Shared Flashcard Set


Pelvis and Perineum

Additional Anatomy Flashcards





Extravasated Urine

 May result from rupture of the bulbous portion of the spongy urethra below the urogenital diaphragm; urine may pass into the superficial perineal space. The urine spreads inferiorly into the scrotum, anteriorly around the penis, and superiorly into the abdominal wall. The urine cannot spread laterally into the thigh, because the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm (the perineal membrane) and the superficial fascia of the perineum are firmly attached to the ischiopubic rami and are connected with the deep fascia of the thigh (fascia-lata). It cannot spread posteriorly into the anal region, because the perineal membrane and Colles' fascia are continuous with each other around the superficial transverse perineal muscles. If the membranous part of the urethra is ruptured, urine escapes into the deep perineal space and can extravasate upward around the prostate and bladder or downward into the superficial perineal space.
  An accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis of the testis
or along the spermatic cord. It may result from an infection or injury to the testis that
causes the layers of the tunica vaginalis to secrete excess serous fluid.


occurs when varicose veins in the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic
cord appears like a "bag of worms:' in the scrotum. It may cause infertility in men because
the pampiniform plexus of veins is unable to cool the testes, resulting in a declining sperm count
(oligospermia) or sterility. The varicocele is accompanied by a constant pulling and dragging and is more
common on the left side, probably as a result of a malignant tumor of the left kidney, which blocks the
exit of the testicular vein. It can be treated surgically by removing the varicose veins.
is a malformation in which the spongy urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis.
Hypospadias is a developmental anomaly in which the urethra opens on the underside
of the penis because Of a failure of the two urethral folds to fuse completely. As a result, more urine exits
from the underside of the penis than from its tip; this condition is corrected surgically at the age of 1 year.
Pudendal Nerve Block
performed by injecting a local anesthetic near the pudendal
nerve. It is accomplished by inserting a needle through the posterolateral vaginal wall, just
beneath the pelvic diaphragm and toward the ischial spine, thus placing the needle around the pudendal
nerve. (A finger is placed on the ischial spine and the needle is inserted in the direction of the tip of the
finger on the spine.) Pudendal block can be done subcutaneously through the buttock by inserting the
needle on the medial side of the ischial tuberosity to deposit the anesthetic near the pudendal nerve.
aspiration of fluid from the cul-de-sac of Douglas (rectouterine pouch)
by a needle puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix near the midline between the
uterosacral ligaments; because the rectouterine pouch is the lowest portion of the peritoneal cavity, it
can collect fluid. This procedure is done when pain occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvic regions and
when a ruptured ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cyst is suspected.
Damage of the Ureter
in the female may occur during a hysterectomy or surgical repair
of a prolapsed uterus because it runs under the uterine artery. The ureter is inadvertently
clamped, ligated, or divided during a hysterectomy when the uterine artery is being ligated to control
uterine bleeding.
Bladder Cancer
usually originates in the bladder lining, which consists of a mucous layer
of surface cells. The most common symptom is blood in the urine (hematuria). Other
symptoms include frequent urination and pain upon urination (dysuria).This cancer may be induced by
organic carcinogens that are deposited in the urine after being absorbed from the environment.
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