Gemma 1-2 Traditional Economic System
- Tradition: is cherished
- The Tradtion might be gobe , but it will still produce products.
- Minimal Waste: Traditional economics will never see in a million years.
- Advantages And Disadvantages: The main disadvantages is that the Traditional economics do not enjoy the things other economic take granted for.
Gemma 2-3 Command Economic System
- Centralized Control
- The centralized Control is powered by the federal government.
- Supposed Advantages
- This Supposed Advantages is related to the Market Economy.
- Hand In The Cookie Jar
- This is the nature of a command economy and many communist governments.
Gemma 3-4 Market Economic System
- Capitalism And Socialism
- This makes the economy freely operate and based on supply and demands.
- Market economy And Politics
- This prevents the government from controling and being to powerful.
Gemma 4-5 Mixed Economic System
- A mixed economic system is just like it sounds but it refers to a mixture of market and command economy.
- Benefits Of a Mixed Economy
- The market is more or less free of government.
- Disadvantages Of A Mixed Economy
- The last 100 years in America has seen a rise in government power.
- Please Respect The Thin Line
- It must be a strong government to avoid collapsing under this constant pressure.
- The America Economy
We made a lot of mistakes like pollution, depletion of resources, civil rights and more.
Gemma 1-5 Mixed Economic System
- Mixed Economic System
- I like it because it has a mixed of all economic systems and how they work.
- They all refer about Americans and there economy and how they work and run.