Term 1

Definition 1

Buccinator Muscle
-Action : Compression of cheek
-Origin : Pterygomandibular raphe
Maxilla (lateral aspect)
Mandible (lateral body)
-Insertion: Blends with muscles at angle of mouth
-Innervation: Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)

Term 2

Definition 2

Depressor anguli oris muscle
-Depression of the angle of the mouth
- Mandible (Body)
-Blends with muscle at the angle of the mouth
-Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 3

Definition 3

Depressor labii inferioris

-Depression of the lower lip (pout)
-Mandible (body)
-Blends with muscles of the mouth
-Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 4

Definition 4

Frontalis Muscle

Action :
-Elevation of eyebrows
-Creases skin on forehead
-Moves scalp foreward and backward
Origin :
- Skin of eyebrow and forehead
- Blends with obicularis oculi muscle
Insertion :
-Epicramial aponeurosis
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (Cranial nerve VII)

Term 5

Definition 5

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Action :
- Elevation of upper lip
- Dilation of naris
Origin :
- Maxilla
Insertion :
- Alar cartilage of nose
- blends with muscles of upper lip
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (Cranial nerve VII)

Term 6

Definition 6

Levator labii superioris

Action :
- Elevation of upper lip (sneer)
Origin :
- Maxilla
- zygomatic bone
Insertion :
- Blends with muscles of upper lip
Innervation :
- Facial Nerve (Cranial nerve VII)

Term 7

Definition 7

Nasalis Muscle

Action :
- Widens naris (flares nostrils)
Origin :
- Maxilla
Insertion :
- Alar cartilage (of nose)
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 8

Definition 8

Occipitofrontalis Muscle

Action :
- Elevation of eyebrows
- Creases skin of forehead
- moves scalp backwards and forward
Origin :
- Occipitalis: occipital bone (Superior nuchal line)
- frontalis: skin of eyebrow and forehead
Insertion :
- epicranial aponeurosis
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 9

Definition 9

Orbicularis oculi muscle

Action :
-Closes eyelids (blink / wink)
Origin :
- Frontal bone
- maxilla
Insertion :
- Fibers blend at lateral side of orbit
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 10

Definition 10

Orbicularis oris muscle

Action :
- Closes / Protrudes lips (pucker)
Origin :
- Skin around the mouth
- mandible (midline)
- Maxilla (midline)
Insertion :
- Lips
- Interdigitation with fibers from opposite side
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 11

Definition 11

Platysma Muscle

Action :
- elevates and creases skin of neck
- depression of lower lip and angle of mouth
Origin :
- Fascia or upper thorax and lower neck
Insertion :
- mandible (lower border)
- skin and fascia of lower face
- blends with muscles of lower lip and angle of mouth
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

Term 12

Definition 12

Zygomaticus major muscle

Action :
- Elevation of corner of mouth (smile)
Origin :
- zygomatic bone
Insertion :
- Blends with muscles at angle of mouth
Innervation :
- Facial nerve (Cranial nerve VII)