Jackson 1 Lottery System
- morning of June 27
- only about 300 people in the village so the lottery took less than 2 hours
- children assembled first and gathered stones
- held in the Square
- black wooden box that was not in good shape
- conducted by Mr. Summers
Jackson 2 Preparing for the Drawing
- Mr. Summers replaced the old wood chips with paper inside the black box
- box was placed in different areas each year
- had to make a list of each member in each family
- postmaster must swear Mr. Summers in as the official of the lottery
- Mrs. Hutchinson forgot it was the day of the lottery
Jackson 3-4 The Actual Drawing
- Dunbar broke his leg and is not there
- his wife has to draw for him
- Mr. Summers reads the heads of the families first to draw
- everyone was nervous
- they talk about how giving up the lottery would lead to nothing but trouble
Jackson 5-6 Bill Hutchinson's Family
- Bill got it
- Tessie shouted that he did not have enough time to take the paper he wanted
- has three kids he has to draw for: Bill Jr., Nancy, and Dave
- each family member had to draw one piece of paper out of the black box
Jackson 7-8 The Results
- Tessie, Bill's wife had the piece of paper with the black dot, which means it was her
- the pile of stones that the boys had made earlier were ready
- she was in the middle of a cleared space and stones were thrown at her
- she still screams that it was not fair