Spinal Cord There are four layers, like sheaths to the Meninges. What are they? |
Pia Mater - closest Film Terminale - Contains Cerebral Spinal Fluid Subarachnoid Space Arachnoid - spider web like Dura Mater - outmost Sack around spinal cord - Outside of the Dura is the Epidural Injection site |
Spinal cord - throughout the length in the central column of gray matter is arranged to form an H. Posterior, Anterior and Lateral horns. What is the function of each? |
Posterior - receive sensory neurons, direct incoming impulses. Anterior horns - Interneurons and lower motor neurons (final common pathway) for motor commands to skeletal muscle. Lateral - Lumbar cord and autonomic motor neurone to smooth muscle. |
Spine Cord
What is Cauda Equina? |
Horses Tail
It the Lumbar spinal nerves |
Central Nervous System - Ascending (up to the Brain) Tracts What are the three Sensory ascending tracts in the spine? |
1. Pain/Temperature 2. Touch/Pressure 3. Muscle Stretch/Position Sense |
Ascending tracts for Pain Temperature, what is the name of the tract? Hint: the name is where the tract first initiates on the "H" and where it goes for processing. It terminates in the sensory cortex. |
Lateral Spinothalamic tract.
Receptors send signals to posterior horn, where it synapse with secondary neurons that ascend the lateral spinothalamic tracts to the thalamus. |
Ascending tracts for Muscle Stretch/Position Sense, what is the name of the tract? Hint: the name is where the tract first initiates on the "H" and where it goes for processing. |
Anterior Spinocerebellar Tract
Proprioceptors convey muscle tension, vibration, position to spinal cord. They synapse with neurons on the posterior and anterior horns, called the APINOCEREBELLAR TRACTS,. It terminates in the cerebellar cortex. |
Corticospinal tract. What is its function and where is it? |
It is located in the pre central gyrus, located in the pre central gyrus of each frontal lobe (motor cortex) Its the principalnenural pathway for voluntary movement. Impulses pass through the Medullary pyramidsMedulla Oblongata |
What is the Choroid Plexus, how many are there, where are they and what does it do? |
It secretes Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the ventricles. There are four areas. It's in small areas of the 1 & 2nd ventricle and in the 3rd ventricle below in And in the 4th ventricle (between the pons and the Cerebellum). |
What is the name of the layer in he Meninges that contains many blood vessels and is filled with the Cerebrospinal fluid?
And what layer helps circulate the CSF? |
ARACHNOID VILLUS helps circulate the CSF |