Geometric Period 900-700 BC

meander - Greek key pattern

prothesis - scene of figure laying out dead

abstract human figure

used as a grave marker "Krater"


Kore (Goddess) "Lady of Auxerre" 650 BC

Orientalizing Period 


flat head, shovel face, traingular form of hair


connection to Ancient Near East:

Conical skirt, rounded shoulers


connection to Ancient Egypt: rigid posture, block like form,

stone carving, & the figural conventions


Kouros 600 BC

Archaic Period 


1. not on block form unless truly neccesary (hands)

human form is supreme, more natural

2. male figures are nude and females draped

3. facial features sit on form

4. muscles are shown as incised lines


Kroisos 530 BC

Archaic Period


functions as shrines or grave marker

shows greater details of human anatomy

pigment on statue seems more life-like

- rubbed w/ beeswax


*only 70yrs later from Kouros

rapid stylistic changes in Greek Art

human form more naturalistic


*Archaic grin/smile - represents lived life


Peplos Kore 530 BC

Archaic Period


peplos - garment that cinches at the waist

female draped body

3-D can walk around whole structure


Temple of Hera I 550 BC

@ Paestum


peripteral temple - sorrounded by columns

more interest in viewing the outside of temple structure

inside was considered official house for Gods

outside was for worshiping & sacrifice at the altar


stylobate - top step, columns rest on it

shaft - cylindrical with fluting

entasis - wider bottom

capital - top of column

echinus - simple drum

abacus - square shape support

entablature - horizontal structure 

architrave - bottom of entablature

metopes - plain or carved reliefs

triglyps - 3 vertical bands

pediment - gabled roof


Temple of Artemis 600-580 BC

Pediment: Gorgon Medusa


standing figure at the center, highest point

gorgon - monster

placed on temple to deflect evil



Achilles and Ajax 540 BC

vase painting by Exekias (first known painter)


amphora - storage jar

black figure - painted on black vase

figures playing a game of dice

composition of figures follow the shape of the vase

(spears, body, armor on the sides)




Herakles Wrestling Antaios 510 BC

painter: Euphronios


red-figure - painting on red vase

Hercules' composure is ideal (calm and strong)