Page 47 "All that can happen in a tousand days." |
- Stage manager said it.
- To the audience.
- It means that every single day in those three years is normal, but it all equals a life time.
Page 49 "They brought up two children apeice washed, cleaned the house, -and never a nervous breakdown." |
- Stage manager said it.
- To the audience.
- This showed that these two ladies had a thousand days of work for two children and a husband, but they kept their cool the whole time.
- They were ordinary.
Page 49 "Youv'e got to love life to have life, and youv'e got to have a life to love live ... It's what they call a vicious circle." |
- Stage Manager said it.
- To the audience.
- It means that you have to live life to the fullest to actually love it, and you have to love it to live life to the fullest.
- See Lucinda Matlocks poem.
Page 57 "Millions have folla'd it, George, and you don't want to be the first to fly out of custom." |
- Mrs. Webb said it
- To George
- When George came to see Emily before the wedding
- Millions of people have gotten married but it is still a special day
- custom
Page 66 "I always expect a man to be perfect and I think that he should be." |
- Emily
- To George
- at the ice cream shop
- Emily thinks that all men are perfect when they aren't everyone makes mistakes.
- perfect
Page 69 "The day wouldn't come when I wouldn't want to know everything that's happened here. I know thats's true, Emily." |
- George
- To Emily
- at the ice cream shop
- It shows that like even compared to the whole state of New Hampshire George would still like Grovers Coners
Page 65 "I...I'm glad you said it, Emily. I never thought that such a thing was happening to me. I geuss it's hard for a fella not to have faults creep into his characters." |
- George
- To Emily
- on the way to the ice cream shop
- It showed that George can take what ever comes at him.
- fault
Page 76 "The whole world's wrong, that's what the matter is." |
- Mrs. Webb
- To the audience
- Walking to the pews before the wedding
- She was making a big deal about a wedding in Grovers Coners and she blamed the world.
- World
Page 82 "M...marries N...millions of them." |
- Stage Manager
- To audience
- Right before the wedding
- It meant that a ton of people have gotten married
- variables
Page 82 " I always say: happiness, that's the great thing! The important thing is to be happy." |
- Mrs. Soames
- To people in the wedding
- During the wedding
- She was saying that Quality is way better Quantity. Happiness is the key.
- happiness