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POS 210
Final Exam
Political Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




Libertarian Paternalism
help you make the choices you would make for yourself—if only you had the strength of will and the sharpness of mind. But unlike 'hard' paternalists, who ban some things and mandate others, the softer kind aims only to skew your decisions, without infringing greatly on your freedom of choice.”[1] The term "libertarian paternalism" is intended to evoke the idea that soft paternalism is an approach to public policy that can be endorsed by libertarians because it does not abridge individual freedom, though most self-described libertarians are firmly opposed to it.
Ludwig Woltmann principle
main thing missing from Marxinian theory is the idea of race. The reason why Western Europe has flourished in music, art and philosophy is because of its master aryan race.
Adam Smith- Mercantalism
The economic policy of promoting a country's wealth at the expense of others by establishing monopolies and regulating foreign trade to favor domestic industry
origin of democracy

Began in Ancient Greece. Rooted in the combination of two greek words- Demos= people, and kratein= to rule, demokratia= rule or government by the common people. Majority rule but this majority was saturated in a single class- the demos. Therefore many greeks understood democracy to be a form of class rule, government by and for the benefit of the lower and working class.

Burke's key vocab

1. social fabric

2. reform/innovation

3. liberty- liberty is like a fire, when controlled its useful, wildfire= dangerous. believed in order liberty.

4. Prejudice- pre-judgements that are formed out of experiences, enable you to act quicker rather than using calculations, does not mean same thing as present day negative connotations.

5. Natural Aristocracy- different than herditary aristocracy, become the best through achievements and personal success.

6. Little Plattoons- secondary groups ex: PTA, unions, clubs..., building blocks for our society, paramount to our development.

Burke's view on American and French Revolutions

French- criticized it saying that it was the wrong kind of revolution, it was a new reevolution that seeked to destroy the old way of life and set a new precedent.

American- sided with the colonists because they were striving for tangible freedoms and were attempting to get back to their original way of life.

Marx- 4 ways capitalism leads to alienation

1. Alienates worker from products profit

2. Alienates worker from product as a whole (involved in only one specific part)

3. Alienates humans from creative powers

4. Alienates individuals from fellow workers (no comradery in the work place)


the fear of homosexuals and/or their their real or imagined influence.
iron law of oligarchy

Term coined by French protofascist Roberto Michels. He examined social democracies and trade unions. Found that they all preached egalitarianism, and found this to be hipocritical because the so-called non-class society is built upon by elite groups leading others, therefore there had to be a presence of classes. No matter what the intentions or circumstances, a few always rise to the top.

The belief that the human species is innately superior to other animal species. Animal rights activists actively fight against this prejudicial pre-notion.
Senaca Falls Declaration

First women's rights convention held in U.S. on July 19th and 20th in Seneca Falls NY. The declaration was written in the format of the Declaration of Independence. The principal author of the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The declaration called for among others, equal voting, property, and law making rights. The document was signed by 68 women and 32 men, 100 total out of the 300 individuals who attended the convention.

Maltus' law, and its usage

The assertion that human population tends to grow faster than the resources required to sustain it. Specifically, population grows geometrically and resources grow arithmetically.

Hitler used Maltus' theory to justify the invasion and extermination of other races in order to sustain the aryan race.

monkey wrenching, who?

A form of direct action practiced or advocated by Earth First! and other militant environmentalist groups. Such action ranges from "decommissioning" bulldozers to cutting power lines and "spiking" old-growth trees. aka ecotage.


objections to monkey wrenching
criticized by other environmental groups such as the Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense Fund. these groups promote more subtle approaches to achieving their goals including lobying, legislative action, and purchasing land to turn into nature preserves.
Opiate of the Masses, who?

Marx coined this term when he discussed religion.

Marx's phrase for religion which he believed dulled the critical capacity of oppressed people by directing their attention and hopes away this life to an eternal and blissful afterlife.

concept of levelling, who?

the effort, criticized by many conservatives, to diminish or eliminate the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest members of society. Critics maintain that these efforts promote mediocrity and reduce everyone to the same low level.

This scheme is supported by liberal democrats and welfare liberals. It is opposed by conservatives.

T.H. Green supported this idea, and he was opposed by two social darwinists H. Spencer and William G. Sumner

trade union consciousness, who?

Lenin's version of false consciousness.

Lenin believed- labor unions are basically lobying groups for workers in a specific trade. Members are therefore sellouts because they are fighting for the one thing that they should be resisting. They are consuming their own production which is counteractive to the struggle towards Utopia.

Fascism is a reaction to what?

Fascism is a reactionary ideology specifically to liberalism and socialism.

keys to enlightenment

1. humanism- we have a universal human nature

2. rationalism- stress on scientific reasoning

3. secularism- religion is private

4. progressivism- society is constantly progressing

5. universalism- related to humanism, there is a common brotherhood between man, conflicts are superficial.


counter-enlightenment arguments



1. against humanism- skin color, language, and religion are not superficial

2. against rationalism- most people do not rely on rational reasoning but rather personal prejudices and worldview

3. against secularism- wrong because people behave the way they do to avoid hell, truth of religion is not important but rather its utility

4. against progressionism- wrong because somethings cannot be avoided and are inevitable

5. against universalism- claimed parochial rather than universal- I am a citizen of the U.S. not the world, people are more loyal to their specific group.

6. promoted nationalism and some even promoted racism.

tyranny of majority, who?
 used in discussing systems of democracy or majority rule. often written about to speak of the dangers of democracy turning into mob rule where the majority whether worng or right had the power to silence the majority. Term used by Mill, Tocqueville, and in Federalist Papers 10.
features of Naziism

Hitler did not invent this. Did not invent anti-semitism but utilized it. There is a hierarchy of races: white, asian, black. Emotion trumps intellect. Aryans are top the white race. Racial Darwinism- struggle between the races, Anti-communist. The reason why empires don't last is racial mixing. Education of the young is paramount, must indoctrinate hate at an early age, no room for compassion.

3 main key beliefs

1. Final Solution- extermination of Jews

2. Technological Superfluity- Justification for the extermination, no need to keep them as slaves due to technology, they only take up resources need to sustain Aryan race

3. Lebensraum- Justification for taking others land in order to feed Aryan race- utilization of Maltus' Law.

Mein Kampf
Written by Hitler while in prison. translated to mean my struggle. His struggle to the top to lead the pure superior aryan race, and to rid the world of inpurity- Jews, Homosexuals, Catholics etc...
immiseration thesis, who?

created by marx,in it he states workers were only going to get more and more worse off due to the Borgouise. This claim was eventually challenged by Bernstien. He challenges this idea because real wages have risen, marx was not wrong but he could and did not for-see changes in the capitalist system.

Imperialism, highest stage of capitalism, who?
According to Lenin, the policy whereby capitalist countries conquer, colonize, and exploit third world countries. It represents, in Lenin's view, the highest and last stage of capitalist domination of the world's economy. It is also a central concept for Mao Zedong and other Marxist-Leninists.
The scientific study of the connections, interdependencies, and energy flows within and between species and ecosystems. In its more recent political sense, however, ecology refers to a perspective that values the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
The "human-centered" outlook that greens say is too selfish and narrow to take into account the well-being of wild creatures and the natural environment.
Sayid Qutb
Influential radical islamic thinker. Egyptian author of many books- Islam and Social Justice, The Battle Between Islam and Capitalism, In the Shade of the Qur'an (eight volumes), and most notably Milestones along the Road. Warned of and opposed jahiliyya and promoted jihad.
literally meaning darkness or ignorance. radical islamists felt that western modernization and liberalism pulled a shade over the rest of the world and distorted their view of what was important. this term was used to describe and criticize most specifically liberalism and communism. Liberalism emphasizes the sovereignty of the individual and communism emphasizes the sovereignty of the proletariat, and neither recognize the true sovereignty of God.
the literal meaning of this arabic word is struggle. In Islamic thought, jihad refers to an individual's internal struggle to cleanse his or her soul and to the collective struggle to wage a holy war against Islam's enemies.

materialist conception of society



(Shaped like a house)

1. roof- ideas, ideals, morals, codes, etc...

2. 2nd floor- Social relations of production

3. 1st floor- material forces of production

revolutionary sequence
economic crisis-->immiseration of the proletariat-->revival of class consciousness-->seizure of state power-->dictatorship of the the proletariat-->withering away of the state-->communism
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