Shared Flashcard Set


Our Town Act 1
inspirational quotes
7th Grade

Additional English Flashcards





"All that education for nothing."


  • Stage manager talking to the audience
  • Talking about Joe Crowell getting educated, but then died in the war
  • Not all that education for nothing
  • Paradox

"Here, we like the sun comin' up over the mountain in the morning, and we all notice a good deal about the birds. We pay a lot of attentino to them. And we warch the change of the seasons."


  • Mrs.Webb talking to Lady in a Box
  • Talking about how the ordinary people in Grovers Corners enjoy simple pleasures, not expensive paintings and art
  • Wilder adding to the idea that we should live for the ordinary times in our lives and enjoy the simple pleasures

"Just keep droppin' hints from time to time-that's how I got to see the Atlantic Ocean.


  • Mrs. Webb talking to Mrs. Gibbs
  • Talking about if they should sell the highboy or not
  • Mrs.Gibbs wants to go to Paris, and Mrs.Webb talked about her special vacation just to see the ocean. Wilder wants us to know that it was a big deal, and he is adding to the idea that we should enjoy simple pleasures.

"Very ordinary town, if you ask me. Little better behaved thatn most. Probably a lot duller."


  • Mr.Webb talking to the Stage manager and audience as if he were on TV
  • He is talking about how the town is ordinary. It makes you think of the routines every ordinary person in that ordinary town go through each day, every day.

"Oh, Mama, you never tell us the truth about anything."


  • Emily talking to Mrs.Webb (mother)
  • Emily asked her if she was pretty, and her mother said yes. Every child asks their parent that, and the parent hopefully says yes. Since every parent would say yes, Emily doubts her and thinks she is lying. However, if her mother said she was ugly, Emily would've been mad as well. (very ordinary, mother-daughter conversation)

"But, Mama, you've got to say something about me. Am i pretty get get people interested in me?"


  • Emily talking to Mrs. Webb
  • Still talking about if Emily is pretty. Emily is asking if she is pretty enough to get anybody interested in her, but not just anybody, she wants George to be interested in her, she just doesn't want to ask her mother that.

"Well, George, while I was in my office today I heard a funny sound...and what do you think it was? It was your mother chopping wood. There you see your mother-getting up early; cooking meals all day long; washing and ironing;-and still she has to go out in the back yard and chop wood. I suppose she just got tired of asking you. She just gave up and decided it was easier to do it herself. And you eat her meals, wear the clothes she keeps nice for you, and you run off and play baseball,-like she's some hired girl we keep around the house but that wed ont' like very much. Well I knew all I had to do was call your attention to it."


  • Mr.Gibbs talking to George
  • Mr. Webb told George about how his mother was doing his chores while he goes off and play baseball. He wants to call Georges attention to it. He wants George to feel a little bit guilty about it. It is like us today, we don't appreciate our mothers work. We take it for granted. Wilder wants us to stop and not take things for granted.

"George, is the moon shining on South America, Canada and half the whole world?!?"


  • Rebecca talking to George
  • Asking him if the the people in South America, Canada, and other countries are looking at the same moon as they are
  • She is realizing that the world is much bigger than she thought and there are many many people out there. She is realizing that her world is very small compared to the rest of the world

"But listen, its not finished: the United States of America; Continent of North America; Western Hemisphere; the Earth; the Solar System; the Universe; the Mind of God- that's what it said on the envelope."


  • Rebecca talking to George
  • Talking about a letter that a friend got from her minister. The address on the letter named much more than just a street name. It had the Mind of God written at the end. This makes you think about how small you really are, compared to everything else, all leading up to the Mind of God. Wilder is trying to get you to think about how small you are, but he wants you to know that you are connected with God, no matter how small you are.

"Oh,yes, everbody is-somethin' terrible. Seems like they spend most of their time talking about who's rich and who's poor."


  • Mrs.Webb talking to Belligerent Man in the audience
  • Talking about how everybody is so caught up with money and material things. Wilder wants us to know that our lives revolve around material things. We think that what we have and what we don't have matters so much, when it really doesn't.  
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