Shared Flashcard Set


PDx - Thyroid
Dr. Shankel - 02/28/11

Additional Medical Flashcards




Which three structures of the neck ascend when a patient swallows? In what crainocaudal order do these structures occur?

(1) Thyroid cartilage; (2) Cricoid cartilage; (3) thyroid isthmus


from top to bottom.

How should a thyroid nodule be evaluated once detected on exam? Understand the significance of a hot thyroid nodule and a cold thyroid nodule.

Since physical characteristics of a nodule have little diagnostic value, the ability to incorporate radioactive iodine should be determined to its true nature (benign or malignant)


Hot nodules: nodules that concenctrate radioactive iodine => benign (<1%)


Cold nodules: nodules that fail to concentrate iodine => malignant (10-20%)

What is the relationship between thyroid morphology and thyroid function?
The activity of the thyroid gland is unrelated to the presence of goiter. Some patients with goiters will have over active glands, some will have under active glands, and most will have normally functioning glands.
Know the common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism - thyrotoxicosis due to thyroid over activity


Common symptoms: heat intolerance, nerouvsness, anxiety, excessive sweating, palpitations, diarrhea, amenorrhea, weight loss, and low grade fever.


Signs: lid retraction, lid lag, fine finger tremor, moist warm skin, and HR > 90 BPM

If secondary to Graves' disease: exophthalmos, vitilgo, fingernail clubbing, and pretibial myxedema


Hypothyroidism - abnormally low levels of free thyroid hormone in the plasma


Symptoms: cold intolerance, lethargy, mental dullness, constipation, menorrhagia, loss of libido, weight gain, hoarseness, and loss of sweating.


Signs: coarse, cool, and dry skin; slow, deep and nasal speech, HR < 70 BPM; perioribtal puffiness, goiter.

Know how to properly examine the thyroid gland.

Exam technique:


Wash hands.

Inspect neck and identify landmarks-thyroid cartilage, cricord cartilage, isthmus.

Palpate thyroid without swallowing.

Palpate thyroid with swallowing.

Palpate thyroid from front of patient.

Palpate thyroid in correct anatomical location.

Auscultate for thyroid bruit if enlarged.

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