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pharm chapter 11
chapter 11
Undergraduate 1

Additional Pharmacology Flashcards




The nurse is managing care for a group of substance abusers. The clients have completed group education about the disease of addiction. The nurse determines that learning has occurred when the clients make which statements? Select all that apply.
1.“Addiction includes a compulsion to use a mood-altering substance.”
2.“Substance abuse depends on complex variables.”
4.“There is most likely a genetic component to addiction.”
The adolescent client is in a drug rehabilitation program. The mother of this client says to the nurse “The doctor said my son has a physical addiction to alcohol. What does this mean?” What is the best response by the nurse?
“His body is used to alcohol; he will have specific withdrawal symptoms when it is stopped.”
The client has an extensive history of alcoholism. He is having coronary bypass surgery. While administering anesthesia, the certified nurse anesthetist notes that the client requires higher-than-usual amounts of the drug. The nurse correctly evaluates this response as what phenomenon?
The client had developed cross-tolerance to the anesthesia, and will require higher amounts.
The client is post-op, day 1 after an abdominal hysterectomy and is requesting morphine sulfate intravenous (IV), which is prescribed. The client rates her pain as 8 out of 10, with 10 being the most intense. The nurse caring for this client says to another nurse “She really doesn’t look like she is in pain, maybe she is an addict.” What is the best response by the other nurse?
“I would give the morphine; pain is subjective, and we don’t know her history.”
The client comes to the emergency department and tells the nurse “I have been off my drugs for 3 days.” The nurse assesses the client for withdrawal symptoms associated with the category of drug used. Withdrawal from which drug, if taken by the client, should cause the nurse the most concern?
Alprazolam (Xanax)
The mother of an adolescent client says to the nurse “I think my son is staying up too late studying, and I see him using Visine eye drops all the time for his red eyes. Should I have his vision checked?” What is the best response by the nurse?
“Sounds like he is smoking marijuana, and I would talk to him.”
The client has been abusing alcohol for several years and tells the nurse “I used to drink a pint of whiskey every day. Now I get sick and pass out after just two drinks.” What does the nurse correctly recognize about this client?
The client may have liver damage, resulting in an inability to metabolize large amounts of alcohol.
The client is withdrawing from opioids. Which symptom best describe(s) the results of the nurse’s assessment? Select all that apply.
1. Dilated pupils.
2. Diaphoresis.
5. Abdominal cramping and pain.
What is a priority outcome for the client who has chronic alcoholism with liver damage?
The client will become involved in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
The client is admitted to the in-patient substance abuse unit. She tells the nurse she has been buying “yellow jackets” (pentobarbital, {Nembutal}) on the street, but hasn’t had any for a few days. What is the best plan by the nurse at this time?
Prepare to manage a withdrawal that could be life-threatening.
The client had been abusing cocaine for several years. Recently, the client snorted cocaine that was much purer than was thought, resulting in an overdose. The client died in the emergency department. What does the nurse recognize as the most likely cause of death?
Cardiac arrest
The client has smoked a pack of cigarettes per day for twenty years. The client also takes oral contraceptives. In implementing a teaching plan, what is the most important information for the nurse to include?
You are at a higher risk for a heart attack than nonsmokers.
The client has been prescribed disulfiram (Antabuse) to discourage a return to drinking alcohol. The client tells the nurse that after stopping disulfiram (Antabuse) for a week, he returned to drinking alcohol. What will the nurse most likely assess in the client?
Headache, nausea and vomiting.
The client tells the nurse that her 12-year-old child asks to use her nail polish remover several times a day. When her friends come to visit, this seems to occur more frequently. What is the best response by the nurse?
“Your daughter may be ‘huffing’ or inhaling the remover.”
The client is a 10-year-old child admitted to the emergency department after “huffing” gasoline. The physician suspects mild brain damage. What signs will the nurse teach the parents to observe for after they take the child home?
Slurred speech, memory loss, and personality changes
Which of the following profiles would have the greatest risk for developing a drug addiction?
2. A 21-year-old male with insomnia who lives in a college dormitory (wealthy)
When an individual wants to stop using a drug but can’t, she would be suffering from:
3. Substance dependence.
The nurse would expect to see which of the following withdrawal symptoms from an alcoholic patient?
Tremors, anxiety, confusion, and delirium
A hospice patient has been receiving oral pain medication for several weeks. The patient started with 4 mg of the drug, and each week has had to increase the amount by 2–3 mg to obtain adequate pain relief. The nurse recognizes that the patient:
1. Has developed a tolerance to the drug.
Which of the following drugs is least likely to produce physical dependence or tolerance?
4. Marijuana
During a health history, the nurse should use therapeutic communication when asking about substance abuse. Which of the following is essential to establish a trusting nurse–client relationship?
Avoiding shocked facial expressions
A patient suffering from tachycardia and palpitations would most likely be experiencing the signs of drug toxicity from which of the following?
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