Shared Flashcard Set


Out of Class Assignment
Out of Class/Additional Responsibility Assignment
Not Applicable

Additional Communication Flashcards





Out of Class Assignment


The full-time performance of the significant duties of a vacant, funded position in a higher classification for a period of at least 30 days
Additional Responsiblity Assignment
Placing of an employee on a special project or assignment for a significant period. The term also refers to the assignment of additional duties not typically performed by incumbents in the employee's classification, for a period of at least 30 days


Managers & Supervisors


Shall submit requests for approval of an out of class bonus and additional responsibility bonus in accordance with the policy and procedures contained herein.

The manager or supervisor must also initiate timely notice to Personnel Services when the out of class or additional responsibility assignment is completed



Personnel Services

Shall commence payment of the out of class bonus upon receipt of required approvals and shall submit a request for approval for additional responsibility bonus to the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) upon receiving Departmental authorization


Out of Class


1) Managers and Supervisors should fill vacancies in each classification from a certified Civil Service eligibility list for the classification


2) When an eligibility list has not been certified, or an appointment can not be made from an existing list, and no re-employment list exists, a vacancy may be filled on an out of class basis by appointing an employee whose classification is at a lower level than the classification of the vacant position


3) An out of class appointment is made by the employee's Division Chief and approved by the Deputy Fire Chief (Chief Deputy?)


4) An employee who is receiving additional responsibility bonus may not also receive out of class pay



Additional Responsibilty Assignment


1) The assignment of additional responsibilities should be limited to critical situations or to projects of significant importance to the Department


2) The performance of work normally assigned to an employee in the same or equal level classification does not constitute an additional responsibility assignment


3) The additional duties performed must be a significant part of the overall assignment to qualify the employee for the additional responsibility bonus


4) A manager in an Operations Bureau, the Fire Prevention Bureau, or the Services Bureau who wishes to make an additional responsibility assignment must obtain prior approval of the Chief Deputy.

A manager in the Administrative Bureau must obtain the prior approval of the Deputy Director of the Administrative Bureau


5) An employee who is receiving the out of class bonus may not also receive a bonus for additional responsibility



Out of Class Bonus


1) After 20 working days, an employee who has been given an out of class assignment may submit a written request to their Division Chief to be relieved of the assignment or be paid the out of class bonus


2) Any request to be relieved of the out of class assignment should be accommodated, if at all possible.

Managers should consult with the Employee Relations Office regarding such requests


3) A request for payment of the bonus should be noted as approved by the Division Chief and forwarded to the Personnel Section

a: If the Division Chief believes the request for bonus payment should not be approved, the employee should consult with the Employee Relations Office

b: The Division Chief may relieve the employee of the out of class duties, in lieu of payment of the bonus


4) The Personnel Section shall commence payment of the out of class bonus to the employee providing:

a: The Division Chief's approval for the assignment is on file, and

b: The employee is filling a vacant, funded higher-level position


5) An assignment to a higher-level position that is given to provide a training opportunity for an employee does not qualify as an out of class assignment


6) The amount of the out of class bonus is:

a: 5.5% when the difference between the higher and lower classifications is 5.5% or more, or

b: 5% when the higher level classification has a flat rated salary


7) Eligibility for the out of class bonus ceases when any of the following occurs:

a: The employee is promoted to the vacant position

b: The vacancy is filled by an eligible individual from a certified list

c: The employee is reassigned to other duties, or

d: The employee is absent from work for a period of 30 days, except in the case of an approved workers compensation injury leave. The bonus is resumed upon the employee's return to duty to the same out of class assignment


8) For purposes of determining eligibility for an out of class bonus, an employee is deemed to be filling a "vacant position" when the incumbent of the position has been absent for at least 30 days for reasons of illness, injury, or personal leave and the absence will continue for an extended period


9) The effective date of the bonus is the date on which the employee submitted a request for relief or for payment of the bonus, not to precede 20 working days from the start of the out of class assignment.

The bonus will terminate after one year unless an extension is granted by the Chief Deputy or the Deputy Director of the Administration Bureau


10) The personnel Section shall send a confirmation of the bonus to the employee


11) The supervisor or manager must notify Personnel Services immediately upon the termination of an out of class assignment


12) The out of class assignment should be documented in the employee's next performance evaluation



Additional Responsiblity


1) Upon determining the need to assign an employee to a special project or to duties that are ordinarily performed by a higher classified position, the manager or supervisor must obtain the approval of the Chief Deputy (Deputy Director, Administration for managers and supervisors in the Administration Bureau)


2) The Division Chief must notify the Personnel Section of the Chief Deputy's approval of the additional responsibility assignment in writing or through e-mail. The notification must contain a description of the additional responsibilities and the length of time that they will be assigned to the employee


3) The Personnel Section shall prepare a request for approval for additional responsibility bonus for the signature of the Chief Deputy or the Deputy Director of the Administrative Bureau and and send it to the Chief Administrative Office


4) Upon receipt of CAO approval, Personnel Services shall commence payment of the additional responsibility bonus to the employee and send confirmations to the employee and to the Division Chief


5) The amount of the additional responsibility bonus is 5.5%. County Code Section 6.10.073(B) permits up to an additional 5.5% to non-represented employees with the approval of the Fire Chief and the Chief Administrative Officer


6) Eligibility for the bonus terminates when:

a: the additional duties or responsibilities are completed

b: the employee is relieved of such duties and responsibilities, or

c: a period of one year has elapsed since the effective date of the bonus, unless extended by the Chief Deputy or the Deputy Director of the Administrative Bureau


7) The additional responsibility should be documented in the employee's next performance evaluation

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