Hyperthyroidism - thyrotoxicosis due to thyroid over activity
Common symptoms: heat intolerance, nerouvsness, anxiety, excessive sweating, palpitations, diarrhea, amenorrhea, weight loss, and low grade fever.
Signs: lid retraction, lid lag, fine finger tremor, moist warm skin, and HR > 90 BPM
If secondary to Graves' disease: exophthalmos, vitilgo, fingernail clubbing, and pretibial myxedema
Hypothyroidism - abnormally low levels of free thyroid hormone in the plasma
Symptoms: cold intolerance, lethargy, mental dullness, constipation, menorrhagia, loss of libido, weight gain, hoarseness, and loss of sweating.
Signs: coarse, cool, and dry skin; slow, deep and nasal speech, HR < 70 BPM; perioribtal puffiness, goiter. |