What muscles make up the rotator cuff?
What actions does the rotator cuff complete?
What does PAR-Q stand for and what does it ask?
What does the Health History Form ask?
What is negligence?
What are the three sites to take heart rate?
What are the ranges for BMI?
What is the formula for BMI?
Describe blood flow to the heart.
What is cardaic output? How is it calculated?
What is stroke volume? How is it calculated?

What is blood pressure?

What is avg. bp?

What is considered hypertension?

What is the VO2 (oxygen consumption) equation?
What is expiration? What muscles are involved with expiration?
What is FORCED expiration?
What are the three types of muscle and their functions?
What is the SA node?
What is the spine made up of?

What is kyphosis?

What is lordosis?

What is scoliosis?

What is anaerobic metabolism?
What is aerobic metabolism/oxidative phosphorlaytion?

What are type 1 muscle fibers?

Type 2? Type 2a, 2b, 2c?


What is Heart Rate Reserve?


What formula do you use to determine target HR? Target VO2?
What equals 1 MET?

What is the inch to cm conversion?

Inch to m?

LBS to Kg?

What are the importance of a warm-up and cool-down? What percent should they be performed at?
What is the order of periodization in regards to resistance training?
What is DOMS? What relation does rhambdomylosis have to DOMS?
What are the three most popular methods of stretching?
What does the principle of specifitity state?
What does the principle of overload state?
What do the principles of progression and regression state?
What is the difference between bilateral, unilateral and general ankle edema?

What is the waist to hip ratio? (WHR)

What WHR determines health risks in men and women?


What does more weight at trunk imply?

How is waist to hip ratio measured?

What is precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance?
Name what the 5 stages of readiness are and what they mean.
What are the SMART goals?
What increase HDL, lowers LDL, and reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressures?
How many cals per gram are in CHO, PRO, FAT?
How much and how often should a person consume water during exercise bouts?
How much fat intake is recommened for USDA pyramid?
What is Anorexia defined as?
What are the signs and symptoms of Anorexia?
What is plethysmography?
What is the valsava manuever?
What is the general guideline of exercise in the healthy population of adults, ACCORDING TO ACSM...
What does FITTE stand for?
What is the FITT for children and adolescents?
What is the FITT for elderly adults?
What are SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS for the elderly population?
What is exercise testing and participation based upon?
What are some muscular strength tests? What are some muscular endurance tests?
If you are going to adjust a portion of the FITT program which do you adjust first?

In order to improve muscular strength what range of reps and sets should one perform?

To improve muscular ENDURANCE what should one do?

What is the difference between ABSOLUTE and RELATIVE contraindications to exercise?
What is proper spotting technique?
What is the difference between osteopenia and osteoporsis?
What is the recommended intake of PRO for the average person? for endurance athletes? for strength athletes?
What is the adequate intake (AI) for iron? Why are women more susceptible to iron defiency? What can result from iron deficiency?
What is DHEA?
What does IDEA stand for?
What are fibrous joints?
What are cartilaginous joints?
Name three synovial joints and an example of each.
Name three more synovival joints and an example of each.
What are the 3 planes of the body?

What do tendons do?

What do ligaments do?

What is malpractice?



What is impingement syndrome?
What is the second most injured joint from overuse and repetition?
What is newtons law of interia?
What is newtons second law of acceleration?
What is newtons 3rd law of action-reaction?
What is the sliding filament theory?
Explain what a muscular contraction is.
What determines if a muscle is eccentric?
What are lower back problems associated with?
Name 9 site skin fold measures and where exact measurements are taken.
What are the signs of heat exhaustion?
What are the signs of heat stroke?
What effect does nictoine have on exercise?
What is the difference between isotonic, isometric and isokinetic?
What is the order of the intitial health screening of a client?
What are special considerations for training a pregnant woman?
What are the 3 site measurement for skinfold of men and women?
What is the difference between overweight and obese?
What is the female athlete triad?
What is the guideline to decrease or increase weight?
What is the difference between physical activity and exercise?
What are the 5 components of physical fitness?
What does RICE stand for?
When do you use ice and when do you use heat?
What is the ideal calorie distrubition for athletes and physically active adults?
What are the 6 classes of nutrients?
What percent body fat is considered increased risk for women and men?
What is mitral valve prolapse?
What is circuit training?
What is interval training?

What does an AED do &

 when should it be used?


Flexion and extension?

Abduction and adduction?

Horiziontal abduction?

Horiziontal adduction?


Internal rotation?

External rotation?

Lateral flexion?



Elevation? Depression?

Retraction? Protraction?


Upward rotation? Downward rotation?

Circumduction? Opposition?


Radial deviation? Ulnar deviation?

Eversion? Inversion?


Dorsiflexion? Plantar flexion?

Pronation? Supination?

What is an agonist muscle? What is an antagonist muscle? What is a synergist muscle? Stabilizer?
Muscle Man.
Muscle Man back view.

What is center of gravity?

What is base of support?

What is balance and stability?
What are plyometrics? How does a trainer design a program using plyometrics?
What helps define proper body alignment and posture?
What are the physiological and psychological signs of overtraining?

What is muscular atrophy?

What is muscular hyperplasia?

What is the criteria for terminating an exercise test?
What is lean body mass?