Shared Flashcard Set


Postpartum Patient meds
Labor and Delivery meds
Undergraduate 1

Additional Nursing Flashcards





Class: Antibacterial
Dose: 2 g q 6 hours or as directed based on severity of infection. C-section prophylaxis 25-100 mg/kg
Route: IV, PO, IM
Action: Parenteral antibiotic treatment primarily toward most common pathogens (GBS), prophylaxis in C-section, single IV or IM immediately upon cord clamp, STD's in pregnant women allergic to tetracycline
Sides: lethargy, hallucinations, seizures, furry tongue, black harry tongue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdo pain, rash,
NC's Check for allergy, excreted in breast milk, caution recommended
Route: PO
Action: Stool softener perscribed to treat or prevent constipation
Sides: stomach pain, cramping, irritated throat, rectal bleeding
NC's: Take with full glass of water, watch for allergy
Class: Antibacterial
Dose: 2-4 g daily divided every 12 hours
Route: IV, IM
Action: Used to treat bacterial infection, or as a propholactic prior to surgery. Also used in pelvic inflamitory disease: dose: 2g q 12 hours for 24-48 hours
Sides: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, loss of appetite,
NC's: association with C. Diff., watch for allergy, passes in to breastmilk
Class: CNS agent, analgesic, narcotic agonist
labor dose: 2.5-15 mg every 4 hours IV, 5-20 mg IM/sub Q every 4 hours
route: IV/IM/SubQ
Action: Analgesic for pain, does not interfere with normal postpartum contraction and no increase in post hemorrhage

Sides: pruritus, dizziness, sedation, nausea, constipation
NC'S watch for respiratory depression, convulsions, cardiac arrest, resp. depression in newborn, hypersensitivity, can pass in to breast milk
Class: stimulant laxative
Route: PO
Action: acts on bowels stimulating muscles to cause a bowel movement
Sides: camps, faintness, stomach discomfort
NC's: watch for allergy, Take with full glass of water, do not take within an hour of taking an antacid or milk
Ferrous Sulfate/Iron
Dose: 300-325 mg once a day
Route: PO
Action: taken for iron deficiency, often taken as a supplement during lactation
Sides: constipation, dark stool, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, cramps, pain, vomiting
NC's: watch for allergy. TEACHING: lethal dose for children. Keep away from children
Route: IV/IM
Action: used to treat bacterial infection. Often in combination with other antibiotics when used for pelvic inflamitory disease, or used for post part UTI
Sides: nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, loss appetite
NC's: look for numbness/tingling, muscle twitching, or seizure. C.Diff association
Hemabate/carboprost tromethamine
Dose: 250 mcg/ml - may repeat at 15-90 minute intervals to a total dose of 2 mg
route: IM
Action: causes uterus to contract to minimize bleeding. Termination of pregnancy
sides: NEPHROTOXIC. headache, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, rupture of uterus, dyspnea, hiccups, fever, flushing
NC's: observe for sheezing and chest pain, BP changes, monitor contractions and excessive cramping, monitor vaginal bleeding
Lortab/acetaminophen and hydrocodone
opioid pain medication/analgesic
dose: Lortab 5 5 mg. hydrocodone, 325 acet., take 1-2 q 4-6 hours NTE 12/24. lortab 7.5 - 7.5 hydro, 325 acet., take 1 q4-6 hours, NTE 6 tablets. Lortab 10 - 10 mg hydro, 325 act., take 1 q4-6 hours NTE 6 tablets
route: PO
Action: narcotic analgesic acts on CNS
Sides: drowsiness, upset stomach, constipation, headache, blurred vision, dry mouth. Can interact with CNS depressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics, anticholinergics, anti anxiety agents
NC's: monitor for bradycardia, monitor respirations, confusion, monitor for allergic reaction.
class: anticoagulant
dose: for deep vein thrombosis 1mg./kg q 12 hours
route: SQ
treat or prevent blood clot.
Can cause serious blood clot if pt. has undergone spinal tap, or epidural.
sides: nausea, diarrhea, fever, swelling hands or feet
NC's - watch for unusual bleeding, sudden weakness, severe headache, confusion, speech vision or balance problems
Magnesium Sulfate
Naturally occurring mineral
dose: to stop PTL: IV 4-6 gm. over 15-30 min., then 2-3 g/hour. for pre-eclamptic - IM = 4 g iv loading, then 10 g I'm, then 5 g I'm q 4hours. IV only - 4 g, then 1-2 g/hour
Route IM
Action: Muscle relaxent - for pre- term labor slow of contractions - can delay for several days. Also for prevention of seizures in pre-eclamptic women. laxative to relieve constipation
sides: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, perforated bowel, obstruction of bowel, severe constipation, colitis, toxic megacolon
NC's: reflex checks q1-2 hours, monitor for slurring, seeing double (first sign of toxicity is loss of DTR)
Methergine/Methylergonovine maleate
class: smooth muscle tissue stimulant
dose: 0.2 mg following placenta expulsion, dose may be repeated q2-4 hours
route: IM/PO
action: stimulates smooth muscle tissue - muscle of the uterus is especially sensitive to this drug and is used postpartum to stimulate the uterus to contract. Also is a vasoconstrictor.
sides: hypertension, nausea, vomiting, headache, bradycardia, dizziness, tinnitus, cramps, palpitations, dyspnea, chest pain, allergic reations
NC's: monitor fundal height and consistency. monitor loch, check BP, observe for adverse effects or symptoms, teach regarding not smoking (nicotine/constriction of vessels)
Morphene Sulfate
class: opiate analgesic
Dose: 2.5-15 mg q4hours IV. 5-20 mg q4 hours IM
Action: CNS agonist, used for severe pain control
sides: constipation, decreased respirations, prolongs labor
NC's monitor respiration, monitor infant for sleepiness, do not administer with other narcotics. monitor for dizziness, teach pt. to ask for help getting up if dizzy
NSAID (non steroid anti inflammitory)
dose: max 800 mg. per dose, do not exceed 3200 mg per day
route: PO
Action: reduces harmonies that cause pain and inflammation for relief of cramping, and pain and fever
sides: indigestion, nausea, occult blood loss, anorexia, headache, dizziness, aplastic anemia, peptic ulcer, GI bleeding, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea
NC's: take with food, or antacid monitor for side effects, pain
Norco/acetaminophen and hydrocodone
opioid pain medication/analgesic
dose: avail in 5 mg hydrocodone and 325 acetaminophen. also in 7.5 mg hydrocodone and 325 acet. Also avail. in 10 mg hydrocodone, with 325 mg. acet. maz 4000mg/24 hour
Taken q4-6 hours
Route: PO
Action: narcotic analgesic acts on CNS
Sides: drowsiness, upset stomach, constipation, headache, blurred vision, dry mouth
NC's: monitor for bradycardia, monitor respirations, confusion, monitor for allergic reaction.
Nubian/nalbuphine hydrochloride
Class: CNS agent analgesic, narcotic agonist
Labor Dose: 10-20 mg every 3-6 hours IM/IV
Route: IM/IV
sides: sedation, dizziness, fainting, hypotension, hypertension
NC's monitor for respiratory depression, hypersensitivity to drug, assess allergy, opiod dependence. monitor analgesic effect, assess respiratory rate before administration if less than 12 notify Dr., monitor output, assess bladder for distention, maintain bed rest. assist with ambulation
histamine antagonist
dose: 20, 40 mg
route: IV/IM/PO
action: inhibits gastric acid secretion
sides: headache, malaise, dizziness, vertigo, drowsiness, insomnia
Percodan/combo oxycodone and aspirin
opiod and sylicylate
dose: 1 tablet = 4.8355 oxycodone hydrochloride and 325 mg aspirin. dose is 1 tablet q 6 hours, NTE 12 tablets
route: PO
Action: semisynthetic opioid used for moderate to severe pain. binds to opiate receptors in CNS. Alters perception of painful stimuli
sides: confusion, sedation, constipation, respiratory depression
NC's: monitor respiration, monitor for confusion, monitor for allergic reaction. Teach pt. to ask for assistance with ambulation
Tanquilizer/Analgesic Potentiator
dose: 25 mg. at bed, or 12.5 mg. prior to meals. IV/IM 25 mg. may be repeated in 2 hours when necessary. May be given for post op sedation 25-50 mg IV/IM/PO/PR
Route: IV/IM/PO
action: Nausea/vomiting, motion sickness, sedation, decreases anxiety so the effectiveness of analgesics is increased when given simultaneously
sides: sedation, confusion, disorientation, blurred vision, hallucinations,
NC's IV admin. can cause burning and tissue injury, deep IM preferred method of admin., monitor for tissue injury, watch for hypersensitivity, watch for difficult or fast breathing, tachycardia or irregular pulse, fever, monitor BP
gastrointestinal agent, prokinetic agent (gi stim.)
dose: 5, 10 mg tablets, and 5mg/5ml solution, and 5 mg/ml injection. PO - 10-15 mg.,
route: PO,IV/IM
Action: Increases muscle contractions in upper digestive tract, thus speeding up rate at which stomach empties into intestines. Short term heartburb/gastroesophageal reflux treatment
sides: diarrhea, drowsiness, restlessness, abdo pain, chills, clay colored stool, dark urine, seizures
NC's: give 30 min. before meals and at bedtime
immunoglobulin directed toward red blood cell antigen Rho
dose: one standard dose (given at 28 weeks pregnancy, and within 72 hours of delivery. Also within 72 hours termination of pregnancy 13 weeks or more. A micro dose given within 72 hours of pregnancy terminated less than 13 weeks)
route: IM
action: prevents production of anti-Rho antibodies in Rh negative women who have been exposed to Rh-positive blood
sides: injection site pain
NC's: type and screen mother blood and cord blood newborn
Rubella Vaccine
dose: sing dose vial SQ injection arm
Pt. normally is screened and gets a dose if Rh neg. during pregnancy, then again within 72 hours of delivery. Baby also tested .
action: stimulates body to produce antibodies to rubella. Do not give to pregnant, and avoid pregnancy for 3 months following vaccine.
sides: burning/stinging at injection site - may have rash 2-4 weeks later, malaise, sore throat or headache
NC's: obtain informed consent. Treat with blood product protocol. Determine whether woman has sensitivity to neomycin, is immunosuppressed or has received a blood transfusion (not to be administered within 3 months of transfusion of blood, plasma, or serum immune globulin). Give at discharge
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis vaccine
dose: single dose vial IM injection (usually given at 27 weeks during pregnancy)
action: stimulates body to produce antibodies to viruses.
sides: pain, redness, swelling at injection site. possible headache, body ache, tiredness, fever
NC's: assess for allergies, do not give if: pt. has had a dose within last two years, to people who have been told they had encephalopathy within 7 days of receiving the vaccine, people who have a history of Guillan-Barre syndrome within 6 weeks of previous vaccine, younger than 11, older than 64
dose: 20 mg once followed by 10 mg q4-6 hours (not to exceed 40 mg/day. do not exceed 5 days
Route: PO/IV/IM
action: for pain control POSTPARTUM. Works well for pain control when opiods and narcotics want to be avoided (breastfeeding mother)
sides: swelling of face, fingers, lower legs, ankles and or feet, wt. gain, hypertension, rash, bruising, sores, ulcers or white spots on lips or in mouth
NC's inhibits platelet function, inhibits uterine contractions
Tylenol with codeine
narcotic analgesic 300 mg acetaminophen/30 mg codeine
dose: 1-2 tablets q 4 hours max 4000mg/360 mg codeine in 24 hours
route: PO
relieves mild to moderate pain
side: respiratory depression, apnea, dizziness, nausea, sweating, dry mouth, constipation, facial flushing, suppression of cough reflex, ureteral spasm, urinary retention, pruritus, hepatotoxicity (overdose)
NC's: determine acetaminophen sensitivity, impaired hepatic or renal function history, monitor bowel sounds, monitor respiration, urine output. Admin. with food, drink with glass of water
Analgesic Potentiator/antihistamine
dose: postpartum adjunctive 25-100 mg IM, or oras suspension or tablets 25 mg tid or qid.
decreases anxiety so the effectiveness of analgesics is increased when given simultaneously
also reduces histamine in body
sides: drowsiness, dry mouth
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