- sheet of neurons and glia that make up the surface (not including meninges) of the forebrain
- relatively conserved structure from lobe to lobe
- neurons vary by density and size but not by type, general pattern of connectivity, or local projection patterns
- contains 6 layers indicative of evolutionary adaptation as opposed to the 3-4 layers found in the allocortex
- organized into 6 layers of varying cell types, densities, and connectivity patterns
- thickness of layers may differ across lobes/brain areas but there will always be 6 layers
- capable of projecting locally w/in the general region of the cell body, laterally to other cortical areas or longitudinally to subcortical targets
- also exhibit columnar organization
[image] |
Superficial (supragranular) Layers |
- layers 1-3
- Layer 1 (outermost) contains few cell bodies and mainly consists of axons of passage
- receives input from intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus
- Layer 2 projects to association cortices in the ipsilateral hemisphere
- Layer 3 projects to association cortices in the ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres
- General theme of superficial: projection of and passage of axons to other cortices
[image] |
- Receives most feedforward ascending projections - sensory input from the thalamus
[image] |
Deep (infragranular) layers |
- layers 5+6 - innermost layers of neocortex
- layer 5 - projects to non-thalamic structures (e.g. spinal cord)
- layer 6 - immediately external to white matter
- projects to thalamus as cortical feedback projections
[image] |
- Pyramidal cells - excitatory
- Stellate cells - excitatory
- GABAergic interneurons
- basket cells
- double-bouquet cells
- chandelier cells
- One of two types of excitatory glutamatergic cells of neocortex
- Excitatory afferents typically synapse with distal (far from cell body) dendrites
- Inhibitory afferent typically project to proximal dendrites and the cell body itself
- Efferent projections go to other areas of cortex and areas outside the brain like spinal cord, thalamus, and basal ganglia
- Those leaving the forebrain typically exit through the white matter below the neocortex to form corona radiata
[image] |
- excitatory glutamatergic cells
- Found in layers 2 and 4
- Interneurons - only send projections within the neocortex
[image] |
- Inhibitory GABAergic cells
- Only project locally to other nearby cortical neurons
- Found in all layers except Layer 1
- Axon projections can be grouped depending on cell as vertical, local, or horizontal
[image] |
- Horizontally-projecting inhibitory GABAergic interneurons
- synapse on the soma and proximal dendrites of target neuron resulting in strong inhibition
[image] |
- vertically projecting inhibitory GABAergic interneurons
- Dense, vertical axonal arbor projects to cells w/in multiple layers in a narrow column (weaker inhibition)
[image] |
- Locally projecting GABAergic interneurons that are not always inhibitory
- synapse on axon initial segment of pyramidal neurons
- very powerful control of postsynaptic neuron
[image] |
Ascending Projections of Neocortical Circuitry |
- L4 is the input layer as it receives axons from other brain areas - primarily thalamic sensory input
- L2/L3 are the output layers as they project to other cortical areas
- Thalamocortical projections connect thalamus and L4 of a primary sensory area
- Intracortical projections connect L2/L3 of lower area to L4 of higher area
- Circuitry:
- Thalamus → Primary sensory areas → secondary sensory areas → association cortices
- L1 and L6 are input layers while L5 and L6 are output layers
- Intracortical projections connect axons of L5/L6 of higher areas with L1 and L6 of lower neocortical areas
- Corticothalamic projections connect L5/L6 of primary sensory areas with the thalamic nucleus
- Circuitry
- association cortices → secondary sensory areas → primary sensory areas → thalamic nucleus
Major Efferent Projection Figure |
Ascending-Descending Figure |
- Most information received by the cortex is relatively simple in nature and much of its output is related to motor function - lower-order processing
- More complex processing involved in recognition of people, planning, and having a sense of self involve input from many sensory association cortices sending more and more complex information up a hierarchy
- Feedforward occurs as increasingly more complex information rises up the hierarchy but feedback also occurs among these steps going down
Sample sensory-motor hierarchy |
Dorsal stream of visual pathway |
- the dorsal or where stream of visual pathway tells you where a particular object is in view
- information from V1 and V2 cortices are integrated with other information in association cortices of the parietal lobe
- Retina → LGN → V1 → V2 → Parietal Cortex for processing of location
[image] |
Ventral Stream of Visual Pathway |
- visual or what stream of visual pathway tells you what a particular object is in view (object recognition)
- information from V1 and V2 cortices are integrated with other information in association cortices of the temporal lobe
- Retina → LGN → V1 → V2 → Temporal Lobe Cortices
[image] |
Temporal/ Ventral/ What Stream Damage |
- areas involved mainly recognize and identify stimuli
- Associated disorders are known as agnosias
- Agnosias are conditions in which patients are aware of the presence of objects but do not recognize or unable to identify them
- 3 Important types
- Associative Visual Agnosia
- Apperceptive Visual Agnosia
- Prosopagnosia
Associative visual agnosia |
- caused by damage to anterior temporal lobe
- leads to an inability to recognize object or describe what it is/does
- patients are still keenly aware of its presence and capable of drawing it
[image] |
Apperceptive Visual Agnosia |
- inability to integrate parts of object to perceive it as a whole
- patient still able to identify parts of the object and can recognize whole object through touch
- unable to draw the object as they can only really perceive it in parts
- Associated with damage to occipito-temporal region
- otherwise known as face-blindness
- inability to identify people by their faces even though they can identify parts of their face and identify people by other cues like voice
- due to damage to fusiform gyrus
[image] |
Parietal/ Dorsal/ Where Stream Damage |
- areas in pathway mainly involved in understanding where object is in space and how it relates to body
- Disorders involve inability to associate objects w/ location and/or integrate parts of an object
- 2 important types
- optic ataxia
- simultanagnosia
- contralateral neglect syndrome
- inability to use visual guidance for accurate reaching to object despite being able to see object
- able to reach accurately when given auditory cues
- associated w/ parietal-occipital association cortex damage
- links vision with higher-level, multi-modal cortices
- inability to perceive more than one object at a time
- due to bilateral lesions of occipital-parietal junction
Contralateral neglect syndrome |
- also known as hemi-neglect syndrome
- tendency to ignore sensory information from and perception of side of body contralateral to a lesion
- due to lesions in right parietal cortex (cut-off of all left sensory info)
- brain is unable to regenerate through new neuron development, but cortical reorganization can result in some regain of function
- other neurons take over for those that are damaged to maintain function
- it works very well leading to almost full regain of function in some instances while it may provide an insufficient solution in others
- Occurs in response to experiences
- Good example seen in finger usage
- fingers normally found as separate sections of SI cortex
- monkeys taught task where two fingers used at once - led to morphing of the two finger segments
- also can lead to growth of areas for particular control
- associated w/ timing of activation implying that limb in question is necessary to experience reorganization
- due to changes in synaptic strength and axon collateral growth
- limb loss can lead to cortical reorganization in which part of SI involved w/ hand will be remapped to function w/ parts remaining that are close to the hand