Shared Flashcard Set


Modifying The Gaps In Our Bridge~Emotions
Help Express Feelings

Additional Communication Flashcards




Communicating the emotion ANGER in a positive manner.
Anger is an emotion where the individual generally does not know how to separate their emotions causing harm to others.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate anger and not being rude.

Example: When you yell at me "I" feel upset and it causes me to speak rudely to you.

Note: When you take ownership of your feelings then you are not holding someone else responsibility for your feelings.
Communicating the emotion FEAR in a positive manner.
Fear is an emotion where an individual is afraid to communicate what they are feeling effectively.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate feelings of FEAR.

Example: I was afraid that I was going to get in trouble so I didn't want to tell you.

Taking responsibility for your feelings is no one else responsibility except yours.

Note: There are times when we are afraid to tell older people our feelings but communicating effectively will help you overcome your fears.
Communicating the emotion SCARED in a positive manner.
Scared is an emotion that is another form of fear or being fearful.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate being scared.

Example: When the lights are off I am scared of the dark. May I please use a night light so I won't be scared?
Communicating the emotion SAD in a positive manner.
Sad is an emotion where the individual feels a loss, no hope, grief, disappointment.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate sad.

Example: I am sad because the children at school are bullying me and I don't know why.
Communicating the emotion LONELINESS in a positive manner.
Loneliness is an emotion where an individual believes they have no one who cares about them and they are by themselves.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate anger and not being rude.

I feel lonely because I don't have anyone to talk to, will you spend some time with me?
Communicating the emotion FRUSTRATION in a positive manner.
Communicating the emotion SCARED in a positive manner.'
Scared is an emotion that is another form of fear or being fearful.

Using "I" messages is a positive way to communicate being scared.

Example: When the lights are off I am scared of the dark. May I please use a night light so I won't be scared?
Effective Listening in ao positive manner
It is important to ensure you apply effective listening skills. As the person in the listening mode requires understanding.

Using "I" messages is also important when listening.

Example: I am listening to what you are saying because I want to hear what you are saying.

Note: Effective listening requires the listener to suspend all thoughts by not judging or planning on what to say hoping the individual finishes to express oneself.
How to discuss HURT feelings in a positive manner
The emotion "HURT" is something that everyone feels at one time or another.

It is important to share honestly with the person who has hurt you.

Example: What you did or said to me hurt my feelings.

Note: When sharing that someone has hurt you it is important to express oneself without expressing guilt for the other person's action
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