- MOA: Use dependent inhib of volt sensitive Na and/or Ca channels
- USE: Partial seizures(simple/complex), general tonic-clonic
- PHAM: high degree plasma prot binding
- TOX: GI, N, V, sedation, cognitive slowing, dizziness, ataxia, diplopia, agrunulocytosis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia
- MOA: Use dependent inhib of volt sensitive Na and or Ca channels
- USE: Partial seizures(simple/complex), general tonic-clonic, Li non responders for MDD and bipolar, trigeminal neuralgia,
- PHARM: Variable abs, high degree plasma prot binding
- TOX: Autonomic--GI, NV, sedation, cognitive slowing, ataxia, diplopia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia. Contraind in Cardiac Ds
- MOA: inhib GABA transaminase, inhib Na, and/or Ca channels
- USE: Partial Seizures(complex and simple), general tonic-clonic, absense seizures, Bipolar and MDD Li nonresponders, Migraine, myoclonus
- TOX: GI, NV, Sedation, cognitive slowing, dizziness, ataxia, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenial; FAS, spina bifida
- MOA: inhib T type Ca Channels
- USE: Absense seizures. Not for kids
- TOX: If give to someone with other types of seizures can make them worse. GI, NV, sedation, cognitive slowing, ataxia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia