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Political Theory Authors
POL 032
Political Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Political Studies Flashcards




Ethnic Nationalism No priority other than being a part of your nation How to help humanity, is by focusing on nation As we work for our country, we are working for humanity Reconciling tension – focus on your nation will have affect on nation playing a proper role in humanity Nationalist, Republican God has given us our nation to serve all of humanity. Ethic Nationalism. You’re first duties are to humanity, you are men before you are fathers or citizens. Votes, education, work are the three main pillars of the nation; do not rest until your hands have solidy erected them.
Fascist You can obtain spiritual existence through loyalty to your country. Unity within the nation, estrangement outside the nation. Fascism is totalitarianism the state wants to develop or interpret the while life of a person. Really emphasizes the fascist.
Criticizes democracy and parlimentariasim, will is supreme, you create reality. Rulers have to announce themselves and make themselves leader. Arian race is superior, Jews are horrible people and the reason why everything goes wrong. (in Germany) Self-preservation is devoting oneself to one’s country. No real truth, you make your own truth. To preserve the state, you need a certain cohesion that is based on . Conservation of the community.
need strong active government to make whole thing work. utopian socialism• Human passions are not bad, they are human and should be celebrated. If you do that properly, you can create a perfect society. All passions can be satisfied
Marx & Engels
Proletariat to control Bourgeoisie, eventually it will go away.ii) Class struggle: all because of past history of class struggle, class exploitation is actually defining for human exsistance. There are no metaphysics for which you can derive ethics, because our ethics are just extensions of our experience. Our ethics are just a result of our class struggle. Everything, our ideas and ethics, are defined by class struggle. You can only change peoples minds by changing their position and situation where they live. This really gives reason and justify and exceptions to what in other words can be argued against with morals and ethics.iv) Radicalism: everything about the existing social order must change. Overthrowing everything! If everything is just an extension of the class struggle, why would you preserve any of that? Ech nations proletariat must fight against the bourgesui. The communists really provide the unification ideas. Private property, take it away! And marriage and religion, they need to be abolished. It needs to be radical. vNew Politics: national revolution, then goes global.
“State and Revolution” Says Marx and Engels are basically right, Pro will rise, Bourg will fall. But – there will be a transitionary epoch Special stage or transition, and it is very important. Because it is neither the old bourg. system, nor is it the new communist system. During the transition, you get the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat Bourg. Must be pressed and crushed Not just take away their broug. Property, must brutally suppress them. Must be brutal in order to make a successful transition Most effective way to be coercive? The bourgeois state is very coercive – great tool for suppressing (ironic) Maintain the conception of bourgeois right Socialism, but not yet free communism How long will revolutionary dictatorship last? We know where history is going, so it will change, we just don’t know. Gives a back up argument for statist communism
Russian, anarchist, people argue with anarchist, but being an anarchist takes the most thought. development of free communism. (is more of a collectivist) Trying to reconcile collectivism with individualist “Only placed in the proper environment” Think like a Marxist; change situation. Change conditions that shape people’s thoughts. Apparent tension between individual freedom and associational equality and aid disappears when you remove the state from the equation. Not falsifiable unless government is removed (hard to argue with it)
Evolutionary biology for granted, not so much natural selection works as survival of the fittest, but survival of the best-cooperative. collectivist/socialist anarchism
shouldn’t oppress other people. Liberty and equality problem. individualisitic/liberal anarchism
Ball & Dagger
democracy as an ideal
Democracy as structure! But he gets fuzzy when he says that interests and rights are interchangeable. procedure with other ends. Talks a lot about rights. Rights are the goal, democracy is helpful means of attaining that goal. Democracy as structure. Defining our ends apart from the procedure. Gets squishy: equates rights and interests Essentially saying there’s no real difference between ordinary political loser (loser of majority) and having your rights violated. No moral distinction. No meaningful difference between your candidate not getting elected and losing your right to property.
Fundamental argument: in contemporary society, women are defined in relation to men. Virtue of being a men and virtue of being a women are two different things For men, it is real virtue, men defined in relation to God. For women, defined in relation to man. Because they are defined by men, they seek fashion to please men, and when women do this, they neglect their own minds. Destroys all fellowship between women, and between men and women. No true respect unless equal, and can’t have friendship, it is a form of slavery Women need education; society needs to facilitate the opportunity, and women need to get education. True virtue: educated virtue, and freedom Sense and Sensibility Virtue requires choice and education, not just placing women under authority
Freedom is the priority, doesn’t like that women are treated as sex objects, women to have to the control over their reproductive. Once women will be freed, men will be freed from their preconceived views of the destiny of women. Men can not help lead this movement.
• Natural differences between women and men, and to say there aren’t actually cheats women because it doesn’t show how women are distinctly different. Differences give women power, and to say there aren’t differences, take that power away • Open explicit treatment Solution: don’t just recognize differences, treat them as good and ambrace them, it embraces diversity rather than building in structural inequalities.
Feminist, lesbian. Will determines everything, there is nothing that is essential. Women as the term is just a class that is made up, and should be done away with. Revolution of the proletariat to create a sex less society. Similar to fascim in the fact that there is no such thing as will, no external measurement, lets create a new consciousness, you chose your truth by making it happen• Anomalous Question of essentialism and nonessentialism Wittig is challenging all essentialisms. Invocation of nature as guiding norm, used in a tyrannical way. Replace nature with will. “women” is a political and economic term, constructuted, not eternal “women” means dependent. (like Wollstonecraft, but to next level) Essence: we use nature oppressively. To legitimate oppressive situations/institutions Solution: reason arguing for lesbianism (not sexual preference in classic thought), lesbianism rejects the tyranny of nature which assumes heterosexism as standard, and substitutes will/choice. To escape from tyranny of the natural, you substitute will. All consciousness is created, lets created a new consciousness Requires the suspension of essentialism, you can choose to be something else Structural parallel between this statement and fascism No external standard to be measured. If nothing essential, how is there something to have in common? No such thing as essential unity or essential estrangement, it is constructed. Only way for it to be true is to make it true in fact. No eternal source of unity, only constructured, and can be constructed by will and rejecting nature.
➢ Black and lesbian. Differences aren’t just between men and women, it is also between race and sexual preference. These are differences that we can not change. • Feminism so far represents an upper-class whiteness. • White women aren’t the other, there is a new “other” that has to be addressed. • Capitalist needs a proletariat, who will be the proletariat. If white women in brougeoisie, then there is an expansion of pro in different areas (race, gender, class). • We like unity, but unity can’t require sameness. There is a wide range of possibilities of identity. Non-exploitative ways of difference (not in way where one is better and one is worse. Deal with difference in an equal way.)
She is saying that we can be flexible in the borders of our differences. Equality, but it is not essential! She does not believe in essence! She wants unity but we are not essentially that way.• Less linear read Mixed languages – question of western premises Mestiza – women of Mexican and native American Can’t be defined by rigid categories (overlap with what Lorde and Wittig) False source of identity Solution: be flexible, do away with existing categories Transcend dualism: 2 or more cultures, change in way we see reality. Create new consciousness. Acknowledging of creation of new value systems, making will basis of ethical framework, requires transcending and rejecting past frameworks. Pushing all the way to say ethics are extensions of tyrannical nature. Using two languages, embracing dualism. Wants a flexible, malleable identity
Malcolm X
Muslim, black nationalist, wants complete separation from the white man, black power.
integrationalist, black liberation, he wants equality for all.
We should be more in touch with nature, nature is so beautiful, nature gives us commody, it gives us beauty and the beauty of the divine, language, and nature gives us intellectual pros. He’s a pastor, or minister, 1836, nature gives us all these beautiful things.
Protect nature. The green revolution, killing bugs, and talking about how nature naturally created a checks and balances system, and humans are messing up this process. We are trying to contain life and control it, but we are only messing it up
We’ve created a bad second nature (what we have made nature into), we blame people for the problem. People are not the cause of this destruction, its societal problems, and blaming people for the problem is blaming the victim. But he is saying that we can choose what we are going to do with the second nature
People are the problem. Similar to bookchin, but blames people for the estrangement. Monkey wrenching. Man are not above nature. Has been arrested multiple times.
All our in our own religious groups. Muslim.
Terrorism, 9-11, he doesn’t like Israel, he is Palestinian, Muslim. He complains about us govern. He is not condoning terrorists, but he is really challenging the united states. So he doesn’t say it’s a good thing, but he’s kind of okay with the attacks on terrorists.
Bin Laden
Type of Ethnic/Tribal Nationalism (based on religion) Tinders-Unity vs. Estrangement Like most nationalism, two sides One side, arguing for Muslim unity, which is a deep unity. Essential unity. Everyone who is outside of the community is clearly estranged problematically. Equality vs. Inequality- On surface, not engaging the question. Implicitly, early portion of Fatwa is a justice claim against the West. Usually a justice claim is “we deserve a certain kind of treatment that we didn’t receive” which is about equality. But there is a wrinkle in the equality because of such a sharp divide between people in Muslims and their community and outsiders. Violation of justice can justify violence… Power – power in theory and power in reality Theory – self-determination in cause of justice. Reality – power should be only in religious law, in Shari’ah. Should be used primarily to benefit Muslims (sounds tribal nationalism) Who: Traced back to Allah. Even if it is application framed differently. Ends: Fairly broad and typical Limits: Radical Islam – justifiability of otherwise unethical actions, namely of terror, saying violence is absolutely necessary, need martyrs. although it appears that is has broad and typical limitations of power Ends justify the means – survival of religion is at stake, and so you can take any aspects needed. Sounds like broad ethical limits, but at the end of the day ends justify all means. History and Change- determinist in regards to direction of history. Allah determines outcomes. (explicitly a determinist) But, ends justify the means, which implies that Osama is in control, which is voluntarism. In regards to change, more of a voluntarist Inconsistent
Jihad vs Mcworldo Describing globalization in four primary sources Market, Resource, Information-Technology, Ecological Imperatives Jihad – idea that as world gets smaller and boundaries become less important, people look to alternatives sources of identity and morality. Creates vacuum which subnational sources of identity step. As nations become less important players, sects and groups become more prominent. Not just a political tool, it is an identity. obligation ethically are to your group dangerous for democracy, anti-political, hierarchical, not concerned with equality, McWorld, no worry about justice or rights. Relativized under efficiency, profit. Dangerous for democracy Multiculturalism is trying to reconcile these two.
His is defending the rights of other individuals in the small ethnic groups.
Imagined community Print technology is making language more static and creating a hierarchy between language (it creates losers and winners) to have a shared imagined community, you need to share the same language to have the same understanding. Ethnic nationalism- Nation proceeds the state, the media creates a greater. Print technology. Interaction of print technology in conjunction with capitalism created possibility of new form of imagined community, set state for modern nation. Print technology making language more static, also creating hierarchies between languages. Linguistic losers and winners Capitalism – print being bought and sold, help separate losers from winners, linguistically To have shared imagined community, must share language to have shared understanding Language consolidation is precondition of imagine community
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