- (1870-1914)
- dominated by britain, US plays key role
- early stage of "globalization": cheaper; more abundant food supply through comparative advantage logic
- Agriculture and industry mix to create new capitalist economic sectors
- Inter- relationship between independent, liberal states and global linked economy
- based in industrializing mixed family farms
- (1945-1970)
- dominated by the the US, and transnational agrifood capital
- advance globalization: active export regime(including food aid and export subsidies) to build global markets
- Interrelationshop between mercantilist exporters, post colonial states, and emerging food industries
- based in industrialized, highly specialized farming: meat and "durable food complex"
- turning goods, such as food into a commodity, a product produced for general human consumption
- apples grown for profits, not for sustenance
- export subsidies+removal of tariffs in developing countries= saturation of markets with cheap imports= undercuts prices for local farmers
- Global corporations buy commodities from farmers at artificially low prices, subsidized by taxpayers. These same corporations then flood foreign markets with crops priced at below-market prices, called ‘dumping.’ Because the prices are so low, dumping forces smaller producers out of business and captures
- when one country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another.
Substantial Equivalence vs. Precautionary Principle |
- Equivalence : an assessment of a novel food, in particular one that is genetically modified, should demonstrate that the food is as safe as its traditional counterpart. (USA)
- Precautionary: legal mechanism for managing environmental risk in situations where incomplete scientific knowledge of a proposed activity or technology’s impact exists. The Principle states that if a proposed activity carries with it the possibility of environmental harm, but that harm is not completely proven, then that activity may not be allowed. (EU)
- Affects:farmers, biotech companies, government bodies, enviornment, civil society
- Causes: rising population, increase in "resource intensive food", rising price of oil, declining global stocks of food, biofuels, agricultural commodity futures market speculation, change in climate and soil
- response:export restrictions, foreign land aquisitions, long term supply agreements between states, international relief and food aid, new tech and increase in agri production in the long term
- right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food
- produced through ecologically sound and sustanable methods
- right to define their own food and agriculture systems
- put those who produce , distribute and consume foods at the heart of food systems and policies rather than demands of the market and corporations
- believes food security is not enough to ensure the right to food, looks at who what where how and at what scale food is produced, based on inclusivity and diversity, based on socio ecological model
- related to via campesina
Climate Change Adaptation |
- adjustments in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities
- adaptation is about reducing vulnerability, through behavioural, technological, or structural adjustments
- Ex. California Central Valley
- features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate coordination and co operation for mutual benefit
- key in building new food systems
- important for local gov'ts to participate
- varying definitions, usually has to do with distance, seasonaility, and perception of "responsible farming practices"
- accepted that 'local' means minimizing the distance between production and consumption especially in relation to modern mainstream food systems
- characterized by: direct marketing(CSA, farmers markets), institutional procurement(hospitals, schools), retail purchasing
- when a handful of multinationals dominate the market(anything over 40%)
- tends to be horizontal( one company owns other companies that process food, and vertical(when one company starts buying different aspects of the production line)
- local food is a response to this
- 6 multinationals control 75% of all private sector
- assesses the environmental impacts associated with all stages of a products life from production to post consumption
- materials->manufacturing->packaging->distribution->usage->disposal
- allows for better construction of policies, and an avenue for creative solutions(alt energy, new marketing, distribution strategies)
- trade in which fair prices are paid to producers in developing countries.
- the process of absorbing new elements into the leadership or policy determining structure of an organization as a means of averting threat to its stability or existence
- an outcome in which a social movement or minority group becomes accepted by or is incorporated into the mainstream, but does not achieve meaningful policy gains
- some labels may have weaker commitment and minimal enforcement while others have higher more stringent standards
- factory farming
- in canada, regulated by provincial agriculture and environmental ministries
- federal gov't responsible for some environmental regulations
- land and water issue
- waste issue
- when the consumption or production of a good causes a harmful effect to a third party and the individual or company making the decision does not have to pay the full cost of their decision
- who pays? fix current system or create a new one? or both?
- a food regime is a "rule governed structure of production and consumption of food on a world scale"
- links the international relations of food production and consumption to forms of accumulation broadly distinguishing periods of capitalist transformation since 1870
- situates the rise and decline of national agricultures in geopolitical history of capitalism
- (1980-Now)
- dominated by transnational coporations
- more advanced globalization: based on free trade agreeements, and deepening of neo-capitalist globalization
- greater connection between food and fuel economies
- financialization of food
- deepening of neoliberal economy:primacy of consumer choice