Term 1

The phase in which water exists is determined by:

Definition 1

temperature and pressure.

Term 2

Hydrogen bonds form between neighboring water molecules because of:

Definition 2

polarity of water molecules.

Term 3

The surface tension of water:

Definition 3

is relatively high.

Term 4

Covalent bonds form between hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule as a result of the:

Definition 4

sharing of electrons between atoms.

Term 5

Water can pile up a short distance above a container's rim due to:

Definition 5

high surface tension.

Term 6

Some insects can glide across the surface of water due to water's:

Definition 6

surface tension.

Term 7

Many of the unique properties of water are attributed to the fact that water:

Definition 7

is a polar molecule.

Term 8

The amount of energy that is necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree C is called the:

Definition 8


Term 9

Which property of water causes coastal communities to have only moderate differences in daily highs and lows when compared to inland communities?

Definition 9

high heat capacity

Term 10

Latent heat is used to:

Definition 10

change states of matter.

Term 11

A beaker contains a mixture of ice and pure water at 0oC. What happens to the temperature of the mixture as heat is added?

Definition 11

It remains constant until the ice melts; then it begins to rise.

Term 12

When water evaporates from the ocean surface:

Definition 12

the remaining water is cooled.

Term 13

In comparison to most other liquids, the heat capacity of water is:

Definition 13

higher than other liquids.

Term 14

The average salinity of sea water is:

Definition 14


Term 15

The Principle of Constant Proportions states that:

Definition 15

the relative concentrations of seawater ions do not change.

Term 16

Which of the following statements regarding pH is not true?

Definition 16

As a whole, the pH of the ocean is slightly acidic.

Term 17

The ion in seawater that serves as a buffer is:

Definition 17


Term 18

The transfer of water from the atmosphere to the oceans to the continents is known as the:

Definition 18

hydrologic cycle.

Term 19

A rapid change in ocean temperature with change in depth is the:

Definition 19


Term 20

A rapid change in ocean density with change in depth is the:

Definition 20


Term 21

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

Definition 21

buffering capacity. hydrogen ion. pH.

Term 22

With respect to incoming solar radiation, radiation emitted back into the atmosphere has:

Definition 22

a longer wavelength.

Term 23

The percentage of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth's oceans and landmasses is about:

Definition 23


Term 24

the percentage of solar radiation directed to earth absorbed by the clouds and the atmosphere is about:

Definition 24


Term 25

the tropic of capricorn is located at

Definition 25

23.5oS latitude.

Term 26

As a result of the Coriolis effect in the northern hemisphere, winds are deflected

Definition 26

to the right of the original direction.

Term 27

The deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the

Definition 27

Coriolis effect.

Term 28

A maritime tropical air mass is likely to be:

Definition 28

wet and warm.

Term 29

A cold air mass moving into an area occupied by relatively warm air is called a(n)

Definition 29

cold front

Term 30

Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and:

Definition 30

differences in the heat capacity of ocean and land.

Term 31

Winds blowing from the north into the southern hemisphere will appear to:

Definition 31

be deflected toward the east.

Term 32

The doldrums refer to the same region as the:

Definition 32

intertropical convergence zone.

Term 33

The temperate regions are characterized by:

Definition 33

westerly winds.

Term 34

Low pressure systems in the northern hemisphere rotate

Definition 34


Term 35

The strength of a hurricane is ranked from 1 to 5 on the

Definition 35

Saffir-Simpson Scale.

Term 36

Hurricanes are an efficient way to:

Definition 36

redistribute heat from one area to another.

Term 37

When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a:

Definition 37

higher salinity.

Term 38

The zone ocean where sound can travel extremely long distances is called the:

Definition 38

SOFAR channel.

Term 39

Worldwide, the SOFAR channel is located at an approximate ocean depth of:

Definition 39

1000 meters.

Term 40

The atmospheric component that contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is:

Definition 40

water vapor.

Term 41

The gas(es) that is (are) increasing atmospheric concentration relative to other gases in the atmosphere annually is (are):

Definition 41


Term 42

Which of the following atmospheric constituents has the greatest ability to absorb heat (a per mole basis)?

Definition 42


Term 43

Which of the following is a consequence of global warming?

Definition 43

All of the above are consequences of global warming.

Term 44

Burning of fossil fuels is chemically similar to:

Definition 44


Term 45

Since 1750, the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by almost:

Definition 45


Term 46

An agreement amongst 60 nations to voluntarily limit greenhouse gas emissions is called the:

Definition 46

Kyoto Protocol.

Term 47

The unit of measurement used to describe the rate at which a volume of ocean water moves in a current is a(n):

Definition 47


Term 48

Equatorial currents are driven by the:

Definition 48

trade winds.

Term 49

Surface ocean circulation is driven primarily by _____ and modified by _____.

Definition 49

wind; the Coriolis effect and land.

Term 50

Convection cells driven by the relatively weak winds near the center of gyres are called:

Definition 50

Langmuir circulation.

Term 51

Which of the following is true of surface water circulation near Antarctica?

Definition 51

Two circumpolar currents dominate it, one current that moves water to the east and one current that moves water to the west.

Term 52

The Sargasso Sea is located in the:

Definition 52

North Atlantic Ocean.

Term 53

When a meander from the Gulf Stream pinches off and isolates a body of nearshore water, the resulting body of water is called a:

Definition 53

cold core ring.

Term 54

Identify the mismatched pair:

Definition 54

Labrador Current - Humbolt Current

Term 55

During winter months, monsoon winds over the Indian Ocean:

Definition 55

flow from land to sea and are dry.

Term 56

Compared to an eastern boundary current in a gyre, which of the following statements is true for a western boundary current?

Definition 56

All of the above statements are true of western boundary currents.

Term 57

Which of the following is a western boundary current?

Definition 57

Brazil Current.

Term 58

Compared to a western boundary current, which of the following statements is true for an eastern boundary current?

Definition 58

Eastern boundary currents are broad and slow.

Term 59

Which of the following is not an eastern boundary current?

Definition 59

Gulf Stream

Term 60

Geostrophic circulation is within a gyre driven by:

Definition 60


Term 61

Westward intensification is associated with:

Definition 61

All of the above statements are associated with westward intensification.

Term 62

Surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water through:

Definition 62


Term 63

Strong upwelling occurs in all of the following except:

Definition 63

where deep ocean water currents are formed.

Term 64

Deep ocean water generally has high amounts of:

Definition 64

nutrients and oxygen.

Term 65

The worldwide effects of El Nino include all of the following except:

Definition 65

Drought in the US Gulf coastal states.

Term 66

El Nino Southern Oscillation can best be described as:

Definition 66

the relationship between sea surface temperature and high altitude pressure.

Term 67

The El Nino weather pattern is associated with:

Definition 67

drought and fires in Australia.

Term 68

The Ekman spiral results from friction and the Coriolis effect, while Ekman transport results from:

Definition 68


Term 69

In the southern hemisphere, the direction of Ekman transport is:

Definition 69

to the left of the wind direction.

Term 70

Which type of flow works in opposition to Ekman transport gyre?

Definition 70

gravity-driven circulation.

Term 71

Thermohaline circulation is driven by

Definition 71

density differences

Term 72

Compared to Antarctic Bottom Water, North Atlantic Deep Water is:

Definition 72

warmer, and higher in salinity

Term 73

The location where water flows uninterrupted between the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans is

Definition 73

in the Southern Ocean

Term 74

The arrangement of water masses in the southern Atlantic Ocean from the surface bottom is:

Definition 74

Antarctic Intermediate Water, North Atlantic Deep Water, Antarctic Bottom Water.

Term 75

Word Analysis. Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

Definition 75

Gulf of Alaska. Agulhas Current. Peru Current. strong trade winds.

Term 76

The largest wind-generated waves tend to be associated with the:

Definition 76


Term 77

The ratio of wave height to wavelength is called the:

Definition 77

wave steepness

Term 78

The time it takes for a full wave to pass a stationary object is called the wave:

Definition 78


Term 79

Deep-water waves are:

Definition 79

orbital waves.

Term 80

Wave speed is equal to

Definition 80

wavelength divided by period.

Term 81

Storm surges are generated by intense:

Definition 81

low-pressure systems.

Term 82

The circular motion of water molecules extends to a depth that is equal to:

Definition 82


Term 83

The diameter of a wave orbital at the surface is equal to:

Definition 83

wave height.

Term 84

A deep-water wave occurs when the water depth is greater than or equal to:

Definition 84

1/2 of wavelength.

Term 85

All of the following are shallow-water waves except:

Definition 85

All of the above are examples of shallow water waves.

Term 86

The speed of a shallow-water wave is proportional to:

Definition 86

water depth.

Term 87

The speed of a deep-water wave is proportional to:

Definition 87


Term 88

Capillary and gravity waves are named for the:

Definition 88

dominant restoring force.

Term 89

The height of a wave depends upon

Definition 89

fetch, wind duration, and wind speed.

Term 90

The fetch refers to:

Definition 90

the distance over which wind blows without interruption.

Term 91

An internal wave might form:

Definition 91

at a density boundary within the ocean.

Term 92

As a wave begins to feel bottom near a shoreline, its wave height:

Definition 92

increases and wavelength decreases.

Term 93

Constructive interference results in larger waves while destructive interference produces:

Definition 93

smaller waves.

Term 94

A wave will break when:

Definition 94

steepness > 1:7.

Term 95

Waves that are moving faster than local wind and are sorted out by wavelength are called:

Definition 95


Term 96

Waves that are breaking along the shore and are forming a curling crest over an air pocket are called:

Definition 96

plunging breakers.

Term 97

If a surfer wishes to have a really long ride, what type of wave should he or she look for?

Definition 97

spilling breakers.

Term 98

Waves converge on headlands due to:

Definition 98

wave refraction.

Term 99

Which of the following from earliest to latest represents the typical order of formation of waves?

Definition 99

sea, swell, surf.

Term 100

Rouge waves tend to occur:

Definition 100

where storm waves move against strong surface currents.

Term 101

Standing waves may be caused by:

Definition 101

wave reflection.

Term 102

A tsunami may result from:

Definition 102

tectonic activity on the seafloor.

Term 103

A tsunami is considered to be a:

Definition 103

shallow water wave.

Term 104

Word Analysis. Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

Definition 104

Spilling. Period. Swell.