the flat part is the (n) gametophyte; growing from it is the (2n) sporophyte
what is a female pine cone called?
ovulate cone
what is a male pinecone called?
staminate/microsporanginate cone
pinus ovule
left is a monocot; right is a dicot; the circles are vascular bundles
root tip
xylem is the x-part; phloem are the smaller circles around it
from top to bottom, what are the four regions of the root?

1. maturation region

2. elongation region

3. meristematic region

4. root cap

what are the top and bottom covers of a leaf called?
upper and lower epidermis, respectively
what are the upper and lower middle regions of a leaf called, respectively?

palisade mesophyll (upper)

spongy mesophyll (lower)

stomata formed by a pair of guard cells
circular, male jacketed sex organ
oblong, female jacketed sex organ