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NMBE tests

Additional Accounting Flashcards




A mouse melanoma, B-16 is highly metastatic. A clone of the B-16 melanoma cells is injected intravenously inot the tail vein of mice. Antibodies are against the site of cells. The cancer can't get into the hepatic cells. What is the affect caused by the antibody
What rib do you insert a catheter tub for thoracentesis
*usually above rib at 5-8 mid axillary
Above the 9th rib in the midscapular line
60 year old man comes to the physician because of weakness and light-headedness for 3 months. Has 10 year history of chronic hashimoto thyroiditis treated with thyroxine. Physical examination shows pallor. Increased MMA and total homocysteine. Has megaloblastic anemai. What do they have
Failure of intrinsic factor production?

-Both hashimoto and pernicious anemia have HLA DR5
55 year old woman is scheduled to undergo trasvaginal hysterectomy. During the procedure the uterus must be seperated from all surroundign pelvic structures. Identrification and incision of which of the following structures that attaches to the cervical region and extends posteriorly is most appropriate in this patient
Uterosacral ligament

-pass sup. and slightly posteriorly from the sides of cervix to the middle of the sacrum,they are palpable during rectal exam.
anxiety disorder is normal and then when it is not normal
normal 12-16 month
not normal over 5 years old
9 year old girl is brought to the emergency department by her father because of severe pain in her right shoulder after a fall 1 hour ago. Physical exam shows pain on movement of the right shoulder and a tender right clavicle. An x-ray of the shoulder shows a nondisplaced fracture of the right clavicle.

- makes it around the bone first
Person has diabetes insipidus of the nerphron. What is the tubular osmolality
Proximal: isontonic
Juxtaglomerular: hypotonic
Collecting duct: hypotonic
49 y/o with flushed face, hypokalemia, glucose 150, 1.5L of volume of watery diarrhea what does he have?
An autopsy is done on a 50 year old man who died of pneumonia despite 5 days of antibiotic therapy in the icu. 15 year of alcoholism. Which of the following findings was most likely present on neurologic examination of the patient prior to his death?
a. dysdiadochokinesia
b. dysmetria on finger-nose testing
c. essential tremor
d. gait ataxia
e. present romberg sign
d. gait ataxia

If you recognize that this is the cerebellum then the things managed by it are voluntary movement of extremities, balnce, truncal coordination, and ataxia.
2 year old girl brought to physician with soar throat for 3 days. difficulty swallowing and eating. Immunization history is unknown. Her temp is 101.3. Examination shows a dull red throat. Gray exudate is present on the tonsils, pharynx, uvula, and tongue, and exudate can be lifted with a tongue blade. Cervecal lymphadenopathy. The most likely causal agent produces toxin that causes ADP-ribosylation of what.
a. ACh
b. adenylyl cyclase
c. EF2
d. GTPase
e. guanylyl cyclase
f. ribosomal protein S1
c. elongation factor 2

-classic C. diptheria
A 77 year old woman dies after hospital stay. Her vertebral column obtained at autupsy is shown. The process shown is most likely associated with an increase in which of the following? Shows osteopathic bone
a. calcium
b. estrogen
c. IL1
d. Monoclonal immunoglobulin
e. vitamin D
c. IL1

-IL1 and TNF both activate osteoclasts for bone resorption
23 year old dude. FV, nasal congestion, muscle aches for 1 wk. Girfriend says his eyes are yellow, clay colored stools and dark urine are negative. Takes ibuprofen. Mild scleral icterus.
alkaline phosphatase 30
AST 12
ALT 10

a. gilbert syndrome
b. hepatitis D
c. Hereditary spherocytosis
d. idiopathic cirrhosis
e. steatohepatitis
a. Gilberts

-caused by mildly decreased UDP or decreased bilirubin uptake. It is usually asymptomatic and results in elevated unconjugated bilirubin w/o over hemolysis
A previously healthy 54 year old man comes to the clinic because of light headednes for 6 hours on a skiing trip. He has been taking a CAI for 2 days. His blood pressure is 110/60 and 95/50 when standing. Physical examination shows nothing? what is the cause.
a. high altitude sickness
b. hypovolemia
c. hypoxia
d. impaired sympathetic nerve activity
e. repiratory alkalosis
b hypovolemia
43 year old woman with met colon cancer has mainained remission by taking bevacizumab as a single agent. The ability to administer this agent despite it being a foreign protein is most likely a result of which of the following.
a. the agent being a humanized antibody
b. the agent containing the veriable region of murine antibody molecule directed against VEGF
c. B cell dysfxn
d. The immunosuppressive effect of previously administered chemo
e. T cell dysfxn
a. The agent being a humanized antibody
Sequencing of the B-globin gene shows a point mutation in a sequence 3' to conding region region in which AATAAA is converted to AACAAA. Consequently, the amount of mRNA for B. globin is decreased to 10% of normal. WHich of the following fxns in mRNA synthesis and processing is most likely encoded by the sequence AATAAA
a. Capping with GTP
b. cleabage and polyadenylation
c. silencing of the promoter
d. splicing of the initial mRNA stranscript in the nucleus
e. Transport of the mRNA out of the nucleus
b. cleavage and polyadenylation
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