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Mod Civ test 2
Undergraduate 4

Additional History Flashcards





Latin American development: Mexico in 1820-1875

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-Augustin Iturbide: leader of the war of 1821 for Independence from Spain, and first president

-Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna: unseats Iturbide as president, contributes to 1824 and 1835 Constitutions and 1836 Loss of Texas

-Mexican-American War: power struggle, Herrera (opposes TX being added to US) vs. Arrillaga (overthrows government)

-Benito Juarez: chosen to lead by elites


Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Mexican War for Independence

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-1824 Constitution: first Mexican constitution, makes citizenship easily available to encourage territory claimed by Mexicans

-1835 Constitution: territories want own governance so make it harder for outsiders to move to Mexico, leads to rebellion in TX

-1836 Loss of TX: Santa Anna given choice to sign away claim to TX or hang from a tree, he then loses position as president of Mexico


Benito Juarez

Mexican War for Independence

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-La Reforma: land redistribution, none of political/judicial system of authority

-Juarez vs. Maximillian: French claim ownership and send emperor and military to Mexico

-Mexican Civil War: Mexicans defeat French and hang Max, economic stagnation, lack of true political change cause Juarez's assassination


Mexican development in 1876-1915

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-Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz: supports peasant labor, economic stagnation, failed political institutions = uprising

-Madero vs. Diaz: M wins but can't deal with uprisings

-Pancho Villa and Zapata: PV-North Mexico, Z-South Mexico, Madero hires US to help kill PV

-Huerta: after Madero assassinated, he lasts only 1 year 


Mexican development in 1915-1940

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-1914 Carranza deposes Huerta

-defeat of Zapata and Pancho Villa

-1917 Constitution: Article 27-Mexico owns rights of water and minerals, Article 123-rights of organized labor (safety, unions)

-Carranza assassinated

-Calles rises to leadership: then assassinated, part of PRI

-Cardenas assumes leadership: limits office of President to 6 years, reinstitutes land reformes (awarding land to groups instead of individuals), creates Pemex

-Camacho elected: first peaceful election in Mexico


Latin American development: Brazil Independence

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-site of Portugese Govt exile in 1810s: elites residence in cities (no infastructure), spending too much so want to get rid of far territories

-1822 declares independence: but install king to keep control

-monarchy: Pedro I, royal family runs Brazil

-1823 Constitution: Creols not fans of those tied to Portugal, think they don't need to be run by European monarch, elites have no real concern for working class

-semi-federal system: monarch leaves, ruled by Regents/new world elites, economic governing by monarch failed and Brazil wants to stand alone both economically and agriculturally


Brazil's development 1840-1889

Pedro II

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-Politically Stable: autonomy and authority in Regents created (the next point)

-Economic Stagnation: value of product not increasing, but cost of maintaining is increasing, so trouble in slave and indigenous uprisings

-Paraguayan War: Argentina/Uruguay/Brazil vs. Paraguay, scortched earth used by Fransisco Solano Lopez

-Emancipation of Slaves: Pedro II leaves, so this emancipation is attempt at bringing change to elite class


Brazil as a Republic 1889-1930

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-Abolition of Slavery Collapses Monarchy

-Confederation of States

-Corruption/Rule by Wealthy: govt unreliable, unstable

-Economic Issues: urban unrest (unemployment, slums), labor strikes (organized, rules for protection), failed military coups

-Collapse of World Coffee Prices: before Brazil is #1, Great Depression = cut coffee out of budget


Brazil's Development: Vargas 1930-1945

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-Economic Collapse: brought down Republic

-Pracmatic Rule: power of Regents broken

-Agricultural Reform: crop diversification (cotton, soybean, rubber)

-Industrialization: textiles, best for unskilled workers

-Dictatorship: fear of communism 1937

-Coup Ends Vargas Leadership: Brazilians want republic restored 1945

-Democratic Constitution: Vargas elected President


Development of Modern China: Background

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-European Diplomacy: international interaction between govts, represent govt to another govt, govts are equals, diplomatic equality, BUT Chinese see themselves as the center of the world/middle kingdom

-Canton Trade System: not suitable to Europeans involved

-Failed European Missions: renegotiation-Admiral Napier is diplomat to Chinese but offended them, Amherst-gets permission to come to Canton but failed to see governor so is kicked out


Chinese Development: Opium Wars

First Opium War 1839-1842

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-Opium Trade: bron from China's barrier to trade, only took gold/silver for goods, W. view of Chinese as backwards so morality not an issue, Opium out of Turkey/India/N. Africa

-Commissioner Lin: new to Canton to oversee loss of $, realizes b/c of Opium, outlaws Opium and possession made illegal, letter sent to W. factories as punishment

-Sir Elliot: of British factory, turns over only some Opium, declared Lin's order of factory blockade and act of war, they reach an impasse, he turns it over and reports as stolen property = (next point)

-British Fleet sent 1840: blockade of city of Canton, and more ships sent to Bejing, marines set up base on China's coast, Chinese can't compete

-Ch'uan-pi Convention: seats British in Hong Kong, demand $6 million for destroyed Opium, Canton and other ports opened, established British embassy in Bejing

-Treaty of Nanking 1842: $21 million, Canton Trade obsolete-5 new treaty ports, Hong Kong seated to British, consolate in ports, decide amount of tax on imports and exports


China's Development: Opium Wars

Second Opium War, "Arrow War" 1856

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-Opium smuggling: to get gold and silver back

-Chinese or British?: the ship the Arrow finds opium on smuggler's ship

-Extraterritoriality: Chinese citizen, no matter where in the world you live

-Bombardment of Canton: block off and kill people for 3 days, cut off supply to Bejing at Tiensin

-Treaty of Tiensin 1858: forced by 5 countries, most favored status for origional 13 trade countries, 10 new trade ports, W.s can freely travel throughout China, cut off control of Chinese economy from govt, forces China to allow Catholic/Protestant missionaries to travel around China, opens China to W. economic control


Development of China: Demise of a Kingdom

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-Tai-p'ing Revolution 1851-1864: shows weakening mandate

-Court intrigues: Tz'u-hsi (empress dowager) she rules with other Regents until heirs old enough, Prince Kung (other regent, western education)

-Cooperative Policy: modernize China, cooperate w/W. world, not favored by Tz'u-hsi


China's development:

Taiping Revolution 1851-64

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-Hung Hsiu-ch'uan: fails test-physically ill>coma, wakes up w/vision-golden 3 in 1 tell him how to socially and politically organize China

-Tien-ti hue: Heaven and Earth association

-Taiping T'ien-Kuo: followers try to take control of S. China, military control

-N. Expidition: Taiping leads this to try to replace rule, cancelled

-Anti-Manchu vs. Christian: Yang paid off to destroy Taiping from inside, not everyone on board w/idea of Taiping govt (esp. Christians)


Ideas behind the Taiping Govt

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-Theocratic 3-in-1: Jesus, Confuscious, Budda

-Civil Administration: no division between military and agency

-Forerunner of Chinese Socialism

-Breakaway from traditional Buddism: gender equality


Failures & Legacies of Taiping Govt in China

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(this card is lacking info, sorry!)


-failure of Hung to realize ___
-Yang: power away from home

-help take power away from Manchu

-revival of Manchu

-social policy: repeated against other gov. of power later 


China's Development: Court Intrigues

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-Manchus: Tz'u-hsi funded and supported Boxers and Triads b/c she wanted to undermine modernization efforts

-Kung: dynasty survives if China modernizes, b/c constitutional monarchy understood in rest of world, power=industry, decides that you can't stop progress but can be a part of it


China's Development: Cooperative Policy

*Created by Kung*

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-Western Advisers: helping to redefine the fiscal system and economic ventures

-Interpreter's College: foreign language institutions to improve communication

-Enforcement of Treaty Rights: if want to be recognized then must honor treaty obligations

-Chinese interests: hard to name, so wanted to figure them out-secure Manchu dynasty, engage w/rest of world


China's Development: Modernizations

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-Interpreter's & Language Schools

-Military Arms Factory

-Military Training: by Germans & Russians

-Machine Facorties: necessary to building military arms, modern infastructure

-Student Exchanges: gathering information from all areas of the globe, danger of influence of other govts

-Naval Academy

-Peiyang Fleet 1880s


China's Development: Dipolmatic Failures

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-Unequal Treaties: trade treaties from Opium Wars

-Teintsin Massacre 1870: French missionaries in monestary and school, Boxers revolt, dicussion between China and W. countries decide China must secure religious groups

-Treaty of Livadia 1879: Russians concernd w/W. China and Russia, they get a lot of territory seated to them and $ to offset administration

-Treaty of St. Petersburg 1881: Russians give territory back, demand more $ and that troops cross border whenever they want

-Open Door Policy: all W. countries can trade openly w/China, China broken into economic zones where W. countries responsible for trade & economic function, basic colonization/economic imperialism


China's Development: Military Failures

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-Formosa 1871-74

-Sino-French War 1884-85: French want S. China colonies, China signs away claims to suzerin (sp?) rights

-Sino-Japanese War 1894: Sept 17 China's navy sunk


First Chinese Republic

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-Sun Yatsen: leader

-KMT: created by Sun

-Japan's 21 Demands: to Yuan's govt in response to public statements about Japan, knew China wouldn't accept so cause to occupy territory in China, Yuan says no and doesn't report publically

-Warlord Era: after Yuan's death, govt weak


First Chinese Republic: KMT

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-Yatsen's education: in Japan, then CA in USA, believes modern society and constitutional democratic gov can succeed in China

-Socialist Tendency: in democracy, redistribution/social change under force of govt in order to mandate

-1911 Civil War: Yuan Shikai changes loyalty to republic

-Yuan as President: of new republic until elections held, then wins against Yatsen

-Unrest in Republic: Yuan's new cabinet


China's New Republic

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-Declared by Sun Yatsen in 1916: comes out of exile, revitalizes KMT, more authority to military leadership

-3 People's Principles: nationalism-must capitalize on people's interests, democracy-elections and branches of govt, equitable distribution of wealth-to population

-5 Branches of Govt: executive, legislative, judicial, administrative, oversight/review committee

-Single Party Politics: Chinese people ignorant of politics, best way to help poulation grow is to have single party


Chinese Republic: Troubled Times

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-WWI: show support to "right" side, oppose tyranny, workers to W. Europe

-Versailles 1919: negotiation for new peace, w/everyone except for Germany and CHina

-May 4th Movement 1919: govt looks like failure, student protests, communist party wants different type of govt

-Agreement to Cooperative Govt: CCP and KMT 1924, Sun wants to cultivate communists, 2 parties in 1 govt, communists get own military (Shanghai)

-Sun Yatsen dies 1925: wife believed in cooperative agreement, leads KMT in favor, brother-in-law opposes

-Tibet & Mongolia 1928: soviet influence, T independence, M part of Russia


China's Republic: Chian Kaishek & the Republic

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-Assumes leadership of KMT 1926: trained in Germany & Soviet Union, doesn't like communism

-Shanghai Incident 1927: large force marches to deal w/warlords, also attack communist party, dissolves cooperative party

-Sets Bejing as Capital 1928: respect for Chinese tradition

-Reforms: problems to be fixed (details on another card)

-Failures: govt broke, no $ to pay for infastructure

-Campaigns against CCP 1930-34: 4 major offenses against, escape & hide in N. China

-Xian Incident 1936: turncoat general in nationalist army, arrests Chian & turns him over to CCP, they let him go to escape nationalists


Chian's Republic: Chian Kaishek's Reforms

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-infastructure, education, political systems

-wealthy & well-trained Bearaucrats making $: now need qualification/social service exam

-reinstitute Confucian family, loyalty, responsibility: keep culture in midst of modernization

-reissued prohibitions against Opium



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-Product of: nationalism, security concerns

-Operationalized: globally, economically, militarily


Motives of Imperialism

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-Monopoly Stage of Capitalism:Lenin, Carnegie & Rockefeller (monopolies), Marxists think this is what is wrong w/the world

-Raw Materials/Markets: mercantilism-gaining access to materials/markets, need these in order to make/sell your product

-Social Darwinism: we think we're better than everyone else and they will go extinct if they don't help, solution-colonize the world

-Strategic/Security Concerns: have to expand


Mechanisms of Imperialism

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-Capital Investiture: invest in S. America

-Coercion of Local Authority: bending rules to own more poperty/buisnesses

-Annexation/Protectorate Stauses: colonization-colonizing country comes in and forces you to do what they want, Berlin Conference-divy up the ungoverned world, US gets Liberia & Latin America


Forms of Colonization

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-Direct Rule: France, Germany, Belgium, Portugal
highly centralized: citizens sent to set up own power
European administration: deprive native population
deprivation of native pop.: legal standing, unfair trials

-Indirect Rule: UK, Netherlands (rely on local powers)
Localized administration
training native pop.: older colonies share knowledge
exclusion from legal equality: lawyer YES, judge/jury NO 


WWI: The Players

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define multi-polarity


-Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

-Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia

-Multi-polarity: no 1-2 states can dominate national system, otherwise too dangerous, alliances were weak b/c they didn't form for cooperative gain but out of greed/fear of power 


WWI: Background

1900s volitile state

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-German Reunification: 30% territy, 40% pop. of Europe unified under one state, capable of trouble

-German-Austrian Alliance

-Triple Alliance Formed: competition to amass power, trade, & wealth

-Berlin Conference: discover true authorities through claims on colonies

-Franco-Russian Alliance

-Boer War: ask for help against British, fragile alliances

-Entente Cordiale

-British-Russian Trade Agreement

-Triple Entent Formed: France encourages Russia-British

Bosnian Crisis, Moroccan Crisis, Balkan Wars: Entente has problems b/c of nations individual powers


WWI: The Spark

Europe is Fragile

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-Archduke Ferdinand Assassinated: Austria-Hungary blames Serbians who are backed by Russians

-Austrian Demands: Serbian payments for assassination, Russian removal of protection

-Russia Declares War: after demands not met, Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria

-Austria Mobilizes for War: July 30, 1914


WWI events

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-Schlieffen Plan Aug 1914: Germany, how to fight w/o huge forces overwhelming them, mobilized Germ. units, take down French, keep Russians at bay

-Trench Warfare: failure of Sch. plan b/c lose speed and surprise in getting to Paris, Belgians mobilize during 2-3 week delay, no meaningful 2nd front allows stalemate

-Victory for Triple All. in East: Russian military failure to be prepared/organized, attempts in Turkey fail, modern warfare


WWI: Major Engagements

Global War

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-African Campains: Tago & German SW Africa, Japan

-Frontiers, Marne: Western Front, Belgian-French border as Germans try to get into France

-Tannenburg: Eastern Front, only major Russian-Crimean battle, Russia collapses

-Battle of Ypres: trench warfare, Germans try to go N around trenches

-Verdun: Germans try to go S around trenches

-Meuse-Argonne: Germans greatly outnumbered, breakout from trenches



We tried to stay out of foreign entanglements

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-Not our war: we didn't get involved until 1917

-Wilson's Peace Negotiations: rebuffed b/c not world power, we aren't neutral b/c seeling supplies to Entente

-Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: German fleets attack US vessles carrying supplies, so materials placed on passenger vessels, Lusitania-hit by Germ. torpedo

-Russian Revolution

-American Expeditionary Force: after Germans contact Mexico to keep US occupied in N. America, Force sets sail to France


American Expeditionary Force: AEF


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-14000 troops: arrive in June 1917

-500000 troops: by Sept 1918

-360000 total casualties: due mostly to sickness

-Major Entanglements: didn't want to split up so took a long time to fight, Le Hamel, Nancy, Saint-Miniel, Meuse-Argonne


WWI: To and End

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-Armistice: 11 am on Nov 11, 1918

-Wilson's Negotiations: prt 2, the 14 points (on another card)

-Versailles Negotiations


WWI: Wilson's 14 Points

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-open peace: must involve ALL parties, must be negotiated

-equality of trade

-arms reduction worldwide

-colonial claims adjustment

-restoration of France, Belgium

-leave Austria-Hunagary alone

-restoration of Bulkans

-end Ottoman empire

-create Poland: recognition of Polish rights

-create League of Nations: necessary for collective security


WWI: Different Allied Aims for End of War

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-USA: goal of lasting peace through self-determination

-French & Belgians: destroy German power & economic influence

-British: reparations & survival of empire


*these are all competing goals*


WWI: Treaty of Versailles

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-5 Treaties: all different demands

-Dictated: not negotiated, open peace idea gone

-Created League of Nations: US Senate doesn't accept

-Redraw World Map: more colonial claims to Europe

-Dismantled German Military

-Financial Responsibility: placed on German populace


WWI: League of Nations

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-Counsil: not security council, British French Begians & victorious allies (9 total), if vote yes to discuss then everyone in league gets to discuss

-no means of leaving/being evictive from League

-Article 8: requires arms reductions by members

-Article 11: states that any hostility on the planet will be a matter for the League to handle

-Article 14: permanent Court of International Justice


WWI: German Military Dismantled

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-Authorized: 2 divisions of Infantry, 3 Calvary, 3 regiments of field artillery

-total troop strength: not to exceed 100000 officers & men

-no single unit: may exceed 4000 men

-limitations on armaments

-no fortifications of borders

-6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats, NO SUBMARINES

-restriction: of recruitment & training of millitary personnel overseen by French


WWI: Indemnity

Who's responsible?



Article 235 claims 20,000,000,000 gold marks as payment, ends up with $33 bil due by April 1921

-Versailles ensured hostilites maintained, question of self-determination unanswered, unescapable economic decline for previously wealthy countries


Cost of Independence in Latin America

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-Class Conflict: division of wealth did not flow evenly, when colonial countries pull out economies are hurt

-Decimated Economies

-Dependency and niche economics

-Govts w/out popular support


Latin America: Class/Land/Politics

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-Creoles Rule: children born to Peninsulures in new world, no ties to homeland

-Plantation Economics/Politics: heavy-handed rule from top, distrust of lower classes

-Liberalism?: rather than "people get a voice" it's more like "at least you're not ruled by Europe anymore"


World Politics and Latin America

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-1819 US purchases FL from Spain

-Britain refuses request to help Spain regain colonies in S. America

-Spring 1823 France and Russia discuss restoring Bourbon monarchy and Spanish Colonies in Americas

-Dec. 1823 Monroe Doctrine: "nobody can meddle in Latin America"


Economics of Dependence in Latin America

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-Free Trade?: not really w/Europe

-Geographical barriers: oceans to cross

-Infrastructure issues: not well-developed anywhere in Latin America


-Agricultural Commodification

-Temporary Economic Boom: 1870-1930

-Foreign Influences


Economic Crises in Latin America

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-Neo-Imperialism: using capitalism, business globalization, & cultural imperialism to control country, instead of military control

-ISI: Import Substitution Industrialization

-Limited Manufacturing: not having infrastructure or skilled labor leads to less/bad manufacturing




list 2 facts


-Definition: construction of common bonds of particular population group

-Common Bonds: language, customs, culture, history

-Nationhood and Statehood: Congress of Vienna-leaders of European govts discuss question of nations


Nation, State, Nation-State



-Nation: population that shares language, customs, culture, history

-State: govt, legitimacy (according to other govts)

-Nation-State: nation, govt, geographic space (Japan)


Country: govt w/recognized borders


Nation-State Survival

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-Population: grows properly

-Economic Development

-Recognized Borders


-Common Language: of business, economic, & govt transaction

-Recognized Religion, Common Enemy?: not fully agreed upon as requirements


Nations vs. Monarchs

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-Congress of Vienna: 1814-15, govts of Europe create Consort of Europe (diplomatic organization that meet to discuss how to recognize new nation), 20 Germanic states want to unite and Italy wants to unite

-Austria & Russia: multinational monarchies-no desire to see growth of nationalism

-Italy & Germany: national unification, Central Italy want one nation, German nobles want unified state

19th Century Liberalism vs. Conservativism

-19th C Liberalism: information freely available about govt's actions, freemarket trade, population participates in what govt does, govt should be limited

-19th C Conservatism: preserve that which is already in exisistence, monarchs still in command, command/control, forceful govt, constitutional monarchs still limit people's participation


Classical Liberalism


list 6 examples

list 3 "nots"


-Definition: in tension w/classic forms of govt, bring down power in govt

-Free Market Economics
-Govt Legitimized by Population
-Legal Equality
-Freedom of Press
-Property Rights

-NOT: Social Welfare, Citizenship Rights, Recognition of Working Class


Political Liberalism

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-Decembrist Revolt: Russians help beat Napoleon, young officers now stationed in major cities b/c Russians engaged w/rest of Europe, see growth of liberalism and decide Russia needs to change, Czar needs less power, officers refuse to be loyal to new Czar Nicolas

-Another French Revolution: Charles X constitutional monarch, liberals win elections and Cha. not happy, victories in battle used to change constitution but govt exiles him, new constitutional monarchy "King of French People" not country

-Great Reform: British Parliament passed, qualified to vote if propertied citizen

-Year of Revolutions 1848: Sicily/Italy, Germany, Schleswig, Habsburg Empire, Hungary, Switzerland, Poland, Wallachia, France *desire to change govt in favor of liberalism and nationalism


Political Consolidation of Power, Europe

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-Crimean War: Austrians & Russians clash over question of Slavic populations on borders, Russians seek defeat of Turkish fleet, French & British declare war on Russia

-Italian Unification: Italian nationalists throw off Spanish control

-German Unification: want one govt, Germanic states added, then defeat Austrians and French


Political Consolidation of Power, US

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-Issue of Sovereignty: right of state to govern population w/in recognized territorial boundaries

-Dual Sovereignty/Nullification: spheres of soveriegnty-states, federal govt sovereign in collection of states, from US "are" to US "is"

-Dueling Economies

-Issue of Slavery: w/in South and Border states it's legal and accepted, slave trade is intra-state issue, issue with slaves escaped to "free" states--this issues causes 11 states to want to remove themselves from govt that over-stepped boundries


Civil War in US

list theaters (3) and results of conflict (4)


War Between States: where sovereignty resides? states or govt
-Eastern Theater: Potomic & Virginia, Shannondow Campaign, Ghettysburgh
-Western Theater: TN, AK, MI..., General Grant for Union, battles: Vicksburgh, New Orleans, Shiloh, Donaldson *try to control supply lines*
-Southern Theater: AL, FL, GE, NC, SC, Virginia, Sherman's march to sea and Burning of Atlanta

Result of Conflict
-13-15 Amendments: end slavery, due process, and right to vote
-Crushing of nationalism in US: defeat of nationalist S.
-Consolidation of Federal Power: no questioning power anymore
-Change in Conduct of War: technology beginnig seige warfare, justifiable targeting (civilians)




word derivation

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-derived from "Slav": central asian & nordic, reference to human trafficking in N & E Europe, representative of colorblind nature of slavery

-Forms: manslave (taken out of normal situation/location), bond servant, indentured servant, social caste system victims (induced into conditions of servitude)


African Slave Trade Networks

4 major traced to end of 15th century


-Saharan: sold slaves in Medierranean region out of N. Africa

-Red Sea: sent slaves to Middle East and S. Asia

-Swahili Coast: sent slaves to Middle East and S. Asia

-Trans-Atlantic/European: sent slaves to Europe and N&S America


Slave Trade Numbers

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pre-1700, 1700-1800, 1800-1900


~pre-1700: 2.2 million
~1700-1800: 6.13 million
~1800-1900: 3.3 million 

-Saharan:to Eastern world, Middle East & Asia
~pre-1700: 6.2 million
~1700-1800: 821,800
~1800-1900: 1.4 million 

-Swahili & Arabian:
~pre-1700: 3.1 million
~1700-1800: 458,000
~1800-1900: 1.9 million 


Slavery and International Phenomenon

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-Africans uprooted and transported out of Africa: 11.7-15.4 million into Europe & W. World

-Trans-Atlantic Traffic: 4.5% went to US, 93% to Central & S. America & Caribbean Islands

-Trade vital part of systematic economic growth: agrarian culture-need equiptment and people, mining in S. America

-Trade only diminishes when proven economically damaging: end of Industrical Revolution, increasing use of mechanical aids


Economic Downturn & Road to WWII

Cause of Depression as global phenomenon

list 3


-Financial Crisis: end of WWI Europen and American economies a mess

-Production & Distribution Issues: manufacturing on hold b/c no $

-Lack of Leadership: no one willing to lead countries out of devistation


Economic Downturn & Road to WWII

Financial Crisis

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-Germany's financial collapse: banks broke

-France's heavy-handed approach: ensures that Germany's industry can't grow = reduces their own industry

-US wants repayment of War Loans: we owe $, so we want repayment, citizens want repayment

-European states want repayment of loans to other European states

-1931 Moratorium on debt payments

-1932 Lussane Conference: French announce bankruptcy, followed by other countries


Economic Downturn & Road to WWII

Production/Distribution Issues

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-France Occupies Ruhr: in Germany to offset lack of $

-Collapse of distribution industry: ports, railways

-Agricultural Commodification: rely on agricutural output = decline of sales

-Agricultural market collapses


Economic Downturn & Road to WWII

Lack of Leadership

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-Isolationism: not involved in world's problems, US turned down position of global leadership

-Mistrust: between Eurpoean Nations

-Growth of Communism, Fascism: claim to have a plan to regaining power/economic status


Road to WWII

Soviet Union

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-Marxism-Leninism: take means of production out of capitalists' hands & into govt's hands for redistribution of value to population

-Centralized govt

-State ownership of everything

-NEP: New Economic Plan

-Rise of Stalin: wants his own set of plans

-Collectivization of Farms: Kulaks, using state

-5 year plans: Stalin's first didn't work so blames failure on Kulaks

-Purges: Kulak population, manufacturing, political parties, military for weakness, "Harvest of Sorrow"

-What does it cost?: a generation is gone, but gains autocratic authority


Road to WWII

Mussolini's Rise

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-Fascism: they don't own the methods, but control and tax them

-Opportunity: territory taken away, losing colonies, economic mess after WWI

-Terror in countryside: small cities/towns bombed factories, terrorizing manufacturing

-1921 march of Black Shirts: thru Rome

-1921 Mussolini dictator: for 1 year

-1924 FASCI win parliament

-1925 Mussolini rule by decree

-1926 all other parties outlawed


Road to WWII


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-1919 Hohenzollerns removed from power: royal family gone

-Weimar Republic constituted: parties given opportunity to elect leader

-NAZIS: national socialist party, fascist, captured idea of "being German" folk movement

-1923 Beer Hall Putsch: try to take over govt buildings in Munich, lose

-Stressemann: responsible for govt by end 1920s, able economist but can't fix problems

-6 million unemployed 1932

-1 million to 1 currency conversion

-1932 NAZIS win control of Reichstag: book published in prison about position, blame on non-Germans for suffering after war

-1933 Hitler named chancelor


Road to WWII

Hitler's Germany

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-Racial Purity Legislation 1933: can't own anything or work, proof in lineage, special ID card

-Enabling Act 1934: allows Hitler to rule by decree

-Outlaws all other parties

-Police State: SS-armored core policing of non-Germans, Gestappo-investigate "criminal behavior"

-Rejection of Women's Rights

-Planned Economy: successful, people back to work thru large projects and limited hours worked/week but multiple shifts


Commonalities 1920s/30s

Russia, Germany, Italy

list 7


-High Discipline Political Parties: gave answers, control media

-"Cure all that ails you" Programs

-Control of Communications/Propaganda: people believe lies

-Terror Police/State: keep away objections

-Modern Technology: leading the way, accomplishments

-Common Enemy: racial, ethnic, class pin troubles on them

-Nationalism run amuk


Road to WWII

Important Inter-War Year Matters

list 3


-Washington Conference 1921: limits tonnage & arming of large warships (France to Germany)

-Spanish Civil War 1936-38

-Locarno Pacts 1925: French attempt to cripple German relations w/Europe


Road to WWII

Europe's Response to Rise of Fascist Germany

list 3



-1938 Munich Pact "Peace in Our Times": Hitler gets Sudetenland

-March 1939 British & French guarantee security of Poland


Road to WWII

Rising Tide of War in Europe

list 9


-1933 G. Withdraws fron World Disarmament Conference

-33 G withdraws from League of Nations

-35 G renounces Treaty of Versailles

-35 Italy invades Ethiopia

-36 G remilitarizes Rhineland, Saar, Rhuer

- 36 Rome-Berlin Axis

-37 Guernica

-39 Non-Aggression Pact b/t G and Soviet Union

-Sept 1, 1939 G invasion of Poland

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