I. Assessment - Determine needs of patient and family;
a. Information about drug - What is being taught?; applying an ointment vs delivering insulin; how involved is the teaching sessions; are there materials to give patient/family
b. Ability of pt/fam to learn and use information – cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains – dementia, anxiety, etc
c. Barriers to learning -- literacy, language barriers, ability to communicate, learning disability? Cognitive disabilities, visual impairment
II. Nursing Diagnosis (Analysis)
a. Analyze info from assessment to determine if
i. Effectieve Therapeutic Regimen Management
ii. Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Mgmt – e.g. might be polypharmic and hard to keep track
1. This is also the Dx used when discharging a patient since the pt will need further instructions as meds have been managed on their behalf by staff
iii. Deficient Knowledge – may have cog disability, or not the psychomotor skills for administering properly
III. Planning – develop teaching plan including what to teach – ID goals and expected outcomes.
a. Examples of teaching points are above.
b. Make plan individualized according to drug prescribed, learning styles/needs/ability, e.g. foreign language provide in clts language
c. Select relevant information – to specific drug, to level of understanding, avoid med terminology unless explained
d. Goal = pt learns how to take drugs correctly
IV. Implementation
a. Teach pt
i. Appropriate time (no visitors, not in pain, etc)
ii. Start teaching immediately upon admissions and continues until discharge
V. Evaluation
a. See if the patient learned the teaching. E.g if learning insuling admin, then have clt do it
b. Ask patient to repeat any of the teaching points