Baptistery Florence 11c
Ghiberti Baptistry east door 1450
Brunelleschi Tomb Portrait
Florence Baptistry Ghiberti 1400 Abraham 
Baptistry Florence Brunelleschi Issac 1400
Ghiberti St John the Baptist 1415
Ornsmichele 1400 painters guild
Leonardo Isabella d'este 1500
Gian ramano Francesco Gonzaga 1498
Andrea Montega self 1500
Gioivanni Bellini self 1500
Montegna Paranassas 1500
Giorgione Nativity 1504
Perugino, christ giving keys to st peter 1480
Botticelli, Punishment of Korah 1480
1475-1564 student of Ghirlandiao in 1487, study sculpture with medici under lorenzo the magnifico
Michelangelo battle of centaurs and lapiths, marble florence 1492
Michelangelo Modonna of the stairs 1490
Michelangelo 1494
flees to Bologna after french invasion and exile of medici family. study dante petrarch and boccaccio
Michelangelo 1496 
To rome. studies ancient sculpture and architecture directly from ruins

Michelangelo, drunken baccus,1496

Cardinal riario rejected

Michelangelo, pieta 1496 signed name across chest
school of avignon pieta 
Michelangelo, David 1501. 17' tall intended for butress in il duomo, associated with hercules, poem david with his sling me with my bow
Nicholas Pisano, Fortitude 1260
Donatello David 1430
Verocchio David 1475
Guild 1504

Meeting to decide where to put the David

Palazzo della signoria

Michelangelo 1505

Fled to rome to work on pope jullius II tomb

st peters bassilica

Pope Julius II tomb
basic layout
Leonardo 1452-1519
paragone-comparison of sculpture vs painting
no distinct lines, blending
Leonardo w/ verrochio,baptism of christ 1475 florence
Leonardo, Adoration of Magi 1481 Florence
Leonardo Perugino, christ giving keys to st peter Florence 1482

Leonardo, Benois Madonna 1478 florence 

oil on canvas


Desiderio da settignano, madonna and child marble

florence 1460

Leonardo, Madonna of the carnation 1478 florence
Leonardo, Ginerva da benci, florence 1474
Verrocchio, lady with flowers florence 1475
Leonardo Milan sforza
drawings of weapons
Leonardo, Equestrian monument for francesco sforza milan 1490 incomplete
Verrocchio, colleoni monument venice 1490
Leonardo, cecilia gallerani 1490
Bellini, Pietro Bembo 1500

Romano, Medal of Isabella d'Estate 1498

gold diamonds enamel

Leonardo, lucretzia crevelli 1495
Leonardo, Ugly Duchess 1500
Leonardo, St john the baptist 1509
Bellini, Madonna 2 female saints 1490
Bellini, S Giobbe altar 1485 venice
Bellini S Zaccaria altar, 1505 venice
Giorgione self 1505
giorgione, castelfranco altar 1500
giorgione, boy with arrow 1500
Giorgione, laura 1506
giorgione, la vecchia 1508
Great council hall
palazzo della signioria florence
Leonardo, battle of anghiari
Michelangelo battle of cascina
Michelangelo, taddei tondo 1504
Raffaello Sanzo 1483
born in urbino
raffaello 1502
sienna associated with pintoricchio
raffaello 1504
went to florence
raffaello 1508
went to rome became friends with bramante
Raffaello 1508-20
stanze reception rooms
raffaello 1510
agostino chigi-banker from siena
raffaello 1514
inspector of intiquities vatican
Raffaello, angelo doni reverse deluge 1506
Raffaello, maddalena strazzi doni 1506
raffaello, julius II 1512
raffaello, baldessare castiglione 1514
raffaello, donna celata 1515
raffaello la fornarina 1518 mistress of margherita lutti
raffaello bindo altoviti 1515 flourentine banker in rome
rafaello, pope leo x and cardinals 1518
raffaello marriage of the virgin 1504 comp with perugino
raffaello modonna of the meadow 1506
raffaello entombment 1507 comp with ancient sculpture with michelangelo
raffaello modonna del foligno 1511
raffaello sistine modonna 1512