franchisee, franchiser

Retail Outlets
Product Distribution
Trade Name
product distribution
the neutral benefits it provides to the franchiser and the franchisee.
ability to obtain prime locations in hight trafic areas.
centralized and large-volume buying power.
Management Training and Experience.
The quality of the goods and services provided.
It is a long process and the buyer should be patient.
Equipment is installed and production capacity is known.
bargain priced.
The real reason for selling is seldom stated honestly.
needs to be checked for age and salability.
are rarely worth thier face value.
analyze his/her skills, abilities, and interests in an honest self audit.
prepare a list of potential candidates and investigate them.
What kind of business you want to have and want to advoid.
the hidden market.
due diligence.
terms are more important than price paid.
The seller
The buyer should be able to make the payments on the loans out of the company's cash flow.
All the above
Attracting capital for the start-up
business plan
forces and entrepreneur to think a business idea through, considering both its positive and its negative aspects.
Determining the principle risks confronting the business.
provide direction, to create a "target" to shoot for.
Contains both a marketin plan and a financial plan.
guerilla marketing techniques

The customer.

from the customer's point of view.
pinpointing  the specific target markets a small business will serve.
he/she needs to discover where it is going early and decide whether or not to get on board.
Provides the information that is foundational to the marketing plan.
Who are my customers and what are they looking for?
Reduce risks associated with business decisions
Define the research problem clearly.
Psychographics Data
data rich, lots of facts, but information poor, little in useful form.
gathers data on individual customers and then tailors an appeal to their needs and tastes.
the owner must attach meaning to it.
all of these

Data Mining

failing to identify the target market.
have well-defined "portraits" of the customers they want to attract.
understanding customers' unique needs, wants, and preferences.
Data Mining
based on customers' perceptions of it products and services.
relationship marketing.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


an indifferent employee treated them poorly.
is an investment in the future; without steady advertising the customer base will dry up.
Identify her target audience.
A unique selling proposition
describes the primary benefit of the product.
The target audience and the message
limit the content of each ad.
Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion
Work from the customer's perspective and use past "success stories."
Who are my target customers?