Scrotal masses:
indirect inguinal hernia: presents as a scrotal mass, since hernia descends thro inguinal canal coming to lie in front of the spermatic cord and testis. do not transsilluminate. Peristatlic sounds heard on ascultation of scrotum.
hydrocele - accumulation of serous fluid in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis secondary to inf. or trauma. fluid mass rests anterior ot testis and epididymis.
hydrocele of the spermatic cord; mass lies high in the scrotum. May or may not transillluminate;
spermatocele - cystic collection of sperm in epididymis; pea-sized to 8-10 cm. Follows the course of hte epididymis posterior and superior to testis; may transiluminate; non-tender
varicocele - varicosities of the pampiniform venous plexus running along the spermatic cord; ask patient to stand; soft, irregular, scrotal mass, superior to testis, "bag of worms feel", DO NOT TRANSILLUMINATE; normally happens on L > R; if it happens on R, think about IVC obstruction; if L, think left renal vein compression due to renal carcinoma; infertility, heaviness in scrotum, or pain
orchitis - acute inflammation of testis that presents as tender swelling of scrotal contents; warm, diffusely painful, red; secondary to UTI of e. coli; if viral (mumps), then will result in hypogonadism; does not transilluminate; systemic symptoms - chills, fever and myalgias
epididymitis - tender swelling of epididymis usually due to venereal disease; swelling and tenderness superior and posterior to testicle (along the epididymis); accompanied by systemic symptoms; does not transilluminate
testicular torsion - rotation of spermatic cord and blood vessels ; rapid severe pain and scrotal swelling; does not transilluminate; around puberty and younger men; MEDICAL EMERGANCY; rule out with US.
testicular cancer - presents as painless testicular nodule; adherent to surface of testis; many nodules may exist; does not trransilluminate; 15-35 y/o