Shared Flashcard Set


Computer Science
9th Grade

Additional Computer Science Flashcards





1. You will frequently use the Paragraph dialog box when formatting which of the following?

a) indentations

b) spacing

c) alignment


d) all of the above


Ans: d

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The Paragraph dialog box contains the formatting features in one area —making it easy to make all changes at one time.




2. Which of the following indentation types are common in legal documents?

a) right-margin

b) hanging

c) negative


d) first-line



Ans: b

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Hanging indents are common in legal documents where the first line is at the left margin and the remaining lines are indented ½” from the left margin.




3. How is text aligned by default in a Word document?

a) centered at the top of the page

b) left-aligned at the middle of the page

c) right-aligned at the bottom of the page

d) left-aligned at the top of the page




Ans: d

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: When starting Word, the insertion point will be aligned at the top left margin.




4. What is referred to as the amount of space between lines within a paragraph?

a) line spacing

b) paragraph spacing

c) text spacing


d) type spacing


Ans: a

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Line spacing is the spacing between lines in a paragraph. The default line spacing in Word is 1.5”. 


5. The spacing of a paragraph can be changed from which of the following?

a) Formatting group

b) Paragraph dialog box

c) Spacing dialog box


d) Font group


Ans: b

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The Paragraph dialog box allow contains the option to change the line spacing.




6. To remove bullets from a bulleted list, select the list and click which of the following buttons?

a) Bullets

b) Undo

c) Redo


d) Numbering


Ans: a

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Bulleted List

Explanation: The Bullets button is a toggle button where you can turn on and off.




7. If you select a paragraph and selected a shading color then click the Shading button again, which shading color is applied?

a) color that you choose as your shading default

b) light blue

c) yellow


d) previously chosen shading color


Ans: d

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The Shading Color button will remain as the last color applied.




7. If you select a paragraph and selected a shading color then click the Shading button again, which shading color is applied?

a) color that you choose as your shading default

b) light blue

c) yellow


d) previously chosen shading color


Ans: d

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The Shading Color button will remain as the last color applied.




8. Which type of tab stop cannot be set from both the ruler and the Tabs dialog box?

a) right-aligned tab with leader

b) centered tab

c) left-aligned tab

d) all of the above




Ans: a

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: A right-aligned tab with leader cannot be set from both the ruler and Tabs dialog box.





9. Non-printing characters can be displayed by which method?

a) pressing Ctrl Shift + *

b) clicking the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group of the Home tab

c) both a and b


d) none of the above


Ans: c

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs


Explanation: Displaying the non-printing characters can be shown by using one of the two methods. 



10. Which of the following formats would be best to use when creating a meeting agenda?

a) bulleted list

b) table

c) multilevel list


d) any of the above


Ans: c

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Working with Lists


Explanation: The Multilevel List button displays a gallery different formatted levels that can be applied to documents such as agendas, outlines, chapter headings, etc. 


11. Indentations can only be set for an entire paragraph.


Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Indentation can be set on a line as well as a paragraph.





12. A document’s vertical alignment can be changed from the Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box.



Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: The vertical alignment for a document cannot be set from the Paragraph dialog box. 



13. Paragraphs spacing in Word are single-spaced by default.




Ans: False

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Setting Line Spacing in Text and Between Paragraphs


Explanation: By default, paragraph spacing is set to 10 points after each paragraph. 


14. Word can automatically create a numbered list as you key.


Ans: True

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: By keying a number one followed by a period then pressing the tab key will automatically create a number list. The AutoCorrect Options will automatically turn off with options to select from.




15. When you point your mouse to a bullet formatting option, the changes are previewed in your document.


Ans: True

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Bulleted List


Explanation: Text that is already formatted with bullets can be previewed before making another selection. 


16. Word provides 15 color choices for paragraph shading.



Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The paragraph shading contain a multiple of colors in the color palette.




17. You can add a border or shading to a paragraph, but you cannot add both a border and shading to the same paragraph.




Ans: False

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Selected paragraphs can contain both a border and shading.




18. Tabs can only be cleared from the Tabs dialog box.


Ans: False

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: Tabs can also be cleared from the ruler by dragging and dropping in the document screen.




19. Tabs can be set quickly from the ruler.




Ans: True

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: The tab selector is located on the left side of screen above the vertical




20. Formatting can be removed from an entire paragraph by clicking the Clear Formatting button on the Home tab in the Font group.




Ans: True

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Clear Formatting will remove all formatting from selected text. 


21. __________ refers to how text is positioned between the margins of a document.


Ans: Alignment

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The position of text between margins is referred to as alignment.




22. The __________ spacing option sets the spacing at a fixed amount that Word does not adjust.




Ans: Exactly

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting Line Spacing in Text and Between Paragraphs.

Explanation: Sets the spacing at a fixed amount that Word does not adjust.




23. You can select an entire bulleted list by clicking any __________ in the list.


Ans: bullet

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Bulleted List


Explanation: By clicking the drop-down arrow in the Bullet button will display the Bullet library list.  


24. If a number one is keyed, Word recognizes that you are trying to start a(n) __________ list.


Ans: numbered

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List

Explanation: Word will recognize a beginning of a numbered list after the Tab key is pressed.




25. The __________ feature is used to color the background of the selected text or paragraph.


Ans: Shading

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Shading will shade the background of selected text or paragraph.




26. Borders can be formatted with a variety of styles, colors, and __________.




Ans: widths

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The Borders and Shading dialog box provides options to choose from.



27. Left-aligned tab stops are set every __________ by default

Ans: half-inch

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: By default, pressing the Tab key will move the tab every half-inch.






28. Tab __________ are dotted, dashed, or solid lines that fill up space before a tab.


Ans: leaders

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: Tab leaders serve as guides from one tab stop to the next.






29. To indent the first line of a paragraph, click in front of the line and press the __________ key.


Ans: Tab

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Pressing the Tab key will indent the first line of a paragraph half-inch from the left margin.





30. A(n) __________ is the space between a paragraph and the document’s left and/or right margin.




Ans: indent

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Applying a left and/or right indent to a paragraph, will move the text either to the left and/or right side of the margin.




31. __________ alignment is often used to create a cover page.




Ans: Vertical

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: When creating a cover page manually, the top and bottom margins should be equally distributed. 


32. When text is __________, lines appear flush on both the left and right margins.


Ans: justified

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Apply the justified alignment will flush both the left and right margins as well as create extra spaces between words. 


33. To change a bulleted list to a numbered list, select the bulleted list and click the __________ button.


Ans: Numbering

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Bulleted List

Explanation:To interchanging, click the bulleted or numbered list.





34. In addition to paragraphs, borders can also be added to pages, sections, tables, cells, graphic objects, and __________.


Ans: pictures

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Word makes it easy to apply borders to page border, sections, tables, objects and pictures. 


35. Tab stops are visible on the __________ ruler.




Ans: Horizontal

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs


Explanation: The Ruler must be enabled to view the Tab settings. 



36. Outline lists are also called __________ lists.




Ans: Multilevel

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List


Explanation: A good example of an outline list is those used for research papers. 


37. Using the Tab key, or Shift + Tab, will move text to a different __________ in the list.



Ans: level

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List

Explanation: Using the keyboard and pressing the tab key plus using the Shift key will move to another level.





38. To change the look of a bulleted list, select the list and click the downward-pointing arrow next to the __________ button.




Ans: Bullets

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List

Explanation: The Bullet Library makes it easy to change the style of the bullet list.




39. A(n) __________ is created when the first full line of text in a paragraph is not indented, but the following lines are.




Ans: hanging indent

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Students would use a hanging indent for their works cited page on their research paper. 


40. The Clear Formatting command not only removes all formatting, but also reverts the __________ to the default.




Ans: font and font size

Difficulty: hard

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: Clear Formatting returns text back to the default settings.




41. The __________ tab of the Paragraph dialog box is used to make changes to paragraph alignment, indentation, and spacing.




Ans: Indents and Spacing

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: By opening the  Paragraph dialog box settings can be changed in one action. 


42. A(n) __________ inserts a vertical bar line at the place indicated on the horizontal ruler.


Ans: Bar tab

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs

Explanation: Setting Bar tabs provides a visual setting of tab settings.






43. You can return a paragraph to plain formatting by clicking the __________ button in the Font group of the Home tab.


Ans: Clear Formatting

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Clearing the Formats from a Paragraph


Explanation: Selected text can be cleared of all formatting. 



44. In what type of document is vertical alignment often used for creating?




Ans: cover page

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Vertical alignment will align the top and bottom margins evenly. 


45. What type of tab setting is typically used between an entry in a table of contents and the page on which it can be found?


Ans: dotted tab leader

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Setting and Modifying Tabs


Explanation: Tab settings for a table of contents are set with a right tab setting with dot leaders. 




46. What are two ways you can set indents in a document?


Ans: from the Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialog box and from the ruler

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Two methods can be used to set indents, using the Paragraph dialog box and moving the markers on the ruler. 


47. How can you make the horizontal ruler visible in a document?


Ans: Click the View Ruler button at the top of the vertical scrollbar.

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The ruler can be displayed by clicking the View Ruler button on the vertical scrollbar on the right side of the screen or on the View tab.





48. Briefly describe a first-line indent.




Ans: A first-line indent is when the first line of a paragraph indents more than the following lines.

Difficulty: Easy

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The first-line indent will indent the first line of paragraph half-inch frm the left margin.




49. Name three methods you could use to change the horizontal alignment of text in a document to be left-aligned.


Ans: Choose Left in the Alignment section of the Indents and Spacing tab in the Paragraph dialog box, click the Left Align button in the Paragraph group of the Home tab, or press Ctrl + L.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs


Explanation: Choose Left in the Alignment section of the Indents and Spacing tab in the Paragraph dialog box, click the Left Align button in the Paragraph group of the Home tab, or press Ctrl + L. 

50. Describe what would happen if you select an entire numbered list and then make formatting changes

Ans: Both the numbering and the text will take on the formatting changes.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List


Explanation: The entire numbered list must first be selected to see the changes made to the complete listing.


51. What aspects of a paragraph border can be formatted?


Ans: The style, color, and width of a paragraph border can be formatted.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: The paragraph border can be formatted in the Border and Shading dialog box. Formatting can be completed in this dialog box.




52. What possible drawbacks could be associated with the use of different formatting styles in a document?


Ans: Student answers will vary, but should include the fact that a document’s formatting should match its content and intended use. For example, a legal document should have more conservative formatting than a marketing proposal. In some instances, the over-use of shading and borders could be distracting to a document’s readers.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs, Setting Line Spacing in Text and Between Paragraphs, Creating and Formatting Bullets and Number List, and Setting and ModifyingTabs

Explanation: When formatting documents, the overall appearance should be taken into consideration to produce a professional document. 




53. When do you think a bulleted list would be the most appropriate type of formatting? When would a numbered list be more appropriate?




Ans: Student answers will vary. Bulleted lists are appropriate for individual items or statements that are related to one another, but do not need to appear in any particular order. A numbered list would be more appropriate for a sequential listing, such as step-by-step directions.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Formatting Paragraphs

Explanation: Bullets list are unordered list while numbered list are ordered 


54. When creating a multilevel list, how would you move information to different levels within the list?


Ans: by pressing the Tab or Shift + Tab keys

Difficulty: Medium

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List

Explanation: Using the keyboard along with the Tab or Shift + tab keys.




55. List a possible problem with sorting a multilevel list as discussed in this lesson.


Ans: Word will alphabetize each line. As a result, your list will likely be out of the correct order.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List


Explanation: Sorting will place the multilevel list out of order. 


56. Briefly describe at least three situations in which using a multilevel list would be beneficial in a business scenario. What type of information would be best displayed in this manner?


Ans: Student answer will vary, but may include scenarios such as when you are required to produce an organizational chart, work flow chart, meeting agenda, or legal document. They may also include a scenario in which they need to show a process, such as the steps involved in creating a new product.

Difficulty: Hard

Section Ref: Creating and Formatting a Numbered List

Explanation: Users can use a multilevel list for to outline any listing, i.e., as policies within an organization that will show the hierarchy of the outline.



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