From a pole in July of 2006, the total population of Mexico was 107,449,525. |
Their native language is Spanish. The religion in Mexico is 96% Christian and of those 96%, 92% are Catholic. |
The food that most mexicans eat are greasy and spicy, and though Americans tend to think that those qualitites are bad, in Mexico, thsi culture is top notch. In fact, Mexico is teh best place to eat food with taste and texture. |
Mexico's social culture is actually better than the culture of the United States. Families are very close to one another and work well with each other. In Mexico, their closeness comes with a lot of hugging and kissing. Eye contact is a must in their culture. Just like in America, eye contact is very well appreciated, but are not all that close with others. |
Our native language is English and 80% of the population is made up of Christians. Our food is like Mexico's, and if you look at the true side of food in America, we eat just about the same amount of greasy food that is consumed in Mexico. |
Many Americans think that Mexico is not the safest place to be when it comes to anything, especially when it comes to a medical mishap. But, it is true that Mexico's medical system is just as good or is better than that of the United States. Mexico produces just as many trained and licensed doctors as the United States. Actually, most of the citizens from Mexico come to the United States and go to medical school to receive their degrees and then go back to Mexico and work. |
There are 3 main countries that most Mexicans go to, to receive their doctoring degrees: America, Canada, and Europe. Mexico, unlike the united States, will give a patient treatment whether they have health insurance or not. In Mexico, the cost of treatment is atleast 1/5 to 1/3 the cost in the United States. For example; if in the United States, the cost was $25,000; the cost in Mexico would be around $7,000. |
Categories for Health Delivery Systems in Mexico: 1). IMMS: the employee adn emplyer pay into a health insurance plan similar to the US 2). ISSTE: health care for gov't employees 3). SSA: care for the poor and unemployeed (Patient pays according to how much they make & their financial capability) 4). Private Mediacl System: self employeed |
America's Health Care System |
Only 85% of US citizens are covered by health insurance. Most of the insurance is provided by the employer or is purchased personally. |
There are roughly 679 general hospitals and only 157 specialty hospitals in Mexico. |
Sanitorio Henri Dumant Hospital is a new establishment in Mexico. It holds 20 patients. There are two different prices for night stay's; Private Room: $90 Semiprivate Room: $59 |
There are private and public medical schools in Mexico. In a private school, one class can hold from 40-100 students. In a public school, one class can hold up to 200 students. Mexico requires high qualifications in order to become a doctor; 2 Years of Basic Science/Theory 2 Years of Clinical Work 1 Year of an Internship 1 Year of Social Service in Poor Area |