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Pathologies in Brief
breif overview of pathologies that affect massage considerations

Additional Pathology Flashcards




Acute Bronchitis

an infection and inflammation of the bronchial tree anywhere between the trachea and the bronchioles. If inflammation extends into the bronchioles and alveoli, it is called brochopneumonia.


hallmark is a persistent productive cough with sore throat, nasal congestion, fatigue and fever. Most symptoms generally subside within 10 days, but the cough may last several weeks while bronchi heal.


acute infection contraindicates massage. If infection has passed and only cough remains, massage is fine as long as client is comfortable.




a symptom, not a disease itself. It indicates a shortage of red blood cells, or of hemoglobin, or of both.


symptoms include pallor, shortness of breath, fatigue, and poor resistance to cold. Other symptoms may accompany specific varieties.


when idiopathic or attributable to nutritional deficiency, massage may be indicated as long as no neurologic damage has occurred. Rigirous work may be contraindicated when related to bone marrow suppression (i.e. cancer), chronic disease or inflammation, or premature destruction of red blood cells.


the result of spasmotic constriction of bronchial smooth muscle tubes in combination with chronic local inflammation and excessive mucus production.


attacks are sporadic episodes involving coughing, wheezing, and difficulty with breathing, especially exhaling.


massage is indicated as long as client is not in an attack. Between episodes, massage can be useful in dealing with stress and muscle tension.

Bell's Palsy

a flaccid paralysis of one side of the face caused by inflammation or damage to cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve.


symptoms include drooping of the muscles on the affected side, difficulty with drinking and eating, and difficulty in closing the eye on one side. Pain, headaches, hypersensitivity to sound, and drooling also may occur.


indicates massage to maintain flexibility and good circulation in teh affected muscles. It is important, however, to rule out causes for the nerve damage that may contraindicate massage.

Breast Cancer

the growth of malignant tumor cells in breast tissue; these cells can invade skin and nearby muscles and bones. If they invade lymph nodes, they can metatasize to the rest of the body.


the first sign is a small painless lump or thickening in the breast tissue or near the axilla. The lump may be too small to palpate, but it may show on a mammogram. Later the skin may change texture, the nipple may change shape, and discharge from the nipple may be present.


patients undergo treatment options that are extremely taxing on general health and physical and emotional well-being. Massage can be good when these are taken into consideration.


inflammation of a bursa.


painful, will be aggravated by both passive and active motion. Muscles surrounding the affected joint will often severely limit range of motion. It may be hot or edematous if the bursa is superficial enough to be palpated.


acute noninfectious bursitis locally contraindicates massage. Massage elsewhere, and on local muscles when not acute, is appropriate.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

an irritation of the median nerve as it passes under the transverse carpal ligiment into the wrist. It can have several different causes.


CTS can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the part of the hand supplied by the median nerve. Pain also may radiate proximally up the forearm.


Depending on underlying factors, some CTS cases may respond well to massage. Work on or around wrist should stop immediatly if any aymptoms are elicited. It is necessary to get a medical diagnosis to know which type of CTS is present.

Chemical Dependancy

the use of materials in methods or dosages that result in damage to the user and people whom the user contacts.


specific symptoms are determined by what substances are being consumed. Generally speaking, symptoms include a craving for the substance, inability to voluntarily limit use, unpleasent or dangerous withdrawl symptoms, and increasing tolerance of the substance's effects.


people recovering from dependancy can benefit from massage, as long as no contraindicating conditions have developed. Contraindicated for clients under the influence.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

a collection of signs and symptoms that affect many systems in the body and result in debilitating fatigue.


the central symptom is fatigue that is not restored by rest. It may be accompanied by swollen nodes, slight fever, muscular and joint aches, headaches, excessive pain after mild excersize, and non-restorative sleep.


indicated, can be very helpful

Common Cold

a viral infection from any of 200 types of viruses. Also known as an upper respitory tract infection.


symptoms are nasal discharge, sore throat, mild fever, dry coughing, and headache. Symptoms last anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks.


only indicated when acute stage has passed. Massage may exacerbate symptoms as healing process may be accelerated.

Crohn's Disease

a progressive inflammatory condition that may affect any part of the GI tract. It involves the developement of deep ulcers, blockages, and the formation of abnormal passageways (fistulas) in the small and large intestine.


primary symptom is abdominal pain, especially in the lower right quadrant. Cramping, diarrhea, and pain at the anus may also accompany active flares.


massage is appropriate when the client's condition is in remission. Abdominal massage will be uncomfortable during flares.

Degenerative Disc Disease

a herniated disc is a situation in which the nucleus pulposus or the surrounding annulus fibrosis of an intervertebral disc protudes in such a way that it puts pressure on nerve roots, the cauda equina, or on the spinal cord itself.


symptoms of nerve pressure include radiculopathy (pain along the dermatome), specific muscle weakness, parathesia, and numbness.


herniated discs that are not acutely painful indicate massage.


Degenerative Disc specifically refers to mild tears of the annulus, along with decreased disc height and dehydration of the nucelus. Often considered a normal part of the aging process, although it is accelerated by smoking, obesity and sendentary lifestyle.


an umbrella term covering a number of mood disorders that can result in persistant feelings of sadness, guilt or hopelessness.


symptoms vary accordingly to the type of depression and the individual, but they usually include a loss of enjoyment derived from usual hobbies and activities, dissapointment with oneself, hopelessness, irritability, and a change in sleeping habits.


most types indicte massage to alleviate temporary and long-run symptoms

Diabetes Mellitus

a group of metabolic disorders characterized by glucose intolerance and disturbances in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.


early symptoms include frequent urination, thirstiness, and increased appetite, along with weight loss, nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are often subtle enough that the first signs of disease are the complications it can cause: neuropathy, impaired vision, kidney dysfunction or other problems.


indicates massage as long as tissues are healthy and circulation is unimpaired. Many pople with advanced or poorly treated diabetes experience numbness, cardiovascular problems, or kidney failure. In these situations circulatory massage is not appropriate.


traumatic injuries to joints in which the articulating bones are forcefully seperated.


acute dislocations are extremely painful. The bones may be visibly seperated, and there will be total loss of function at the joint.


indicates massage in the subacute stage, as long as work is conducted with pain tolerance. As the area heals, massage may be useful for managing scar tissue accumulation and muscle spasm around the affected joint.

Eating Disorders

group of phychological problems involving compulsions around food and weight gain or loss. (Anorexia, Bulimia, Compulsive Eating)


early stages have hard to recognize symptoms due to privavcy of habits. Long-term consequences include esophageal and colon damage, tooth damage, arrhythmia and low cardiac stroke volume, electrolyte imbalance, hormonal disturbance, osteoporosis, and others. Compulsive overeating is recognizable by eating habits and significant weight gain in a short period of time.


indicated as long as the body's chemistry can keep up with physical changes. Advanced stages have more severe conditions to consider.


the retention of the interstitial fluid because of electrolyte or protein imbalances, or because of mechanical obstruction in the circulatory or lymphatic systems.


edamatous tissue is puffy or boggy. It may be hot, if associated with local infection, or quite cool, if it is cut off from local circulation.


most edemas contraindicate circulatory massage. This is especially true of pitting edema. Edemas that indicate massage include those caused by subacute soft tissue injury or temporary immobilization.

Embolism, Thrombus

thrombi are stationary clots; emboli are clots that travel through the circulatory system. Emboli are usually composed of blood, but may also be fragments of plaque, fat globules, air bubbles, tumors, or bone chips.


if venous thrombi break loose or embolize, they can only land in the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism. Symptoms of PE include shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing up sputum that is streaked with blood. many venous thrombi and pulmonary emboli are silent; that is, they cause no symptoms until the damage has been done. Clots that form on the arterial side of the system can lodge anywhere their artery carries them. Some of the most common (and dangerous) locations for arterial clots to land are in the coronary arteries (heart attack), the brain (transient ischemic attack or stroke), and the kidneys (renal infarction).


any disorder than involves the potential for lodged or traveling clots contraindicate circulatory massage.


the implantation and growth of endometrial cells in the peritoneal cavity (and possibly elsewhere) that grow and then decay with the menstrual cycle.


may have no symptoms. When it does, they generally include heavy, painful menstration, pelvic and abdominal pain, difficulties with urination or defecation, painful intercourse, and other problems, depending on which tissues have been affected. Symptoms are worst during menstration. Infertility is a frequent complication.


if the client knows of their condition, deep abdominal or pelvic work may be painful, especially when close to her cycle. Most other work is fine and indicated for coping.


the state of having less than optimal energy as a result of inadequate rest and recovery time. Fatigue can be brought about by mental or physical exertion or a combination.


a person with fatigue feels tired, moves inefficiently, and may be prone to injury.


indicates massage.


a chronic pain syndrome involving sleep disorders and the development of a predictable pattern of tender points in muscles and other soft tissue.


diagnosed when other diseases have been ruled out, and when 11 active tender points are found distributed among all quadrants of the body.


indicates massage. Care must be taken not to over-treat because of extreme sensitivity to pain, and may have accumulations of waste products on the tissues that are difficult to flush out.


any kind of broken or cracked bone.


most are painful and involve loss of function at the nearest joints, but some may be difficult to diagnose without x-ray or imaging techniques.


acute fractures locally contraindicate massage, but elsewhere may have reflexive benefits. Indicated in later stages of recovery.


Adhesive Capsulitis

(frozen shoulder)

This disorder involves the synovial joint capsule at the glenohumeral joint. Often precipitated by some other inflammatory problem (bursitis or tendinitis), the joint capsule gradually adheres to the articulating bones, causing pain, inflammation, and loss of range of motion. The onset is usually gradual, and without intervention it will often spontaneously resolve, although it may leave a permanent loss of range of motion at the joint. Physical therapy is often recommended for persons with frozen shoulder, to minimize and reverse the adhesive process; massage can fit into this context as well.

an inflammatory arthritis caused by deposits of sodium urate (uric acid) in and around joints, especially in the feet.


Acute gout causes joints to become red, hot, swollen, shiny, and extremely painful. It usually has a sudden onset.


Gout systemically contraindicates massage when it is acute. Gouty joints locally contraindicate massage at all times.


pain caused by any number of sources. Muscular tension, vascular spasm and dilation, and chemical imbalances all can contribute to headache. Rarely do they indicate a serious disorder.


tension-type headaches are usually bilateral and steadily painful. Vascular headaches are often unilateral and have a distinctive "throbbing" pain from blood flow into the head. Headaches brought about by central nervous system injury or disease are extreme, severe, and prolonged. They can have sudden or gradual onset.


headaches caused by infection or CNS injury contraindicate massage. Persons experiencing vascular headaches generally avoid stimuli such as massage, but massage is very indicated for tension-type headaches.


a hole or rip in the abdominal wall or the inguinal ring through which the small instestine may protrude.


abdominal hernias usually show some bulging and mild to severe pain, depending on whether a portion of the small instestine is trapped.


untreated hernias locally contraindicate massage. If the hernia is accompanied by fever or other signs of infection, it systemically contraindicates massage. Recent hernia surgeries fall under the category of postsurgical situations. Old hernia surguries with no complications are fine for massage.

Herniated Disc

a herniated disc is a situation in which the nucleus pulposus or the surrounding annulus fibrosis of an intervertebral disc protudes in such a way that it puts pressure on nerve roots, the cauda equina, or on the spinal cord itself.


symptoms of nerve pressure include radiculopathy (pain along the dermatome), specific muscle weakness, parathesia, and numbness.


herniated discs that are not acutely painful indicate massage.


herniated nucleus pulposus - the nucleus pulposus extends beyond the posterior margin of the vertebral body


bulge - this refers to a situation in which the entire disc protrudes beyond the normal boundaries of the vertebral body


protrusion - when the nucleus pulposus extends out of the annulus at a specific location. If it protrudes posterolaterally it may put pressure on nerve roots. If it protrudes straight back, it could put pressure on the spinal cords or cauda equina.


extrusion - a protrusion of a small piece of the nucleus with a narrow connection back to the body of the nucleus. In some cases, the protrusion can seperate from the nucleus altogether.


rupture - the nucleus pulposus has burst and leaked its entire contents into the surrounding area. Ruptures are less painful than other disc problems, because the pressure has been removed from the nerve tissue.


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which attacks and disables the immune system. This leaves a person vulnerable to a host of diseases that are usually not a threat to uninfected people.


most people with HIV experience a week or two of flu-like symptoms within several weels of being infected, followed by an interval with no symptoms. When the virus has successfully inactivated the immune system, infection by oppourtunistic pathogens such as herpes simplex and zoster, cytomegalovirus, or pneumocystis carnii occurs.


all stages of infection indicate massage as long as the practitioner is healthy and does not pose any risk to the client, and the client is able to keep up with the changes that massage brings about in the body.


the technical term for high blood pressure


no dependable symptoms. The only way to identify it is by taking several blood pressure measurements over time.


for borderline or mild high blood pressure, massage may be useful as a tool to control stress and increase general health, but other pathological conditions having to do with kidney or cardiovascular disease must be ruled out. High blood pressure that accompanies other cardiovascular disease may be inappropriate for circulatory massage.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

a collection of signs and symptoms that indicate a functional problem with the digestive system, specifically with the colon. It is aggravated by diet and stress.


symptoms include alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, bloating or abdominal distension, and moderate to severe cramping abdominal pain that is relieved with defecation.


massage is indicated as long as comfort is maintained.


an autoimmune disease in which antibiotics attack various types of tissue throughout the body. Three distinct types of lupus exist, but systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common and the most serious.


eleven specific criteria have been determined for a diagnosis of lupus. They include, among other things, arthritis in two or more joints, pleurisy, pericarditis, kidney, and nervous system dysfunction.


when in acute flare, circulatory massage can exacerbate symptoms. When the condition is in remission, indicated for pain and anxiety reduction and maintinance of flexibility.


any variety of cancer that grows in lymph nodes


painless swelling of nodes is the cardinal sign, along with the possibility of anemia, fatigue, low-grade fever, night sweats, itchiness, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite, all of which last 2 weeks or more.


rigorous work is not reccomended, but not necessarily off limits. Persons free of disease for 5+ years are considered "cured". Non-circulatory can be appropriate, but being part of a full medical team is needed.

Multiple Sclerosis

an idiopathic disease that involves the destruction of myelin sheaths around both motor and sensory neurons in the CNS.


MS has many symptoms, depending on the nature of the damage. These can include fatigue, eye pain, spasticity, tremors, and progressive loss of vision, sensation, and motor control.


indicated in sub-acute stages when in remission, contraindicated in acute.

Muscular Dystrophy

a group of related inherited disorders, all of which involve the degeneration and wasting of muscle tissue.


different varieties destroy different areas of skeletal muscles. The age of onset, initial symptoms and long-term prognosis depend on what kind of genetic problem is present.


early signs of often involve muscles that become tight and constrictive. Physical therapy is often used to prevent or minimize contractures as long as possible; massage can fit into this context as long as working with a full health team.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome

a collection of signs and symptoms that indicate trauma to muscles and leads to a cycle of chronic spasm, ischemia and pain.


recognized mainly through the development of trigger points in predictable locations in affected muscles.


massage is indicated for breaking the pain-spasm cycle and help to eradicate the metabolic wastes.

Myositis Ossificans

the growth of bony deposit in soft tissue. It usually follows trauma that involves significant leakage of blood between fascial sheaths.


and x-ray is the best way to see this problem, but it is palpable as a dense mass where one should not be.


locally contraindicated, but work around the area can stimulate reabsorption of the bone.


joint inflammation brought about by wear-and-tear causing cumulative damage to articular cartilage.


affected joints are stiff, painful and occasionally palpably inflamed. Most often affects knees, hips and distal joints of the fingers.


contraindicated when acutely inflamed, indicated when sub-acute.


a loss of bone mass and density brought about by endocrine imbalances and poor metabolism of calcium.


in early stages it is only identifiable only by x-ray and bone-density tests. In later stages, compression or spontaneous fractures of the vertebrae, wrists or hips may be present. Kyphosis brought about by compression fractures of the vertebrae is a frequent indicator.


gentle massage is indicated, with extra caution for safety and comfort. Contraindicated in cases of acute fractures.

Patellofemoral Syndrome

an overuse disorder that can lead to damage of the patellar cartilage.


causes pain at the knee, stiffness after immobility and discomfort in walking down stairs.


massage is indicated when knee is not inflammed.

Pelvis Inflammatory Disease

an infection of female reproductive organs. It starts at the cervix and can move up to infect the uterus, fallopian tubes ovaries and the entire pelvic cavity.


symptoms include abdominal pain, fever, chills, headache, nausea and vomiting. Chronic PID may produce no symptoms, or may involve chronic pain, lassitude and pain during urination and intercourse.


when acute, systemically contraindicated until infection has completely passed. When chronic, massage can be ok as long as disease is being fully treated. Deep abdominal massage is contraindicated.

Peripheral Neuropathy

damage to peripheral nerves, usually of the hands and feet, often as a result of some other underlying condition such as alcoholism, diabetes or lupus.


sensory damage, motor damage, or both may be present. Symptoms include burning or tingling pain beginning distally and slowly moving proximally, loss of movement or control of movement, hyperthesia and eventual numbness.


contraindicated when numbness interferes with the clients ability to give feedback.

Plantar Fasciitis

pain and inflammation caused by injury to the plantar fascia of the foot.


acute pain after prolonged immobility. The pain then recedes, but comes back with extended use. It feels sharp and bruise-like, usually at the anterior calcaneus or deep in the arch, but can appear anywhere the fascia goes.


massage is indicated (release of tension in calf muscles and help with scar tissue)

Post Polio Syndrome

a group of symptoms common to polio survivors, particularly those who experienced significant loss of function in the acute stage of the disease.


the destruction of motor neurons leads to degeneration, atrophy, and finally paralysis of skeletal muscles in polio patients. Later in life they may develop a sudden onset of fatigue, achiness and weakness. Breathing and sleeping difficulties may also occur.


the polio virus does not affect sensation or cognition, so once acute infection has passed, massage is fine.

Postoperative Situations

conditions in which the client is recovering from surgery.


surguries may be major and invasive, or may be conducted through tiny holes in the abdomen or long tubes in the blood vessels.


massage is locally contraindicated but can be appropriate depending on the situation.

Postural Deviations

overdeveloped thoracic or lumbar curves (kyphosis or lordosis) or an S-curve in the spine (scoliosis).


extreme curvations are easily visible, although x-rays are used to pinpoint exactaly where the problems begin and end.


indicates massage


the state of carrying a fetus


pertaining to massage, loose ligaments, muscle spasm, clumsiness and fatigue.


all stages of uncomplicated pregnancy indicate massage, with trimester specfic cautions

Raynaud's Syndrome

defined by episodes of vasospasm of the arterioles, usually in fingers and toes, and occasionally in the nose, ears, and lips.


affected areas will often go through marked color changes of white or ashy gray for dark-skinned people, to blue to red. Attacks can last for less than a minute or several hours. Numbness or tingling may follow during recovery.



Rheumatoid Arthritis

an autoimmune disease in which immune system agents attack synovial membranes, particularly of the joints in the hands and feet. Other structures, such as muscles, tendons and blood vessels may also be affected.


in the acute phase, affected joints are red, swollen, hot and painful. They often become gnarled and distorted. It tends to affect the body symmetrically, and is not determined by age.


indicated in the subacute stages only.

Seizure Disorders

any condition that causes seizures. Often related to some kind of neurological damage in the shape of tumors, head injuries, or infection, although it may be impossible to delineate exactly what that damage is. Epilepsy is a subtype.


may take very different forms; they range from barely noticeable to life-threatening. Diagnosed through physical examination, a description of symptoms, CT and MRI scans, and EEG's.


seizure activity itself obviously contraindicates massage, but appropriate at any other time.

Shin Splints

refers to a collection of lower leg inuries including compartment syndromes, muscle tears, periostitis, hairline fractures, and other problems. Usually brought about by overuse or misalignment.


pain along the tibia may be superficial or deep, mild or severe. The pattern of pain differs with the specific injury.


muscle injury indicates massage, but caution must be used with periostitis or stress fractures. Acute exertional compartment syndrome contraindicates massage.


inflammation of the paranasal sinuses from allergies, infection, or physical obstruction.


symptoms include headaches, localized tenderness over the affected area, runny or congested nose, facial or tooth pain, headache, fatigue and, if it is related to an infection, thick opaque mucus, fever, and chills.


acute infection contraindicates, but in chronic or noninfectious situations it can be appropriate, as long as client is comfortable.

Skin Cancer

cancer in the stratum basale of the epidermis (basal cell carcinoma); cancer of the keratinocytes int he epidermis (squamous cell carcinoma); or cancer of the melanocytes of the epidermis (malignant melanoma).


for BCC and SCC, look for the cardinal sign: sores that don't heal. They can resemble blisters, warts, pimples, or simple unexplained bumps and abrasions. They are usually painless, but may bleed or become slightly itchy as cells become active. For malignant melanoma, look for a mole that exhibits the ABCDE's of melanoma.


for BCC, which does not metatasize, massage is a local contraindication, as long as the lesion has been diagnosed by a dermatologist. SCC and malignant melanoma carry the risk of metastasis, therefore, any decisions about massage must be made according to the treatments the client is having.

Sleep Disorders

a collection of problems including insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and circadian rhythm disruption that make it difficult to get enough sleep or to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.


the primary symptom of sleep disorders is excessive daytime sleepiness. If this continues for a prolonged period, a weakened immune system, memory and concentration loss, and an increased risk of automotive or on-the-job accidents.


indicated for improvement of quality of sleep and reduce stress.


injured ligaments, ranging from a few traumatized fibers to complete ruptures.


in the acute stage, pain, redness, heat, swelling and loss of joint function will be evident. In the sub-acute stage, these symptoms will be abated, although not necessarily absent. Passive stretching will be painful until all inflammation has gone.


Subacute sprains indicate to influence healthy development of scar tissue and reduce swelling and damage due to edematous ischemia. Therapists must rule out bone fractures and other injuries that sprains can accidentally mask.


injuries to muscles.


pain, stiffness, and occasionally palpable heat and swelling are all signs of muscle strain. Pain may be exacerbated by passive stretching or resisted contraction.


muscle strains indicate massage for production of useful scar tissue, reduction of adhesions and edema, and reestablishment of range of motion.


damage to brain tissue caused either by a blockage in blood flow or internal hemorrhage.


symptoms include paralysis, weakness, or numbness on one side; blurry or diminished vision on one side with asymmetrically dilated pupils; dizziness and confusion; difficulty in speaking or understanding simple sentences; sudden extreme headache; and possibly loss of consciousness.


most people who survive strokes are at high risk for other cardiovascular problems. Rigorous circulatory massage should probably be avoided, though other types can be appropriate.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

TMJ disorders arise when constant strain, stress, and malocclusion of the jaw lead to pain and loss of function of the TM joint.


symptoms include head, neck and shoulder pain, ear pain, mouth pain, clicking or locking in jaw, and loss of ROM in jaw.


massage can be useful if intervention is begun before bony deformation begins. However, condition can be hard to diagnose, so collaboration with health team is important.


inflammation of a tendon, usually caused by injury at the tenoperiosteal or musculotendinous junction.


pain and stiffness are usually present, and in acute stages palpable heat and swelling will occur. Pain is exacerbated by resisted exercise of the injured muscle-tendon unit.


indicates massage

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

collection of signs and symptoms brought about by occlusion of nerve and blood supply to the arm.


depending on which structures are compressed, TOS will show shooting pains, weakness, numbness, and paresthesia along with a feeling of fullness and possible discoloration of the affected arm from impaired circulation.


depends on the source of the problem. If related to muscle tightness, massage is indicated. TOS symptoms due to muscle degeneration or some other disorder such as spondylosis or herniated disc will not respond well to massage.

Thrombophlebitis, Deep Vein Thrombosis

inflammations of veins due to blood clots.


symptoms for thrombophlebitis may or may not include pain, heat, redness, swelling and local itchiness, and a hard cord-like feeling at the affected vein. Symptoms for DVT may be nonexsistent, or they can be more extreme: possibly pitting edema distal to site, often with dislocations and intermittent or continuous pain that is exacerbated by activity or standing still for long periods.


contraindicated for any type of work that may disrupt clots, leading to pulmonary embolism.


a unilateral spasm of neck muscles. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including mild musculoskeletal injury, congenital abnormalities, or CNS problems.


flexion and rotation of the head are the main symptoms. The spasm may be constant or intermittent. May also cause pain in the neck, shoulders and back.


wryneck from tigger points, cervical misalignment, ligament sprain, or trauma may be appropriate for massage if no acute inflammation is present. Spasmodic torticollis patients can benefit, but you should work with a health care team. If symptoms are not improving, client should seek a more thorough diagnosis.

Urinary Tract Infection

an infection of the urinary tract, usually from bacteria that live harmlessly in the digestive tract.


symptoms include pain and burning sensations during urination, increased urinary frequency, urgency, and cloudy or blood-tinged urine. Abdominal, pelvic, or low back pain may occur. In acute stage, fever and general malaise may be present.


acute infection contraindicates, appropriate in subacute. (no abdominal work until infection is totally passed)

Varicose Veins

distended veins, usually in the legs, caused by vascular incompetence and a reflux of blood returning to the heart.


varicose veins are ropey, slightly bluish, elevated veins that twist and turn out of their usual course. They happen most frequently in branches of the saphenous veins on the medial side of the calf, although they are also found on the posterior aspects of the calf and thigh.


massage is locally contraindicated for extreme varicose veins, and anywhere distal to them. Mild varicose veins contraindicated deep, specific work, but they are otherwise safe for massage.


and umbrella term referring to a collection of soft tissue injuries that may occur with cervical acceleration/deceleration. These injuries include sprained ligaments, strained muscles, damaged cartilage and joint capsules, and TMJ problems. Although whiplash technically refers to soft-tissue injury, damage to other structures, including vertebrae, discs, and the CNS frequently occurs at the same time.


symptoms vary according to the nature of the injuries. Pain at the neck and referring into the shoulders and arms along with chronic headaches are the primary indicators.


an acute injury contraindicates circulatory or mechanically based massage. Indicated for subacute healing.

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