* Stepping tends to disappear in most infants by about 2 months, and will reappear with the onset of self-generated locomotion.
* It's disapearence is assumed to be mainly the result of inhibition by maturing higher neural centers. (hierachical model).
* Dynamic systems approach: view locomotion as an emergent property of many interacting complex processes. according to this approach moving and developing systems have certain self-organizig properties. The disappearence of the neonatal stepping pattern at about 2 months of age results from changes in the number of components of the system that reduce the likelyhood of seeig this behavior.
* Weight Hypothesis: Supine kicking during the period when new born stepping disappears. One explanation for the persistance of supine kicking is that it does not require the same strength as stepping, since they are not workign against gravity.
* From slides: Stepping is a classic example. Its disappearance attributed to a phase where higher brain structures suppressed primitive brain/spinal centers, then brought stepping back under cortical (perceptual) control. Stepping does not disappear if practiced