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NELC 201 Final
Names and places of Egypt from the New Kingdom to Roman rule
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City now known moderly as Tel el-Amarna. Bult by Akhenaten after year 5 of his reign, meaning Horizen of the Aten, and center for the religious reforms of the Late 18th dynasty, including the monotheistic worship of the Aten. Home to the Amarna letters, written to Akhenaten and other court officials from local governers and allies. City abandoned several years into the reign of Tutankhamun, when the capitol was moved back to Thebes, and there was no  later occupation at the site. Information on the site comes from archaeology done there as well as the Amarna Letters and recycled stones in later monuments at other locations.
Daughter to Tuthmosis I and priniple wife of Tuthmosis II, who died at an early age leaving the thorne for his son Tuthmosis II. Was coregent with the young boy for several years unilt she delacred herself pharaoh. 5th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, had the longest reign of any female pharaoh. Built a funerary temple at Deir el-Bahri, next to and modeled after the temple of Mentuhotep II. She is know for her building projects, including obolisks, temples, and statues. Several military campains into Nubia and Palastine were headed by Tuthmosis III, and were successful, but otherwise rule was charcterised by peace and trade (as seen on her temple reliefs). Several years after her death and into the reign of Tuthmosis III, her image was focibly removed from the Egyptian record although the resaons behind this occurence is under debate.
Middle Egyptian
Also known as Classical Egyptian (2000-1300 BCE), it was the language used in Middle Eygpt and was a more complex than Old Egyptian, which allowed for more creative expression. Written both in the form of hieroglyphs and hieratic. The evolution of Late Egyptian replaced Middle as the spoke form, but continued to be used as a ritual text until the 4th century AD.
Egyptian scholar living during the just before the Ptomaic peroid, in the 3rd century BCE. Very literate, being able to read ancient egyptian texts and used them in his writings (in Greek) on Ancient Egypt. Crdieted for the 30 dynasty struture and list of kings. Original texts are long gone, the only edidence of his work is through second-hand quotations and citations by other ancient scholars.
Narmer Palette
A slate palette dating from the 31st century BCE, and is namered for the first king of Dynasty 1; found in Hierakonpolis. One side shows Narmer wearing White Crown of Upper Egypt smiting an enemy, and on the other side show him wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt inspecting the bodies of dead enimies.
King in the 4th dynasty, and builder of the Great Pyrimid at Giza. Accounts by Herodotus and the Papyrus Westcar portey him as a heartless and crule king, enjoying vast amounts of leasuire time, but remainded pieus towards his deceased father.
Amarna Letters
Political corrospondence from governers and politicals allies to members of the Royal court while it was stationed at Akhetaten (Amarna) during the 18th dynasty reign of Akhenaten. Written in Akkadian cuniform, not Egyptian.
Shipwreck off the coast of Turkey, from reign of Tutankhamun/1325 BCE.  Bun and Oxhide ingots. Ship likely caught in a violent winter storm. Cargo about all that is left: 7 tons of Cyprus Copper, tin, Amphora (liquid jars), amber beads from Baltic area, gold jewelry, Solid Gold Scarab with the name of Nefertiti, other Egyptian odds and ends.  
Tale of Two Brothers
Dates from Seti II in the New Kingdom/19th dynasty. One brother, Anubis cares for the younger. Wife of Anubis tries to seduce Bata, but he rejects her. Older brother gets informed by wife and goes off after younger brother. Seperated by river, Bata prays to gods for protection then converses with brother across river, telling him what truely happened. Bata gets wife from Khnum, and she is sought after by the pharaoh. Heart on  ceder tree, becomes bull which is killed but blood sprouts into trees, which are made into furiture and spliter inpregnates wife, and the son (reincarnated Bata) becomes King. 1st appearence of reincarnation in an egytpian tale.
Report of Wenamun
Comes from Pupyrus Puskin, now in Moscow, and dates to reign of Ramses XII during the New Kingdom/20th dynasty. A historical-ish account of the travels of a trader who was traveling to Lebanon to collet ceder tree to restore and repair ships. He is caputured by pirates, treated horribly (and detained) by local leaders, and get swept off course landing in Alashiya, where a mob tries to kill him asks for the protection of a local princess.
Sea People
A term coming from a relief at the funerary temple of Ramses III/20th dynasty. Sail the coast pirating, they attempted to invade Egypt, but was pushed back by Ramses III, but was still able to claim the Gaza strip. Known also as the Peleset=Philistines=Palestine, and archaeologically related to Mycenae.
Son Ramses II, known as the first Egyptoloigist. High Priest of Ptah responsable for the restoration of monuments and temples at Saqqra. Appears in stories from the Ptolomaic peroid (written in Demonic) and the Early Roman peroid, characterizing him (using the name Setne), as somewhat of a fool, having to learn that his knowldge can be trumped by others.
Deir el-Medina
A worker's village about a mile from the Valley of the Kings. Home to all of the literary edvidence avalible from this peroid, including offical government documents, personal letters, stories, and poetry. 18th-20th dynasties.
Alexander the Great
Marched into Egypt in 332 BCE. Macedon prince known for his vast conquests and conquering the Persians. Founder of Alexandria and held rule over Egypt until his death in 323 BCE. Rule then passed to General Ptolemy. Records come from fragments, inscriptions, and the writings of his contemperaries, few origional sources survive.
Cleopatria VII
Last pharaoh of Egypt during the Roman peroid of rule. Goal to keep Egypt under Egyptian rule, and became the lover of Ceaser (much to the chigin of the Roman court and public). Regained her place on the Egyptian throne when Ceaser placed her there. Was present in Rome in 44 BCE when Ceaser was assassinated. During civil war, sided with Mark Anthony, and the two became lovers. 3 children, double suicide in 30 BCE.
Emperical rival of Egypt during the 19th dynasty. Ruled over Asia Minor. Clashed with the amry of Ramses II, who was reclaiming lands from the Egyptian Empire. Afterwards signed treaty with Egyptians, copies of both found in Egypt and in Hatti capitol. Evidence found in reliefs in temples and tombs from Ramisside period. Spoke language now related to Indo-Eurpoean. 
Battle of Kadesh
Clash between the Hittite and Egyptian empires in 1274 BCE. Resualts of battle are widely debated, although in relief from tomb of Ramses II says that Egyptians won thanks to courage of Ramses, with only the gods on his side. Inscriptions and details of battle found throughout Egypt, and conflicting reports found in Hittite cities.
Koptos Tarrif
Dating from the Roman period AD 1st century. Private taffif collectors tolls for helping to transport travelers across the desert. Gives and idea of how transport during this era sustained itself.
Phlae Temple
Temple metioned by many ancient writers located on the southmost border of Ancient Egypt. Dedicated to Isis and built during the Ptolemaic peroid. Not closed until 6th century AD, by Byzintine Emporer Justinian. On UNESCO World Heritage List since 1960 with the building of Aswan High Dam and rising Nile water levels.
Periplus Maris Erythraei
Greek written text giving a list of ports in oder that ships went to on their treade routes from the 1st centry CE. The routes on this particular map/list gives the locals of places as close as the coast of East Africa, to as far as Indian Subcontinent.
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