Keith's Flashcards

Here are flash cards I have made up for various brief families. Some are very basic while many others are more complex. Each one is not intended to have all the briefs in a family but to have enough of the main ones to help me practice. I hope you find them as helpful as I do. You may write a lot of them differently than I do, which is okay if you can do it quickly and easily!


Make sure to use the random and auto-flip options for best practice. You probably want to start with an autoflip of about 4 to 5 seconds then get lower as you get better. Write each word or phrase out as many times as you can in that period. It is good to check with realtime and you can keep this window over your realtime.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at


-mper and -cher - using -FRPB for both of these endings in words
2000 years and '01 through '09 - Briefs for years 2000 through 2015 (using prefix DW-) and '01-'09 by squishing the two syllables and using W- prefix
2011 Random #1 - random words
able to - briefs with the word able
accident - SD equals accident on left hand and -X on right hand
Advanced Family Court terms - more advanced, less common mostly
and = SG - and phrases, using SG as
and = SG - and phrases, mostly and I = STKPWEU
answer? - briefs on whether to answer the question
are you sure? - phrases with the word sure
as far as - briefs for as far as (SFARS) and then as far as I (SFAI-) and
ask - phrasing the word ask including ask as *FK on right hand
Attention - Phrases ending in word attention
attention, recall - phrases on attention, recall, memory, knowledge
Basic Family Court terms - basic
Basic Sentence Parts - Reviewing nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc
Bear and bare - bear and bare, phrases like bear fruit
been - phrases for has been (-FB), have been (-VB), few others
believe - phrases like will believe, will not believe, etc. basically using * for not
Big Common Words - big words that are fairly common
Can - Phrases with
Common Terms - overrule, hasn't, connect, evade
Consideration - Phrases ending in word consideration
couple - using KL- for couple, KLAO- for a couple, KLUF for couple of, and KLAUF for a couple of
Court - briefs for court work
custody and visitation - family briefs for custody
describe - briefs that end in describe (-DZ) and a few that start with describe (DRAOIB or DR-B). You can also add initial S- to those.
did you first - briefs for did you first, when you first, etc (using -FRS)
did you or did you not - phrases for wordy attorneys that phrase their questions with things like did you or did you not
do - briefs for do (DAO), I do (AO), and you do (YAOU) phrases
don't and I do not - briefs for don't phrases (DOE starts them), don't even (DOE*), I don't even (YOE), and you don't (YAOU* plus endings) and also I do not phrases (AO* plus endings in phrases)
driving, drunk driving - briefs and phrases for driving and drunk driving
drugs - briefs for drug terms
during - phrases like during the course, during the time (DR-)
Each phrases - phrases starting with "each"
employment - briefs for employment and work phrases, questions (like where do you work), and also words and phrases that go along with these families.
Evidence on -RDZ - Evidence on -RDZ as -FRD and some -VD
examinations and arguments - briefs for types of examinations and arguments
Exhibits 1 - Briefs on Exhibit Numbers and Letters
Exhibits 2 - briefs for marking exhibits
fact - fact on the right side (-FRT)
fair to say, is that correct - phrases with the word fair, also is that correct
Fall #4 JC 1 - JC phrases I made recently
Fall #4 JC 2 - JC phrases I made recently
Fall #4 JC 3 - JC phrases I made recently
Fall #4 JC 4 - JC phrases I made recently
Fall #5 - JC single words - single words and phrases to go with them, mostly for JC
Fall #5 JC Phrases - #1 - JC phrases
Fall #5 JC Phrases - #2 - JC phrases
Fall #5 JC Phrases - #3 - JC phrases
Fall #5 JC Phrases - #4 - JC phrases
familiar phrases - briefs for is it familiar, etc (using -FRL)
Family Acronyms, Other Terms - Acronyms and other terms heard in family court
family court phrases - phrases said in our family court
Family Members, Designations - strokes for members of the family and speaker designations
Family/Relatives - Briefs for names of family, including grand- and step-
Few, lot - Phrases like a few, a lot, etc
filler phrases - In, with - filler phrases starting with in or with
Financial 1 - financial briefs
Financial 2 - more financial briefs, pretty common mostly
for - phrasing for as FR-
for the purpose - FRURP, add O for of, and -T for the, or *T for it, -S for plural
from - Phrasing from on the L-DZ as FRO-
General Legal #1 - general legal briefs (note: I use -Z for plural and -S for 's)
get - phrasing get on the right side as -FRG, add - T for the, or -D for it
give - phrases with word give as beginning and ending (-VG on R-DZ)
go, going - briefs and phrases for go (G-), going (G-G), and going to (GAO- or G-GT)
got - phrasing got on the right side as *FRG, add -T for the, -D for it
guesses and estimates - phrases with guess, estimate
half, hour - phrases with half, hour, half hour, etc
has been - Phrases for has been ending, using -FB, a few other been phrases
has there, have there - briefs for has there, have there, had there and then been
has to, had to, have to - purposeful stacks for has to (THAO), had to (THO), have to (VO)
Hesitation #1 - Hesitation #1
house - briefs for things around the house
how do you, how did you - purposeful stack phrases with how do (DHAO), how did (DH-)
I have no - using YAOIF to begin phrases and YAOIF* for I have no such
imp- words as SKW - imp = SKW impr- = SKWR impl- = STKPWL
INF- prefix - I use SF- for words starting with INF- (except for a few I brief)
INV- prefix - I also use SF- for INV- words
It was - phrase beginning - using TW- for it was on the L-DZ. If you add an asterisk to any phrase that doesn't have one, it reverses and becomes was it? Practice both if you have time with autoflip.
it's on the L-DZ - phrasing it's on the left side (SF-)
JC - General Terms #1 - Basic general JC terms
JC - Murder and Manslaughter - general briefs and phrases for MURD and MAUR
Jury Charge Phrases - Advanced - more advanced JC phrases
Jury Charge Phrases - Basic - Fundamental JC phrases
just a minute - briefs for phrases like just a minute
kind of - very useful kind of phrases
left hand, right hand - briefs for left hand, right hand families
Legalese 1 - legal terms
like to - phrases beginning with like, like to (LAOIFT). Think of the -F as a -K in this case.
look and look like - Briefs for phrases with look and look like (LOIK = look like)
look on *RDZ - phrasing look as -BLG for did you look, can you look, etc
mean phrases - phrases with the word mean, like what do you mean
measurements - measurement phrases (feet, inches, etc)
medical - advanced - advanced medical briefs (A-L)
medical - advanced #2 - more advanced medical phrases (M-Z)
Medical - Basic #1 - basic medical briefs (A-L)
medical - basic #2 - briefs (M-Z)
MIFLS words from Fall #4 - random words and a couple phrases I came across lately
mind - phrases with the word
More Legal #1 - more legal words and phrases
New Fall Phrases #1 - Random Phrases
New Fall Phrases #2 - Random Phrases
New Fall Phrases #3 - Random Phrases
New Fall Phrases #4 - Random Phrases
New Fall Phrases #5 - Random Phrases
New Fall Words #1 - Random words
New Fall Words #2 - Random words
New Fall Words #3 - Random words
New Families #1 - admit, perform, resign, advertise, withhold, reflect
New Families #2 - manage, emerge, telephone, exhaust, investigate, heavy, hesitate, recommend, represent
New Families #3 - evince, evade, eval, easy, emit, invoke, vocal, adore, disagree, portray
no more, any more - phrases like no questions, no more questions, any questions, any objections
not - phrases starting with the word not
number of - the way I am doing number of phrases
o'clock - briefs for 1:00 through 12:00
objections - briefs on various objections
office, officer, offense, all of us - my solution to getting rid of conflicts with these words
part of - phrases with part of
Particular - Particular family words and phrases, conflict resolution
point out - phrases for pointing out things, like the defendant (POID = point out) (-PD for point out at end of phrase, and *PD for point him out)
point, point in time - phrases with point and point in time
procedurals - 4V/Court briefs on procedurals and initial questions
R- words - words starting with letter R-
random but good phrases - random grabbag of briefs I have learned recently
real and really - briefs for really word family and phrases (RAE plus endings), also I don't really know, believe, think (just add * or *R), really on *RD as -RLG, -RLZ as realize in phrases. Also real estate, agent
Realtime 1 - strokes to make my realtime better
Refer - Refer on the -RDZ as -FR
refresh - briefs for refresh your memory, recall, recollection, and knowledge (your, my, and ours)
remember - using *FRM for remember instead of just -RM, so as to differentiate from the -RL for recall
rephrase - briefs on rephrase or repeat the question
said - FRD - said as -FRD
said = -FRD - ending said phrases with -FRD as said
seems and sound like - main ones are seem to me (SMAOE), seem to be (SAOEB), seem like (SLAOIK) and sound like (SLOUK)
ship suffix - words with the -ship suffix. I do most as -OIP
Simple Words 1 - new outlines for common, simple words
Simple words and phrases - Some simple words and phrases to learn
so that - phrasing so that (STHAO), other so phrases
sort of - small but very useful sort of family
spell your name - briefs for spelling questions like spell your name
state your name - briefs for state your name - STAURN
talk about - talk and talk about in phrases
tell and told - Phrase beginnings with tell and told
tell on R-DZ - phrases ending with the word tell
testify - briefs for the word family as well as phrases like you testified (using UFT for you testify and UFTD for the -ed)
the defendant did what? - Phrasing the defendant on the right side (*TD)
there on -RDZ - phrasing there on the right side (*RT), is there (STHR-)
these, those on -RD - using -OEFS for those endings, and -AOEFZ for these endings. On a few phrases the vowels are removed or asterisk is added to avoid conflicts
through - phrasing the word through (THRAOU)
Time #1 - phrases with the word time
Time #2 - phrases with the word time (continued)
try - small but useful try family. Main phrases are using TR-T as try to
type of - phrases with type of
Under - YUR - using YUR for under and few phrases
understanding - phrasing the word understanding (-NGD)
want to on R-DZ - phrasing want as -FRPB, want to as -FRPBT
want to, need to - creative phrases for want to (KWAO), need to (NAOEF)
went - doing went on the *RDZ as -FRPB*
what on R-DZ - phrasing what on the right hand as -FB
What phrase ending -AUT - phrasing what on the R-DZ as -AUT. This idea is in its infancy for me, and I will add more to this later.
what phrases - Advanced - advanced what phrases using asterisks, stacks
What Phrases - Basic - easy to stroke what phrases without initial H-
which - SKW - using SKW for which and SKW- plus endings in phrases
Yes and No Answer Extensions - (Q) on front of card, (A) on back... Use Y- plus Ans. bank for (A)Yes; and use N- plus Ans. bank for (A)No. Add * to bring in next question
you do, you don't - YAOU for you do, and YAOU* for you don't
Your Honor - briefs for respectful phrases for Your Honor and Court

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