Why is it beneficial for virtual classroom instructions to know approximately how much time each lesson within a virtual classroom session take?
A. Knowing how much time a lesson takes allows the instructor to adjust timelines if the
participants want to go deeper or need more time.
B. Participants will pay better attention because there will be less time to review.
C. The timing of each lesson can help participants understand the relative importance of each instructional section.
D. The instructor can manage time by stopping discussions demonstrate and comments before the participants are finished.
E. Making effective timing decisions demonstrates leadership in the virtual classroom. |
Which three preparation tasks help create an effective audio environment for a virtual classroom session? (Choose three)
A. Use only a wireless internet connection.
B. Know how to make your phone.
C. Work in a space that is free of background noise.
D. Hold session in the early morning.
E. Put a “training in Progress” sign on your door or desk.
F. Use an unidirectional microphone
Why is it important for evaluation strategies to be highly specific?
A. Virtual instructors might rationalize or make excuse for unmet learning objectives.
B. Different stakeholders in organization often have competing properties and agendas.
C. Management might reward or punish depending on post session behavior on the job.
D. It is important to be factual about what went well, what needs important, and how it will be improved.
Which action is most effective if you want to gauge the ability of the group to use formulas during a virtual classroom session in Microsoft Excel slide? A. Share your application, using an expense report template; demonstrate how to input formulas in an Excel spread sheet. B. Share your application, select a cell and type the first part of formula; ask participants to type the rest into chat. C. Call on a participant and ask that person to verbally state what the correct formula would be; given a specific set of criteria D. Pass control of your desktop to a participant and ask that person to type in the correct formula; ask the group to continue. |
QUESTION NO: 5 What is a key consideration for deciding whether you should record a virtual classroom session?
A. Session recordings that are posted to a company intranet may be subject to attribute laws. B. Participants may demand to know in advance what you plan to do with the recording. C. Conflicts about confidentially may cause participants to be less interactive. D. Participants may be distracted by concerns about what their recorded voice like. |
QUESTION NO: 6 What are two industry best practices for timing of virtual classroom sessions? (Choose two)
A. Spend at least 5 minutes on each slide to allow cognitive load. B. Sessions should be approximately 60 to 90 minutes in length. C. Twenty percent of your slides should contain 80 percent of the information in the session. D. Add 5 minutes to the agenda for every five participants that are attending your session. E. Ensure that interactivity occurs every 5 minutes on average. |
QUESTION NO: 7 Which three questions are the most appropriate to ask if your manager asks you to coordinate and schedule a virtual session that you message will conduct next week on strategic planning? (Choose three)
A. Do you want participants to be able to interact with you and each other, and if so, how? B. Are your slides ready, and are they optimally designed (for example, following the six by sixrule)? C. Will session attendance be mandatory or optional for participants? D. Approximately how many participants will be attending, and from where? E. Do the various activities support the learning objectives of the session? F. How will the learning gains or effectiveness of the session be measured? G. Is an LMS adequate for the needs of our company, or do we need an LCMS? |
QUESTION NO: 8 What are two key reasons why you should record and critique your own presentation on to two days before facilitating an important training session? (Choose two)
A. To ensure that your communication is as clear and succinct as possible. B. To consider two creative ways to adapt the course to an asynchronous format. C. To become self-aware of any use of slang or colloquialisms if the session is for a global audience. D. To determine whether the course needs to be redesigned for a global audience. E. To show program stakeholders exactly what you will be doing. |
QUESTION NO: 9 How does the use of virtual cueing devices (such as using a highlighter tool or partner) support the process of logic and learning?
A. Paves the way for social learning. B. Helps focus attentionon relevant content areas C. Promotes discussion and collaboration D. Engages auditory and less-visual learners |
QUESTION NO: 10 What are three appropriate reasons for asking open-ended questions? (Choose three)
A. Initiate discussion B. Uncover experiences of participants C. Resolve conflict D. Stimulate critical thinking E. Challenge viewpoints F. Identify dominant participants |
QUESTION NO: 11 Which list contains the best recommendations to give to a participant who is having trouble logging into your virtual classroom session?
A. Refer to your troubleshooting guide, check the URL to ensure that you have the correct site location ensure that you have the correct meeting number. B. Copy the paste the join into a new browser, log in directly from the site, verify the password that you are using to join, call tech support. C. Test audio equipment download necessary plug ins, verify that you have the correct meeting number, check the internet corruption. D. Verify the password that you are running to join; verify the meeting number; verify your enrollment in the session. |
QUESTION NO: 12 Which is a common mistake that virtual instructors make when designing or adapting course for the virtual classroom?
A. Using the ADDIE model to structure and sequence content for the virtual environment. B. Chunking content into 60-to 90-minutes segments and adding frequent learner interactions. C. Assuming that learning activities are limited to the use of slides, polling questions, and annotation tools. D. Posting supplementary learning resources in too many different locations. |
QUESTION NO: 13 Which sharing option is best if you want to demonstrate how to use the learning management system of the company about applications in a virtual classroom sessions on training coordination?
A. Application sharing B. Desktop sharing C. Document sharing D. Presentation sharing |
QUESTION NO: 14 Which choice is most efficient if you want participants in your virtual classroom session to indicate there proffered location for a holiday party while displaying a slide listing 10 location options?
A. Have participants use the raise hand icon; call on them to collect their preference. B. Invite participants to discuss their preferences in chat while you moderate. C. Review each option while participants vote with binary YES or NO responses. D. Ask participants to use the pointer tool and click on their desired location. |
QUESTION NO: 15 Which response would best maintain your credibility if a participant asked a question to which you did not know the answer?
A. “What do you think the answer is?” B. “Let us talk about this later in the session?” C. “Good question"I actually do not know. Does anyone else know the answer?” D. “Help me understand why you asked that question. You must have a reason for asking it”? E. “I have an answer in mind. But first let find out what the rest of you think the answer is”? |
QUESTION NO: 16 What are tree reasons why virtual breakout sessions can be effective for learning? (Choose Three)
A. Accountability forcing a deadline tends to motivate results. B. Conflict resolution participants are required to resoles their own interpersonal issues. C. Active involvement participants have more opportunity for two-way communication. D. Safe environment people who fear speaking up in a large group will often speak up in a small group. E. Bloom’s taxonomy participants can recall information in linear order. F. Personal interactions small groups allow people to get better acquainted, rapport enhances learning. |
QUESTION NO: 17 Which action would be most effective if you want to identify specific areas of participant confusion?
A. Invite participants to type questions into the chat space. B. Ask, “Any question?” and see who responds. C. Use a poll to calculate the percentage of participants who are feeling lost. D. Ask several participants to restate the information that was covered. |
QUESTION NO: 18 Which action would be most appropriate if two participants are debating during large group discussion on you session and the desktop into a heated argument?
A. Do nothing; to intervene is to micromanage the situation. Adults need to have autonomy and control of their own learning even if it compromises the learning environment. B. Wait for a break in the argument, encourage the parties to agree to disagree, change the subject and transaction to the next possible. C. Briefly summarize each position and rationale; affirm the importance of healthy debate, remind the group of the basic opinions of each other. D. Intervene to end the discussion; admonish the partners for their unprofessional behavior, review basic rules with the group next will be followed. |
QUESTION NO: 19 In what way does collaborative learning (such as in a virtual classroom session) help participants learn more deeply than individual self-paced learning (such as reading a book)? A. Through the process of deferring to ideas and experiences of other participants in the context of their roles and jobs. B. Through shared goals; contextual exploration, and the process of sharing knowledge, which makes knowledge meaningful. C. Through the process of trying to understand participants from other countries who speak different languages. D. Through a content-centric process that is clear about what participants must do with the information. |
QUESTION NO: 20 What is common mistake the instructors make when they deliver a virtual classroom session?
A. Allowing participants too much time for personal reflection. B. Focusing more on the content than on the learners. C. Asking open-ended questions that lead to debate and challenge of ideas. D. Not strictly controlling the process of content delivery. E. Worrying about whether technical issues will arise. |
QUESTION NO: 21 Why do industry best practices suggest using scan serif fonts (such as Arial) as opposed to serif fonts (such as Times New Roman) for text on PowerPoint that are displayed in the virtual classroom? A. Because the resolution on a computer screen is far lower than on printed materials serif fonts can be hard for participants. B. Because the sans serif font contain fewer lines and angles on each letter than serif fonts, sans serif fonts taken up less space on the slide. C. Recent research suggests that the extra lines and angle in the serif fonts increase cognitive load, which can impede the learning process. D. Research indicates that serif fonts exacerbate color blindness, so experts suggest using sans serif fonts on dark colors only. |
QUESTION NO: 22 Which three tasks should be completed no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of a virtual session? (Choose three)
A. Conduct a brief needs assessment. B. Uploads presentation files or materials. C. Develop effective session materials. D. Consider how learning will be measured. E. Start the session. F. Make sure your computer has the most up-to-date software versions. G. Assign participants privileges. |
QUESTION NO: 23 Which is the most important question to consider to achieve the desired outcome when developing an activity for use on the virtual classroom?
A. What contingency plan will I use if technology fails? B. Which virtual tools are needed, and will participants want to use them? C. How much time will the activity take in the virtual environment? D. Is this activity the best way to achieve the learning objective? |
QUESTION NO: 24 What are four key strategies to conducting an effective virtual classroom strategy? (Choose four)
A. Relevant, supportive instruction B. Strong selling and persuasion skills C. Sound implementation strategy and design D. Performance evaluation strategy and design E. Learning lectures with personal stories F. Managing collaborative interactions |
QUESTION NO: 25 Which list contains the three main advantages of using web cams (for example in the panel area) as a part of your virtual class session?
A. Supports adult learning theory, provides real-time communication, tracks attentiveness B. Provides real time communication, allows participants to see you and one another; personalizes the training. C. Personalizes the training, helps monitor breakouts, reduces the need for annotation. D. Tailors the presentation to the audience, reduces technical issues, and provides real-time communication. E. Reduces technical issues, enhances time management, improves audio quality. |
QUESTION NO: 26 Why is it so important to gain agreement from participants on basic rules (such as agreeing not to multitask) before your virtual classroom session begins in earnest?
A. People do not often argue with their own data, if participants are involved in there settings of behavioral standards, they will be more likely to follow them. B. Relevant application is what is important, adult learning principals dictate that participants need to know how the basic rules will be applied C. Today’s workers must have velar policies and procedures for which they will be held accountable do that they can see the consequences of their actions. D. Set the proper tone right away, if you make it clear that you are in change early in the session, people will be less likely to challenge your authority. |
QUESTION NO: 27 What are two adult learning principles that should be factored into the design of small group activities? (Choose two)
A. Assignments should be focused on real-world problems that are relevant to the jobs, lives, roles, and so on participants. B. Exercises should be taken a reasonable amount of time with the scope of session. C. Activities should be future oriented and positioned as a mandatory part of life. D. Exercises should focus on how skills and knowledge can be applied. E. Exercises should feature web 2.0 technologies and tools. |
QUESTION NO: 28 Which method should effectively set expectations for using the chat space properly, while preserving the self-esteem of the participants?
A. Suggest a few basic principles to follow before the activity begins (for example, everyone agrees to stay on the topic) B. Monitor the chat space and deliver corrective feedback to the group of someone digresses. C. Make it a game; any participant who uses the chat space inappropriately must sing a song into the microphone. D. Allow participants to interact freely in the chat space without interference from you |
QUESTION NO: 29 Which activity would encourage the most interactively in a virtual training session on loss prevention awareness?
A. Lead s scenario based activity, have participants share responses in chat space and facilitate a group discussion. B. Share an application that tracks losses and refer to it as you review recent loss prevention issue with the company. C. Share your desktop to show common loss prevention issues and examples as lead a lecture on loss prevention principles. D. Ask a question and call on three specific participants who use the raise hand icon. E. Ask an open-ended question and allow dominant participants to lead a large-group discussion. |
QUESTION NO: 30 Which collaboration tool would be most effective if you want participants to identify the most critical step in business process?
A. Use the shapes tool to hide the first three steps, and then discuss what would happen if those steps are not followed. B. Ask participants to use the screen capture tool to select a key step, and then paste the image into another application. C. Ask a participant to breakout rooms and have them brainstorm what they like and dislike about this particular process. D. Ask for two to three volunteers to use the highlighter or pointer tool and mark the step they believe is most critical to the process and equator why. |
QUESTION NO: 31 Which is most effective way to focus the attention of participants on the distance between two cities on the map that you are displaying in virtual classroom session?
A. Place a colored box around the two cities using the rectangle tool. B. Ask one participant to use the pointer tool to locate both cities. C. Give participants few moments to visually locate both cities. D. Use the highlighter tool to mark a line between the two cities. E. Say “As you can see, these are two cities are about 15 km apart” |
QUESTION NO: 32 Which example reflects the comprehension level of bloom’s Taxonomy given a virtual classroom session on a new computer program?
A. Access the functionality of the new program against other programs. B. List he steps to lunch the new program. C. Demonstrate how to perform a common task using the new program. D. Explain in detail what the new program does. E. Customize the settings of the new program. |
QUESTION NO: 33 Which is the best option if you have 60participants in your virtual classroom session and you want to know how many organizations divisions they present?
A. List each division and have participants in that division use the raise hand icon. B. Ask participants to type their division, region, and position in the chat space. C. Conduct a poll and have participants indicate which division they belong to. D. Paste a world map on the white board and have participants in their location. |
QUESTION NO: 34 What are two specific activities of asynchronous training program? (Choose two)
A. Self-paced B. Topic-driven C. Occur at a specific time D. Available on demand E. Instructor-centered |
QUESTION NO: 35 Which two tools are more appropriate for processing content versions facilitating virtual schedules? (Choose two)
A. Requiring active participation. B. Annotation tools C. indicators D. Shared presentation E. Recorded session F. Shared multimedia file (for example a video clip) |
QUESTION NO: 36 Which three logistical questions should be considered when you coordinate a virtual training session for participants in the United States, Italy, Colorado and Kenya? (Choose three)
A. Will we need to offer the training in, multiple time zones? B. What is the current learning philosophy of our organization? C. Is our LMS as good as others in industry? D. Will we need to offer the training in multiple languages? E. Do we have sufficient resources to offer the land of training? F. What registration process would be most appropriate? |
QUESTION NO: 37 Which three tasks are one-time must be completed to prepare the virtual environment before a virtual classroom session? (Choose three)
A. Create shortcuts to applications that you use. B. Memorize technological troubleshooting techniques. C. Verify that all applications are installed and running well. D. Avoid use of staring, acronyms, and regional references. E. Communicate session information to participants. F. Test the audio connection that you plan to use. |
QUESTION NO: 38 Which is the major reason that virtual instructors should provide written decisions on PowerPoint slides addition to adding these slides? (For example “Use the highlighter tool to mark your preference”)
A. It helps reduce the need to restate or clarify directions. B. It helps multicasting to re-engage. C. Participants might have preferred ways of responding. D. Participants might decide not to respond at all |
QUESTION NO: 39 What are three appropriate reasons to conduct an icebreaker at the beginning of the virtual classroom session? (Choose three)
A. Allows extra time for participants to download necessary plug-ins and enter the session. B. Allows the instructor extra time to prepare the physical environment. C. Reduces the time for participants those experience early in asynchronous training sessions. D. Helps participants understand how the session material can be applied in the real world. E. Help people get to know another and build report. F. Create an atmosphere of professionalism. G. Egress participants and help them become cohesive as a learning community. |
QUESTION NO: 40 Which is the best way for a virtual instructor to develop-self awareness of a tendency to speak in monotone?
A. Record a live presentation and note where and where the monotone occurs. B. Design virtual sessions to minimize lecture time so the participants do most of the talking. C. Watch experienced virtual classroom instructors present, and emulates their enthusiasm. D. Practice reading the presentation notes and frequently vary your vocal interaction. |
QUESTION NO: 41 Which are two reasons effective presentation communication is so critical to the success of virtual training session? (Choose two)
A. Your presentation communication establishes the tone and expectations for the session. B. Clear presentation communication helps establish your role as an authority figure. C. Your precession communication indicates a lot about your learning style. D. Clear precession communication helps establish credibility in your role before the session even begins. E. Clear precession communication helps identify participants who care about your session enough to read your emails. |
QUESTION NO: 42 What are two key factors to consider for adapting a traditional classroom activity to a virtual classroom session? (Choose two)
A. Will the course be hosted on a LMS or LCMS? B. How much time will the activity take in the virtual environment? C. How many auditory learners will be participating in the session? D. How much prior knowledge will participants be likely to have? E. What online tool or tools can be used to accomplish the activity in virtual setting? |
QUESTION NO: 43 Which action is most critical to the learning process when using polls in the virtual classroom?
A. Design all polls before the session begins. B. Discuss what the polling results and data imply. C. Choose multiple-choice or Yes/No questions. D. Set a firm limit for entering responses. |
QUESTION NO: 44 Which describes additional needs to consider when designing and delivering virtual classroom training as compared to classroom training?
A. Determine who will teach the course and the depth of subject matter expertise and teaching experience of the instructors. B. Conduct an audience technology analysis that includes their experience using computers and their access to reliable internet connection. C. Ensure that the instructional content, including activities, job aids, and reading materials, is relevant to the job role and responsibilities of the learner. D. Follow the methodology of a proven instructional design that includes audience and task analysis, a design blueprint, and an evaluation system. |
QUESTION NO: 45 Which three methods would be most appropriate to determine whether participants understand the virtual classroom session? (Choose two)
A. Asking participants to respond to yes or no questions. B. Assigning participants to breakout rooms. C. Asking participants to type responses to questions into Chat Space. D. Sending transcript of the recorded session to participants. E. Asking participants if the space is too fast or slow F. Using polling questions G. Facilitating an icebreaker |
QUESTION NO: 46 Which one of these is regarding knowledge about a topic in virtual classroom session?
A. Share an insightful anecdote about an unknown but interesting facet of the topic. B. Test the participants on the topic before you teach it and review answers after the session. C. Facilitate an interactive review and discussion of the topic. D. Direct questions to specific participants to find out what they know about the topic |
QUESTION NO: 47 What would be an appropriate contingency plan of participants do not respond to an interactive exercise as planned?
A. Ask additional closed-ended discussion questions. B. Have a backup activity prepared that is suited for quarter groups. C. Revert to one-way communication, such as lecture or demonstration D. Remind participants that the session is being recorded. E. Invite senior management to attend the session. |
QUESTION NO: 48 In a virtual classroom session, which method would be most effective if you want to explain the importance of having numerous sales leads?
A. Walk through a slide that lists the behaviors of successful sales people, than quiz participants later in the session. B. Share a graphic image of a funnel as a visual analogy to illustrate that “you need to ‘keep your funnel full’ to ensure a ‘steady stream’ of qualified sales leads”. C. Use the white board to sketch out popular lead generation strategies; have participants debate which strategy is best. D. Share a personal anecdote about a time when you had a demanding customer who asked many questions but did not buy anything. E. Share your desktop, review the sales figures for the previous quarter, and then have participants brainstorm in breakout groups how sales could be improved. |
QUESTION NO: 49 Why is it beneficial to allow participants a few minutes to socialize and get acquainted before starting a session?
A. It is important to manage balance between work and life. B. Allowing time for this activity helps reduce anxiety and prepare participants for learning. C. People are motivated primarily by a need for social acceptance. D. This activity allows you to see who may dominate discussions later in your session. |
QUESTION NO: 50 Which level of Kirkpatrick model is reflected in a survey question asking participants what they are doing differently as a result of what they learned in the virtual classroom session?
A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 4 |
QUESTION NO: 51 In which way does summative evaluation support the measurement strategy of a virtual instructor?
A. Helps ascertain how well the session is integrated into other learning programs. B. Helps identify readiness of the participants in relation to the learning need. C. Helps determine the full impact and outcomes of the virtual classroom session. D. Helps corn pile participants and stakeholders feedback during development. |
QUESTION NO: 52 What are three effective ways to engage participants within a virtual classroom session?
A. Use preplanned activities. B. Speak loudly. C. Use questioning technologies that simulate cognition in several ways. D. Monitor engagement level. E. Use a points system to reward participants for every comment that they state or type. F. Vary your tone and pitch and make your choice sound happy and inviting. G. Focus on the most talkative participants because they are the most engaged. H. Use animations every 5 minutes to simulate cognitive activity. |
QUESTION NO: 52 What are three effective ways to engage participants within a virtual classroom session?
A. Use preplanned activities. B. Speak loudly. C. Use questioning technologies that simulate cognition in several ways. D. Monitor engagement level. E. Use a points system to reward participants for every comment that they state or type. F. Vary your tone and pitch and make your choice sound happy and inviting. G. Focus on the most talkative participants because they are the most engaged. H. Use animations every 5 minutes to simulate cognitive activity. |
QUESTION NO: 53 Which platform feature is the most helpful if you are very busy and there is no one else to coordinate your upcoming virtual classroom session?
A. Automated registration (handles enrollment, cancellation, headcount limits, and so on) B. E-commerce (automatically charges a fee for attendance, materials, late cancellations, and so on) C. Reporting capabilities (provides session detail report, summary usage report, recorded training access report, and so on) D. Email template and auto reply messages (automatically trigger responses to email inquiries and messages) |
QUESTION NO: 55 Which feature would be most effective if you want participants to be able to view document and see real-time chat document, but without other applications being viewable?
A. Share Desktop B. Polling Feature C. Share Presentation D. Annotation Tools E. Share Application |
QUESTION NO: 56 What are two appropriate reasons for directing a question to an individual as opposed to the entire group of participants? (Choose two)
A. Set up a “debate and challenge” scenario B. Access the known resources of an expert in the session C. Address violations of agreed-upon basic rules D. Re-engage a participant E. Resolve interpersonal conflict F. Determine whether someone is multitasking |
QUESTION NO: 57 Which sharing option is best of you want to lead participants through the steps to organize file directions on their C drives during a virtual classroom session on a computer organization?
A. Application sharing B. Desktop sharing C. Document sharing D. Presentation sharing |
QUESTION NO: 58 Which three describes suitable technologies for time management in the virtual classroom? (Choose three)
A. Encourage participants to post additional questions in an asynchronous forum. B. Ask open-ended questions rather than closed-ended questions. C. Monitor, but do not respond to every participant comment or discussion. D. Be familiar enough with the course material to know what to omit if time runs short E. Be familiar enough with the learner goals to know what to omit if time runs short. F. Paste a list of content-related links into the chat space. G. Ask questions that require participants to interact via audio. |
QUESTION NO: 59 Which three are major benefits of asking leading questions before each new topic within a virtual classroom session? (Choose three)
A. Simultaneous interest in the topic B. Focuses attention on learning objectives C. Helps measure learning outcomes D. Allows subject matter experts to excel E. Helps the instructor to mentally prepare F. Activities prior knowledge |
QUESTION NO: 60 Which question type would be most effective if you want to gather honest opinions from participants about a new company policy and respond voluntarily?
A. Closed-ended polling questions. B. Open-ended questions directed to individuals. C. Open-ended questions directed the group D. Rhetorical questions directed to the group |
QUESTION NO: 61 What are the three keys to the ability of a facilitator to maintain credibility with participants in the virtual classroom session? (Choose three)
A. Breath of vocabulary B. Subject matter competence C. Pace and volume of speech D. Chatting socially before the session begins E. Understand the virtual application |
QUESTION NO: 62 Which two training methods are examples of asynchronous training methods? (Choose two)
A. Live webinar B. Podcast C. Discussion thread in a blog D. Videoconferencing E. Instant messaging |
QUESTION NO: 63 Which action would be most effective if participant cannot attend your virtual classroom session but want to know what information was covered?
A. Reschedule the session at a time when the participant can attend B. Record the session and send the participant a link to the recording C. Use the file transfer feature to upload the session materials D. Send a link to the wiki that hosts the design documents of the course E. Use email to send the session slides to the participant |
QUESTION NO: 64 Which two actions are most effective if you have explained the concept of a wild, yet several participants in your virtual classroom session are confused? (Choose two)
A. Ask a participant who is an experienced wiki user to explain the concept again, ask the experienced user to share the desktop and search for internet for a good example. B. Share or draw a simple diagram, explain how a document on a central server can be edited by many, then share the browser and examine an example on the internet. C. Explain the process a second time using different words, phrases, terminology and examples, then have participants restate their understanding or complete a quiz. D. Sharing the browser, go to a wiki-based site such as Wikipedia; invite a volunteer to help you make simple edits to an actual wiki entry to see how it works in practice. E. Ask for a volunteer to draw a detailed diagram on the wiki board and explain the concept again; then have participants discuss how a wiki could be used in a given scenario. |
QUESTION NO: 65 What are two specific challenges for instructors in the virtual classroom environment? (Choose two)
A. Instructors cannot see the body language of participants. B. Instructors usually have too much content for the time that is allotted. C. Participants typically have expense levels. D. Participants can easily give their attention to more than one thing, or multitask. E. Participants may ask unrelated or irrelevant questions. |
QUESTION NO: 66 Which action is most appropriate if you want a class of 12participants to obtain peer feedback and make improvements to their end-source action plans during a virtual classroom session, and 10 minutes is allotted for the activity?
A. Assign pairs to work together in private chat. B. Have participants type their plans on the whiteboard. C. Assign three to five participants to virtual breakout rooms. D. Have participants share verbally via the raise hand icon. |