Shared Flashcard Set


Computer Science
9th Grade

Additional Computer Science Flashcards





1. Which of the following describes a widow?

a) last line of paragraph left alone at top of page

b) first line of paragraph left alone at bottom of page

c) both a and b


d) none of the above


Ans: a

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: In multi-page documents, paragraphs breaks can occur at the top of the page when the Widow/Orphan control is disabled.




2. Which of the following describes an orphan?

a) last line of paragraph left alone at top of page

b) first line of paragraph left alone at bottom of page

c) both a and b


d) none of the above


Ans: b

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: In multi-page document, a paragraph will break at the bottom of the page when the Widow/Orphan control is disabled. 


3. On which of the following would you find the Keep Lines Together box?

a) Paragraph group

b) Page Layout dialog box

c) Paragraph dialog box


d) none of the above


Ans: c

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: The Line and Page Break tab in the Paragraph dialog box, has options to select how paragraphs will break in a document.




4. Word considers any line of text that is followed by a return to be a __________.

a) sentence

b) paragraph

c) line

d) all of the above




Ans: b

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: Pressing the Enter key after a text is considered a paragraph. 


5. From which of the following would you choose to insert a manual page break?

a) Home tab, Paragraph group

b) Paragraph dialog box

c) Page Layout tab, Paragraph group


d) Insert Tab, Pages group


Ans: d

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: The Page Break command is located in the Pages group. 

6. The location in a document where one page ends and another begins is known as a(n) __________. a) page break b) widow c) page end d) orphan

Ans: a

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Page breaks can be automatic page break where Word determines where to break the page or the user can complete a manual page break.




7. The Breaks menu contains options for setting __________ type(s) of page break(s).

a) one

b) two

c) three


d) four


Ans: c

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: Word provides three types of page breaks, Page, Column, and Text Wrapping. 



8. What are vertical blocks of text known as in Word?

a) lines

b) rows

c) paragraphs

d) columns




Ans: d

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Setting up Columns

Explanation: Columns can be compared to newspaper or magazine columns where text flows between columns.




9. You may choose to create up to how many total columns in a Word document?

a) six

b) eight

c) twelve

d) sixteen




Ans: c

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting up Columns


Explanation: Word can only create up twelve columns in a document. 


10. You can insert a blank page at which point in a Word document?

a) beginning

b) middle

c) end


d) all of the above


Ans: d

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Inserting a Blank Page

Explanation: A blank document can be inserting anywhere in a document. 





11. When choosing the paper size of a document, which of the following

a) Legal


b) Letter

c) Custom


d) all of the above choices is available?


Ans: d

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: Clicking the Size button will display various size to choose form.





12 A widow is the last line of a paragraph that is left alone at the top of a page


Ans: True

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: By default the Widow/Orphan control is enabled. Documents that produce a widow indicate that the control is off. 


13. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that is left alone at the bottom of a page.


Ans: True

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: By default the Widow/Orphan control is enabled. Documents that produce a widow indicate that the control is off. 


14. You can choose to keep lines together on the same page, but not paragraphs.


Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: In the Paragraph dialog box, in the Lines and Page Breaks tab, paragraphs can be kept together by enabling the Page Break Before control.  


15. Word considers any line of text that is followed by a return to be a line.




Ans: False

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Text followed by the Enter key is a paragraph.





16. The Break Page Before option forces a paragraph to the bottom of a page.




Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: The Page Break Before forces the paragraph to the next page.




17. Manual page breaks may also be deleted.




Ans: True

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Manual page break can be deleted. The easiest way to delete is to turn on the Show/Hide, select then press the Delete key.




18. Pages are easy to distinguish in Print Layout view.


Ans: True

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Print Layout view displays the document as it will appear printed.




19. The Breaks menu contains options for inserting two different kinds of breaks. 


Ans: False

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: The Breaks menu has three kinds of breaks, Page, Column, and text wrapping . 




20. You can choose to insert any number of columns by clicking the Columns button.


Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting up Columns

Explanation: The Columns dialog box has the option to insert the number of columns for the document.




21. The best way to insert a blank page in Word is to click the Blank page button in the Pages group of the Insert tab.




Ans: True

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Inserting a Blank Page

Explanation: Clicking the Blank Page command is the quick way of inserting a blank page in a document. A blank page can be inserted anywhere in a document.




22. If a document is to be placed in a three-ring binder, you should leave extra space in the right margin.




Ans: False

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: The left side of a page is where the three-ring binder would be use.



23. When choosing a page’s orientation, you are limited to two choices: Landscape and Portrait

Ans: True

Difficulty: Easy

Explanation: The Orientation button display two choices, Portrait ad Landscape.




24. Word inserts automatic page breaks in __________ documents.


Ans: multi-page

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: When the page reaches it limit, Word inserts an automatic page break. Another term of automatic page break is a “soft page break.” An automatic (soft) page break appears as a dotted horizontal line.



25. You can choose to keep two lines together at either the top of the page or the __________ of the page


Ans: bottom

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Using the Line and Page Break tab in the Paragraph dialog box provides options on paragraph behavior.  





26. The last line of a paragraph that is left alone at the top of a page is called a(n) __________.


Ans: widow

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Widows appearing at the top of the document can be corrected by enabling the Widow/Orphan control.




27. The first line of a paragraph that is left alone at the bottom of a page is called a(n) __________.


Ans: orphan

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Orphans appearing at the bottom of the document can be corrected by enabling the Widow/Orphan control.






28. Word’s Keep With Next command ensures that two __________ remain together on the same page.



Ans: paragraphs

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: The Keep With Next command would be used when you want to keep a heading with some of the paragraph lines. This would avoid the heading being alone with no text following.



29. To insert a manual page break, click the Page Break button in the __________ group of the Insert tab.




Ans: Pages

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Word provides two methods for inserting a manual page break, using the Page Break button or keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Enter.




30. You may also press the __________ key to delete a manual page break.




Ans: Backspace

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Users can delete a manual page break by using the Backspace key or selecting the manual page break and pressing the Delete key.




31. The __________ menu contains options for inserting three types of breaks.


Ans: Breaks

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Three types of breaks are available in the Breaks menu: Pages, Columns, and Text Wrapping.




32. A(n) __________ break is used to create layout or formatting changes in a portion of a document.




Ans: section

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Using section breaks provides options for setting different page settings within the document.




33. Word provides __________ options for creating section breaks.




Ans: four

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: There are four types of section breaks, Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, and Odd Page. 


34. Vertical blocks of text in a Word document are known as __________.


Ans: columns

Difficulty: Medium


Section Ref: Setting up ColumnsExplanation: Newspaper and magazines are examples of vertical blocks of text. 


35. Word allows you to insert up to __________ columns in a document.




Ans: twelve

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting up Columns


Explanation: Twelve is the maximum number of columns that can be set in a document. 


36. Columns may be formatted with even or uneven __________ in the Columns dialog box.


Ans: widths

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting up Columns


Explanation: The Equal Column Width control is enabled by default; remove the check mark to disable. 


37. To insert a blank page, click the Blank Page command in the __________ group of

the Insert tab.




Ans: Pages

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Inserting a Blank Page

Explanation: The Blank Page command is found in the Pages group and can inserted anywhere in the document.




38. Changing the margins of a document can affect the number of __________ in a document.




Ans: pages

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: When margins are changed the document will either increase or decrease in pages.




39. Margins are the blank spaces located at the top, bottom, and __________ of a page.




Ans: sides

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: Margins are blank spaces located at the top, bottom, left and right of the page.




40. A document may be set to Landscape or __________ orientation. 


Ans: Portrait

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: Word provides two ways to set the orientation for a document. 


41. A(n) __________ document is wider than it is long. 


Ans: Landscape

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: Landscape size is 14” x 8” for legal size and 11” x 8” for letter size and the width is wider than the length.





42. To set the paper size of a document, choose the ___________ button from the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab.




Ans: Size

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: The Size button displays a menu to various sizes to choose from.






43. To ensure that all the lines of a paragraph remain together on the same page, click the __________ box.


Ans: Keep Lines Together

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: Text should first be selected when using the Keep Lines Together command. 


44. To force a paragraph to the next page, click the __________ box.




Ans: Break Page Before

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: By placing the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph will force it to the next page.  


45. You can also insert a page break from the Breaks menu found in the __________ group of the Page Layout tab.


Ans: Page Setup

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Word provides three methods for inserting a page break, (1) Breaks menu in the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab; (2) Page Break command in the Pages group of the Insert tab; and (3) keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Enter.



46. To delete a manual page break, select the __________ and press the Delete key

Ans: Page Break marker

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: The easiest way to delete the Page Break marker is to have the Show/Hide on. 


47. A(n) __________ is the location in a document where one page ends and a new page begins.




Ans: page break

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Inserting a page break creates additional pages in the document.




48. To customize columns, click the __________ button in the Columns menu.




Ans: More Columns

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting up Columns


Explanation: The Columns menu is located in the Page Setup group of the Page Layout tab. The Columns dialog box will appear when selecting the More Columns. 


49. When you change the width of a column in Word, what happens to the spacing measurement?


Ans: It adjusts automatically.

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting up Columns


Explanation: Changing the width of a column automatically adjusts when using the upward or downward arrows or entering a width manually. 


50. Word provides __________ options for creating section breaks.




Ans: four

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Expanation: Word provides four options for inserting section breaks. These are Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, and Odd Page. 


51. Vertical blocks of text in a Word document are known as __________.




Ans: columns

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting up Columns

Explanation: A newspaper column layout is a good example of  vertical blocks of text.




52. Word allows you to insert up to __________ columns in a document.


Ans: twelve

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting up Columns

Explanation: A maximum of twelve columns can be set up.




53. Columns may be formatted with even or uneven __________ in the Columns dialog box.


Ans: widths

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting up Columns

Explanation: In the Columns dialog box, the widths can be adjusted manually or the user can select from the preset settings 


54. To insert a blank page, click the Blank Page command in the __________ group of the Insert tab.


Ans: Pages

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Inserting a Blank Page into a Document

Explanation: Blank pages are inserted from the Pages group and the insertion point can be placed anywhere in the document to insert a blank page.




55. For professional-looking documents, list two things you should avoid as discussed in this lesson.




Ans: Avoid leaving a single line of text by itself at the top or bottom of a page.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Documents should be proofed carefully to ensure it doesn’t break in the wrong place.




56. Briefly describe the difference between a widow and an orphan, as they pertain to Word documents.




Ans: A widow is the last line of a paragraph, left alone at the bottom of a page; an orphan is the first line of a paragraph, left alone at the top of a page.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation:  In multi-page documents, paragraphs breaks can occur at the top or bottom of the page. This occurs when the Widow/Orphan control is disabled. 


57. How would you ensure that a paragraph is not split across two pages?


Ans: Select the paragraph, and choose the Keep Lines Together box in the Paragraph dialog box.

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph


Explanation: The command to Keep Lines Together will move the whole paragraph to the next page and creates a continuous flow within the document. 




58. What constitutes a paragraph in Word?


Ans: any line of text that is followed by a return

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Controlling Paragraph

Explanation: Paragraphs are followed by pressing the Enter key. 





59. What constitutes a page break in a Word document?




Ans: the location where one page ends and another page begins

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Page breaks forces text to the next page.




60. How many page break types are available in the Breaks menu? List each type.


Ans: three; Page, Column, and Text Wrapping

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: There are three types of breaks that can be applied in the document. These are Page, Column, and Text Wrapping. 




61. How many section break options are available in Word? List each option.


Ans: four; Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, and Odd Page

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: There are four section breaks that can be applied to a document. When the user needs to change the formatting for pages, one of the options can be applied; Next Page, Continuous, Even Page, and Odd Page. 


62. Describe ways that you can easily distinguish both automatic and manual page breaks in a Word document.


Ans: Automatic page breaks are easy to distinguish in a Word document that is placed in Print Layout view. In this view, Word displays the document page by page, one after the other, on a blue background. You can also choose to show paragraph marks by clicking the Show/Hide¶ button found in the Paragraph group of the Home tab. Once paragraph marks are shown, markers will appear to indicate manual page breaks.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks

Explanation: Word automatically breaks the page when it reaches the end of the page and manual page breaks are used when the user wants to force text to the next page.




63. For what purpose is a section break used? Provide at least three scenarios for when it would be beneficial


Ans: A section break is used to create layout or formatting changes in a portion of a document. Student answers will vary, but may include any of the following scenarios: beginning/ending columns, footnotes and endnotes, headers and footers, line numbering, margins, page borders, page numbering, change in paper size or orientation, paper source for a printer, or vertical alignment of text on a page.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Breaks


Explanation: Section breaks are used to create a different format for pages within the document. For example, the page five can be set up as landscape with custom margins while the remaining pages are in portrait orientation with default margins. Different headers and footers can be applied to a document. In setting up columns in a document, the user can apply can continuous section break, change the orientation, and apply page border to the section without affecting the whole document. 


64. Where are a page’s margins located?


Ans: all around a document (top, bottom, and both sides)

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: Margins are located in the top, bottom, left, and right side.




65. Briefly describe Portrait and Landscape orientation.




Ans: Portrait orientation refers to when a page is taller than it is wide. Landscape orientation refers to when a page is wider than it is tall.

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Page Layout


Explanation: The portrait’s length is longer than its width. Landscape’s width is wider than its length. 


66. Briefly explain how a document’s page layout can contribute to the overall success (or failure) of the document. Be sure to discuss margins, page orientation, and paper size.




Ans: Student answers will vary. When choosing the margins for a document, you must consider how the document may be bound. If the document will be placed in a three-ring binder, for example, you would need to leave extra space on the left margin for the holes. The orientation of a page should depend on the information that will be displayed on that page. For example, if you are creating a table that is wider than it is tall, you would want to select Landscape as the page’s orientation. The paper size that is set for a document should match the amount and type of content included in the document. If you are creating a legal document, you would need to ensure that the paper size is set to Legal so that all of the information will appear on the correct page(s).

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Page Layout

Explanation: The layout of a document contributes to its appearance on how well it flows within the document. If margins are set differently for specific pages then it is best to layout the page with section breaks. By inserting section breaks in a document the document can be laid out with both portrait and landscaping orientation.





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