Shared Flashcard Set


OB Chapter 12
Undergraduate 1

Additional Business Flashcards




LG1- Define leadership and contrast leadership and management.
What is leadership?
- The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals
- Leadership is about coping with change
- Non-sanctioned leadership: the ability to influence that arises outside the formal structure of the organization
- Good management brings about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans, designing rigid org. structures and monitoring results against the plans
- Consists of implementing the vision and strategy provided by leaders, coordinating and staffing the organization, and handling day-to-day problems
LG2- Summarize the conclusions of trait theories.
- Trait theories of leadership: theories that consider personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from non-leaders
- Advantage if the leader is:
o Extraverted
o Conscientious
o Open
o Emotional intelligence
o Empathy
LG3- Identify the central tenets and main limitations of behavioural theories.
- Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders
- Ohio state studies
o Two main dimensions: initiating structure and consideration
o initiating structure: the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his/her role and those of subordinates in the search for the goal attainment
o consideration: the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates’ ideas and regard for their feeling
- University of Michigan Studies
o 2 dimensions: employee oriented, production oriented
o Employee-oriented leader: a leader who emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepts individual differences among members
o Production-oriented leader: emphasizes technical or task aspects of the job
o Managerial grid: a nine-by-nine matrix outlining 81 different leadership style
LG4- Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support-Fiedler model
Contingency theories:
• Fielder model: proposes that effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader
o Least preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire: an instrument that purports to measure whether a person is task or relationship oriented
o Defining situation
 1. Leader-member relations: the degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in their leader
 2. Task structure: the degree to which job assignments are procedurized
 3. Position power: influence derived from one’s formal structural position in the organization, includes power to hire, fire, discipline, promote and give salary increases
o Matching leaders and situations
o Evaluation
o Cognitive resource theory
 A theory of leadership that states that stress unfavorably affects a situation and that intelligence and experience can reduce the influence of stress on the leader
LG4- Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support- Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory.
o Situational leadership theory (SLT): a contingence theory that focuses on followers’ readiness
o Readiness
o Combination of: able/unable and willing/unwilling
LG4- Assess contingency theories of leadership by their level of support- Path Goal theory
o A theory that states that it is the leader’s job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and/or support to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization
o Leader behaviors
 Directive leaders let followers know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks
 Supportive leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers
 Participative leader consults with followers and uses their suggestions before making a decision
 Achievement- oriented leader sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at their highest level
LG5- Contrast the interactive theories path-goal and leader-member exchange
Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory
- A theory that supports leaders’ creation of in-groups and out-groups, subordinates with in-group status will have higher performance ratings, less turnover and greater job satisfaction

Decision theory: Vroom and Yetton’s leader-participation model
- The final theory argues that the way the leader makes decisions is as important as what she/he decides
- Leader-participation model: a leadership theory that provides a set of rules to determine the form and amount of participative decision making in different situations
LG6- Identify the situational variables in the leader-participation model.
A leadership theory that provides a set of rules to determine the form and amout of participative decision making in different situations.
LG7- Asses the basic similarities and differences of leadership across Europe
-Cluster 1: Anglo culture: empowering and motivating people
-Cluster 2: Scandinavian culture: concerns quality of life in general, emphasis on relationship
-Cluster 3: Mediterranean culture: leaders are expected to be more powerful
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