people adapt their thinking to incoming information
the cognitive process where existing schemata are modified or/and new schemata is restructured to fit the child’s environment |
the subconscious or subliminal, process by which individuals learn important things like language, prejudices, habits, social rules and behaviors. Accretion accounts for about 70% of what individuals know and understand |
people transform incoming information so that it fits within their existing thinking
tends to be more relevant to students and it appears to be the conscious choice of how students want to learn. (self-instruction, experimenting, inquiry, exploring, and general curiosity) Acquisition accounts for about 20% of what students learn |
an attachment to the end or beginningof base or root words. A generic term that describes prefixes and suffixes word parts "fixed to" either the beginnings of words (prefixes) or the ending of words (suffixes). |
the notion that letters making a word have corresponding sounds, thus letters and sounds can be placed together to build words. |
words with opposite meanings, (i.e., big and little) |
the cognitive process where information from the environment is integrated into existing schematato use and apply recently learned knowledge into one's thought pattern in solving problems |
pointed out that learning is based primarily on the types of superordinate processes that occur during the early learning stage. Here, new material is related to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure. Ausubel felt discovery learning techniques are often uneconomical, inefficient, and ineffective. |
a technique to examine students’ collective abilities via real-world challenges that requires them to apply their relevant skills and knowledge |
found that although environment causes behavior, behavior also causes environment as well. Bandura labeled this concept reciprocal determinism. Bandura is considered a “father” of the cognitive movement, the observational learning, better known as the social learning theory. |
a theory of animal and human learning that focuses on observable behaviors and ignores psychological activities |
Bloom and a group of educational psychologists developed a taxonomy based on the classification levels of intellectual behavior important to the learning process. The cognitive learning domain consisted of six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. For example: (1.) Knowledge: arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, reproduce, and state. (2.) Comprehension: classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, and translate.(3.) Application: apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, and write. (4.) Analysis: analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question,and test. (5.) Synthesis: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, and write. And,(6.) Evaluation: appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, and evaluate. |
suggested that learning is an active process where students’ constructed new ideas and concepts based upon their current/past experiences and knowledge. The learned information selected is then transformed to constructs hypotheses and makes decisions based on the cognitive structure. |
two or more individuals reading aloud from the same text in unison to enhance oral reading fluency. |
Classical conditioning is used by trainers for two purposes: To condition (train) autonomic responses, such as the drooling, producing adrenaline, or reducing adrenaline (calming) without using the stimuli that would naturally create such a response; and, to create an association between a stimulus that normally would not have any effect on the animal and a stimulus that would. |
teaching students to use their own thinking processes to solve problems |
a theory developed by Edward Thorndike. The learning theory that represents the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology suggesting that learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses. These associations or "habits" become strengthened or weakened by the nature and frequency of the S-R pairings. EX: After much trial and error behavior, the cat learns to associate pressing the lever (S) with opening the door (R). This S-R connection is established because it results in a satisfying state of affairs (escape from the box). |
an instructional approach that encourages students to work collaboratively as partners or in small groups on clearly defined tasks |
a classroom environment that promotes learning via a variety of teaching and learning strategies including, cooperative learning, collaboration, technology, etc |
general framework for instruction based upon the study of cognition. Constructivism is based on the belief that children construct meaning from their experiences, and are not just passive receivers of information. |
standard spelling is the correct form for written documents |
relative to problem solving. Here, students use creativity, analysis, and logic regarding their ability to analyze facts, make comparisons, generate ideas, defend view points, draw inferences, evaluate arguments and solve problems. |
initiated from the general to the more specific, and often referred to as the "top-down" approach. Deductive reasoning is more narrow and primarily concerned with testing hypotheses. |
concerned with how student the classroom environment affected learning |
two letters that represent one speech sound, as EA in BREAD, CH in CHAT, or NG in SING |
two-vowel combinations where both vowels are heard, but not quite making their usual sounds because of the blending, i.e., oy in TOY |
Derivational Relations Spelling |
common among students ages 11-14. Here, students explore the relationship between spelling and meaning during the derivational relations stage, and learn that words with related meanings are often related in spelling despite changes in vowel and consonant sounds (e.g., wise-wisdom, sign-signal, nation-national). Examples of spelling errors include: CRITISIZE (criticize), APPEARENCE (appearance), and COMMITTE or COMMITEE (committee). The focus in this stage is on morphemes, and students learn about Greek and Latin root words and affixes. |
a strategy where the teacher reads a line or passage with good expression, and calls on students to read it back. This is a good technique to use with Emergent Readers to help them build reading fluency |
manifested via structuring, patterning, and constructing meaning, understanding, and ideas that did not exist initially. This process involves insight, reflection, creative expression, and/or group interactions. This method of learning is dependent on intelligence, synthesis, intuition, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Emergence only accounts for 1-2% of what individuals learn in a lifetime
emergence like emerging ideas, building from what you know emerging into something else/new |
the reader at the beginning stages of learning to read and developing an association of print with meaning. During this stage of reading development, children engage in reading play and retelling familiar stories from memory and using pictures to make predictions |
typical of preschoolers, ages three to five and involves the stringing and scribbling of letters to form words. Emergent spelling represents a natural, early expression of the alphabet and other concepts about writing. Children may write randomly across the page. Students tend to prefer using uppercase letters. |
developed the theory of psychosocial development relative to the eight stages of progression toward self-esteem. Erikson's development of identity continues throughout one's live time and, actually, it is never completed. |
the history or study of words |
credited to Carl Rogers who suggested that all human beings have a natural propensity to learn. The role of the teacher is to facilitate learning via: setting a positive classroom climate for learning; clarifying the purposes and rules; organizing and providing learning resources; balancing both intellectual and emotional components of learning; and ensuring that students engage in self-evaluation to assess their progress and success. |
According to Piaget, development is driven by the process of equilibration. Equilibration encompasses assimilation (i.e., people transform incoming information so that it fits within their existing thinking) and accommodation (i.e, people adapt their thinking to incoming information). Piaget suggested that equilibration takes place in three phases.
First children are satisfied with their mode of thought and therefore are in a state of equilibrium.
Then, they become aware of the shortcomings in their existing thinking and are dissatisfied (i.e., are in a state of disequilibration and experience cognitive conflict).
Last, they adopt a more sophisticated mode of thought that eliminates the shortcomings of the old one (i.e., reach a more stable equilibrium). |
ongoing evaluation during an instructional sequence to allow midstream adaptation and improvement of the project. |
credited with coining the Multiple Intelligences Theory which is a pluralized way of understanding the intellect. Researchers believe that each person's level of intelligence is made up of autonomous faculties that can work individually or in concert with other faculties. Gardner identified seven such faculties he labels as `intelligences' including: musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, special intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and, intrapersonal intelligence |
Gestalt theorists followed the basic principle that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, the whole (a picture, a car) carried a different and altogether greater meaning than its individual components (paint, canvas, brush; or tire, paint, metal, respectively). In viewing the "whole," a cognitive process takes place – the mind makes a leap from comprehending the parts to realizing the whole.
The fundamental premise of Gestalt psychology relates to a sense of wholeness. Gestalt theory emphasized a higher-order cognitive process relative to behavior, and endorses the notion of grouping characteristics of stimuli to allow for the interpretation of a problem. |
credited with the concept control theory – a motivation theory developed that contends that behavior is inspired by what a person wants most at any given time: survival, love, power, freedom, or any other basic human need |
strategy where experienced readers provide structure via modeling strategies in order to move beginning readerstowards independence |
classroom teacher supports student development with the writing process. Students are required to write sentences or passages while the teacher guides the process and instruction through conferences and minilessons |
credited as the exponent originator. According to Guthrie, all learning was a consequence of association between a particular stimulus and response. Simple contiguous (close together in time or space) association of a stimulus and response can lead to a change in behavior. Thus, the role of motivation is to create a state of arousal and activity that will produce a given response that can now be conditioned. In addition, contiguity theory indicates that forgetting is due in part, to interference rather than the passage of time, as stimuli tends to become associated with new responses and old responses gradually, become unlearned |
words that are spelled alike but have different sounds and meanings (bow and arrow vs. bow of a ship) |
the use of words peculiar to a particular language with a meaning that differs from typical syntactic patterns or from the literal meaning of its parts taken together. Some examples of idiomatic expressions would include, "John kicked the bucket" means "John passed away," or "chill out" means "relax, don't sweat it. |
is a theory advanced by George A. Miller who stressed the idea that short-term memory could only hold 5-9 chunks of information (seven plus or minus two). The term chunk represents any meaningful unit (i.e., digits, words, pictures, etc.). The concept of chunking and the limited capacity of short-term memory became a basic element of all subsequent memory theories |
the joining of two or more consonant sounds, represented by letters that begins a word without losing the identity of the sounds, such as /bl/ in black, the joining of the first consonant and vowel sounds in a word, such as /b/ and /a/ in baby. This skill is important in learning phonics |
here, teachers and students compose passages and stories that are written collaboratively. Students are free to print some words or interact with the print as facilitated by teacher (shared pen). |
technique used by beginning writers to spell words using whatever knowledge of sounds or visual patterns when formal spelling strategy is not yet learned |
developed the theory suggesting that children proceed through a series of stages during which they refine their concept of justice. The Theory of Moral Reasoning is designed to help teachers identify a student's level of reasoning and to stimulate their moral and behavioral growth. |
multi-level stations where activities designed for specific instructional purposes to provide reinforcement, independent practice, and Discovery. In an early childhood program, this is an area that contains materials, such as blocks, pretend household items or art supplies, where children can explore their own interests at their own pace |
common to students five to seven yearsof age. Here, students learn to represent phonemes in words with letters. This shows that they have a rudimentary understanding of the alphabetic principle - suggesting that a link exists between letters and sounds |
Language Experience Approach (LEA) |
method of teaching reading by using the reader's own dictated language. This approach allows the reader to read words common to their environment |
important to the cooperative reading process. Tompkins (2002) endorsed four components of literature circles including: reading, responding, creating projects, and sharing. |
proposes that all children can learn when provided with the appropriate learning conditions in the classroom |
involves several important elements including, designing, monitoring, and assessing a specific plan of action. Steps students should take to enhance metacognition: (1) identify how much they know about a specific topic to consider for developing a project, (2) have an idea of exactly how much time they want to devote to the project, (3) have an idea of when the project is expected to be completed, (4) monitor their progress by reviewing their work relative to the project, and (5) assess their performance and/or satisfaction with the project or assignment. During this phase of the project, students should ask themselves, “am I satisfied?" or, "can I do a better job?" - "if so, how?” In short, metacognition is simply the process of "thinking about thinking." In fact, good readers use metacognition before they read anythingin order to help them clarify their purpose for reading and to preview the text. |
involves several important elements including, designing, monitoring, and assessing a specific plan of action. Steps students should take to enhance metacognition: (1) identify how much they know about a specific topic to consider for developing a project, (2) have an idea of exactly how much time they want to devote to the project, (3) have an idea of when the project is expected to be completed, (4) monitor their progress by reviewing their work relative to the project, and (5) assess their performance and/or satisfaction with the project or assignment. During this phase of the project, students should ask themselves, “am I satisfied?" or, "can I do a better job?" - "if so, how?” In short, metacognition is simply the process of "thinking about thinking." In fact, good readers use metacognition before they read anythingin order to help them clarify their purpose for reading and to preview the text. |
associated to direct instruction and skill-and-drill activities. Here, teachers use direct instruction during the mini-lesson to teach about reading and writing procedures, skills, and strategies. The second kind of teaching is indirect teaching. Here, teachers use indirect teaching for brief, on-the-spot mini-lesson as they respond to students’ questions or assist students who need specific help. Mini-lesson takes place during whole-class activities, conferences with students, or working with small groups. Teachers may also do indirect teaching as they model reading when reading aloud to the class, and as they model writing during collaborative writing exercises. (Tompkins, 2002 - p. 66) |
device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering |
are word forms and another component of syntax. Morphemes are also the smallest meaningful units in language and word parts that could also change the meaning of a word |
the Hierarchy of Human Needs describe his work in the area of self-actualization. An important aspect of his theory is based on the premise that within each individual are forces that both seeks growth and, at the same time, actively resist growth. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has five levels. Physiological/biological needs are the most demanding. only after hunger, thirst, and the need for shelter have been satisfied, do the needs at the next higher level emerge. Safety needs include security, protection from physical and emotional harm, and the desire for good health. Belonging and love seek the need for family and friends in the individual and the feeling of acceptance and friendship in relations with others. Need for esteem follows and moves the individual to their first internal demand for self respect, autonomy, achievement along with status, recognition, and attention. Self-actualization assumes that lower needs have been satisfied; personal motivation is re-directed towards developing one's potential, to "become" what you are capable of achieving in life |
terms used to describe words whose pronunciations suggest their meaning (e.g., meow, buzz, zoom). |
coined by B.F. Skinner, is based upon the premise that learning is a function of change in overt behavior. The change in behavior is a result of the student’s response to events (stimuli) occurring in one’s environment. A response produces a consequence such as, jumping rope or learning to swim. When a particular Stimulus-Response (S-R) pattern is reinforced (rewarded), the individual is conditioned to respond. Skinner examined how learning was affected by stimuli presented after an act was performed. He discovered that certain stimuli caused the organism to repeat an act more frequently. He labeled “stimuli” with this effect the "reinforces." Today, classroom teachers are the recipients of this finding by using reinforcement as a means of controlling and motivating student behavior. The term "behavior modification" is an important technique teachers employ in improving the learning and classroom behavior of their students |
the study of the nature and use of symbols in a writing system; correct or standardized spelling according to established usage in a given language |
Pavlov, Ivan P. (1849-1936) |
discovered "conditioning" and initially believed that all behavior was reflexive. Pavlov thought that all learning, whether the elicited responses in animals, or of highly conceptual behaviors in humans was due to the mechanisms of classical conditioning. We now believe theory to be wrong |
A minimal sound unit of speech that, when contrasted with another phoneme, affects the naming of words in a language, such as /b/ in book contrasts with /r/ in rook, /l/ in look. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound that change the meanings of spoken words. For example, if you change the first phoneme in cat from /c/ to /f/, the word bat changes to fat. The English language has about 41-44 phonemes. A few words, such as a or oh, have only one phoneme. Most words have more than one phoneme. The word ifhas two phonemes /i/ and /f/ |
teaching reading and spelling that stresses basic symbol-sound relationships and their application in decoding words in beginning instruction |
important in both oral and written language. There are 26 letters and 44 sounds and many ways to combine the letters - particularly the vowels–to spell many of the sounds. Sounds are called phonemes, and represented in print, and Graphemes are letter combinations |
succession of letters representing the same phonological unit in different words, such as ed in red, bed, fed. or, IGHT in FLIGHT, MIGHT and TIGHT |
a Swiss biologist and psychologist constructed a model of child development and learning based on the idea that the developing child builds cognitive structures or mental maps, “schemes,” or networked concepts for understanding and responding to physical experiences within their environment. The child's cognitive structure advances in sophistication with development and grows from a few innate reflexes such as crying to highly complex mental activities |
provides a body of student work--essentially, a portfolio--that can be used to evaluate student performance over time |
the initial creative stage of writing, prior to drafting, in which the writer formulates ideas, gathers information, organizes or plans |
designed to encourage students to read self-selected books independently or in small groups. Afterwards, students are expected to respond to the books by writing in their reading logs and discussing the book in small groups to other students who are also reading the same book. This approach helps students to become fluent readers and to deepen their appreciation of books and reading |
involves the ability to: research & explore, question & analyze, and make changes to both lessons and curriculum based on learning results experienced in the classroom. |
the part of a syllable (not a word) consisting of its vowel and any consonant sounds that come after it, the first vowel in a word along with all of the sounds that follow, for example, /-utterfly/ in “butterfly.” |
an outdated reading strategy that attempts to teach students to read by having them follow other students in reading specific passages of text identified by the teacher. This technique is not recommended because it hampers reading fluency, its boring, and it causes students to lose interest in the story. |
a set of scoring guidelines for assessing student work including a summary listing of the characteristics that distinguish high quality work from low quality assignments |
a metaphoric term used by Vygotsky to show how parents and teachers provide temporary assistance to children/students by modeling appropriate behavior or skills. In the classroom, teachers model or demonstrate specific strategies and gradually shift the responsibility to the student to demonstrate. |
a data structure for representing the generic concepts stored in memory. There are three types of schemata’s, content, language, and textual. 1.) Content Schemata - includes systems of factual knowledge, values, and cultural conventions. 2.) Language Schemata - includes sentence structure, grammatical inflections, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and cohesive structures. 3.)Textual Schemata - includes the rhetorical structure of different modes of text, (i.e., recipes, fairy tales, research papers, and science textbooks). |
the study of the meaning in language and the analysis of the meanings of words, phrases, sentences |
an activity in where the teacher and students sit together around a Big Book so that all can see the print and pictures. Individual students are selected to point to print and the other students join in and reading at their own level of expertise. Sometimes, the teacher reads a passage while pointing to the words to help young readers learn to read. |
word that is easily recognized as a whole and does not require word analysis for identification or pronunciation, (i.e., Dolch 220 Sight Vocabulary List). |
coined by Lave. Basically, situated learning is a general theory of knowledge acquisition that is manifested as a function of the specific activity, context or culture in which it occurs. This contrasts with most classroom learning activities which involve knowledge that's usually abstract and out of context. Learning requires social interaction and collaboration within an authentic context, i.e., settings and applications that would normally involve that knowledge |
Student Centered Classroom |
It’s believed that the teacher can best serve a student individually in a student-centered classroom, rather than in a teacher-centered classroom. In this setting, teachers function as colleagues rather than leaders. If we consider that learning is enhanced when students are engaged in the processing of information, then our challenge as teachers is to find creative ways to design dynamic learning environments that involve students in doing and thinking about specific subjects. |
evaluation that comes at the conclusion of an educational program or instructional sequence |
the division of words into syllables [the minimal units of sequential speech sounds comprised of a vowel sound or a vowel-consonant combination, as /a/, /ba/, /ab/, /bab/, etc.] |
the structural (grammar) organization of English that regulates how words are combined into sentences. Word order is important in English and during the pre-school years, children learn to understand, ask questions, construct statements, and many of the capitalization and punctuation rules that elementary students learn reflect the syntactic system of language. This applies to simple, compound, and complex sentences. |
Teacher Centered-Classroom |
points out that students are passive recipients of the teachers knowledge, and later expected to regurgitate what they have learned on meaningless tests. Students learn social skills during class meetings and how to listen and respect differences. They also learn to brainstorm for solutions that are helpful (not punitive). Since they are involved in the process, they are more willing to follow rules they have helped create. Not only can teachers eliminate most discipline problems, but they can help children learn self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. (Tompkins, 2002) |
written specifically for children, but they are not textbooks. Trade books are storybooks, books of poetry, picture books, etc. and used to teach language arts. |
the process by which information, knowledge, ideas and skills are gained from instruction, guidance, and demonstration. However, it has been determined that this approach is not very effective and it only accounts for about 10% of actual learning. |
credited with developing the Social Cultural learning model. Vygotsky pointed out that culture is the prime determinant of individual development and humans are the only species to have created culture that helps children develop in the context of its culture. Language is an important process in the learning scheme. |
Watson, John B. (1878-1958) |
convinced psychologists that the real explanation of behavior was found in the nervous system, and that the study of the brain would explain the concept of conditioning as it related to behavior change. |
an approach to reading instruction focusing on reading for meaning and the integration of the four aspects of language reading, writing, listening, and speaking. |
the use of flash cards or word lists before students start reading a story or unfamiliar words to be encountered in the context of sentences |
is common to seven to nine-year olds. This approach shows that students understanding of the alphabetic principle is further refined in this stage as they learn how to spell long-vowel patterns and r-controlled vowels. Examples of within-word spelling include LIEV (live), SOPE (soap), HUOSE (house), and BERN (burn). Students experiment with long-vowel patterns and learn that words such as come and bread are exceptions that do not fit the vowel patterns. Sometimes, students tend to confuse spelling patterns and spell meet and METE, and they also tend to reverse the order of letters, such as FORM for from and GRIL for girl. |
tool to help young readers learn to recognize and read specific words. Words are listed alphabetically on a chart by either students or teachers and displayed in the classroom for children to refer to while reading |
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) |
the gap between what individuals know and do not know about a specific topic. A child's ZPD is the gap or range of specific tasks they can perform with assistance from parents or teachers, but are unable to perform on their own. Children's ability to learn is facilitated via their interaction with adults; therefore, extensive meaningful conversations between adults and children is important to the learning process. |