Allopurinol (Zyloprim) 100 mg/PO/daily |
C T-antigout agents,antihyperurecemics P-xanthine oxidase inhibitors A Lower serum uric acid I Prev of goty arthritis & nephropathy hypo-hyper tension/ bradycardia/ heart failure/hepatitis/renal failure/ rash/bone marrow depression monitor I&O/push fluids/assess for rash/monitor for joint pain & swelling, uric acid levels, blood glucose, hemat-ologic, renal, and liver function b4 & during |
Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.5 mg/PO/3xdaily |
C T-antianxiety agents P-benzodiazepines A Relief of anxiety I Treatment of anxiety disorders dizziness/drowsiness/lethargy/ blurred vision/depression/weight gain/ N/V/rashes/dependency/tolerance assess anxiety level b4 & during/ assess for drowsiness/dizziness |
Amlodipine (Norvasc) 10 mg/PO/daily |
C T-antihypertensive P-calcium channel blocker A systemic broncho, decrease in BP, coronary vasodilation decreasing freq of angina attacks I mgmt of HTN, angina pectoris, and vasospastic (Prinzmetal’s)angina CNS headache,dizzy,fatigue CV periph edema, angina, bradycardia, hypo-tension, palpitations GI gingival hyper-plasia, nausea Derm flushing monitor BP & pulse b4, durin dose titration, and periodic, monitor ECG periodic during prolonged therapy, monitor I&O, daily weight, assess for signs of CHF (peripheral edema, rales/crackles, dyspnea, weight gain, jugular venous distention) Did not seem to be working/BP was 158/85 at 0830, meds given at 0845, BP was 165/84 at 1130 |
Aspirin (Bayer) 81 mg/PO/daily |
C T-antiplatelet,antipyretic P-salicylates A Decr platelet agg I Prophylaxis of transient ischemic attacks and MI GI bleeding/exfoliative dermatitis/ stevens-johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis/anaphylaxis/ laryngeal edema Assess for hypersensitivity reactions/assess pain and limitation of movement before and at peak, fever/mon. hepatic function,serum salicylate levels, signs of toxicity Unable to determine client’s platelet aggregation/client has had no further TIA’s |
Atorvastatin (Lipitor) 10 mg/PO/nightly |
C T-lipid lowering agent P-HMG-CoA reductose inhibitor A lower total & LDL cholesterol,tri's, slow progress of coronary atherosclero. I prevent. of cardio-vascular disease/ client has mult. risk factors for CHD chest pain/dizziness/bronchitis/ drug induced hepatitis/pancreatitus/ rhadomyolysis obtain dietary history, esp. with regard to fat consump/eval serum chol. and tri's/mon.AST levels, alkaline phosphate, and bilirubin/If patient develops muscle tenderness, monitor C&K levels decrease in LDL, tot chol & tri's/increase in HDL/slowing of coronary artery disease |
Benazepril (Lotensin) 20 mg/PO/Q12 |
C T-antihypertensives P-ACE inhibitors A systemic vasodilate, lowering of BP, decrease risk of MI, stroke, diabet. nephropathy I mgmt of hyper- tension & CHF Agranulocytosis/angioedema/renal failure/hyperkalemia/anorexia/ tachycardia/vertigo/hyperuricemia Monitor weight, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, liver function, CBC, BP, pulse, frequency of refills Notate BP |
Carvedilol (Coreg) 6.25 mg/PO/bid |
C T-antihypertensive P-beta blocker A decrease HR, BP, improve cardiac output,slow prog of CHF I HTN, CHF, left ventricular dysfunction bradycardia/CHF/pulmonary edema/ anaphylaxis/angio-edema/hyper-hypo glycemia/SJ synd/toxic epidermal necrolyses Monitor BP & pulse/monitor I&O's/ assess for orthostatic hypotension or fluid overload/mon. for increased BUN, lipoprotein, K, tri's, uric acid, ANA titers, and blood glucose levels Notate BP, pulse, I&O's, and any labs |
Ceftazidime MP bag (Fortaz, Taxidime) 500 mg/IM,IV/Q8H |
C T-anti-infectives P-3rd Gen cephalosporin A bactericidal I meningitis, bone & joint dis/intra-abdo inf/septicemia/febrile neutropenia pseudomembranous colitis/seizures/ N/V/diarrhea/rash/SJ syn/ anaphylaxis/ serum sickness/pain/phlebitis at IV assess for infection, vitals, allergic reaction b4/obtain specimen & cult b4/observe for anaphylaxis/mon. bowel function/mon. PT and assess for bleeding lab results and observations |
Clonidine (Catapres) 0.1 mg/PO/QAM |
C T-antihypertensives P-adrenergics A decreased BP & pain I Mgmt of mild to mod HTN nightmares/weight gain/bradycardia/ hypotension/vomit/palpitations/nausea/ erectile dysfunction/sodium retention/ withdrawal phenom Monitor I&O, edema, weight, BP and pulse/monitor for signs of opioid withdrawal and pain at onset and throughout Client’s BP was 172/74 /still hypertension stage |
Clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix) 75mg/PO/daily |
C T-antiplatelet agent P-platelet agg. inhibitor A inhibits platelet agg/irreversibly binding ATP to platelet receptors I reduction of atherosclerotic events Depression/epistaxis/dyspnea/chest pain/hypertension/GI bleeding/ thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Assess patient for symptoms of stroke, MI, PAD, periodically during therapy/Monitor for signs of thrombotic thrombocytic purpura, bleeding time, CBC w/differential and platelet count serum bilirubin, hepatic enzymes, tot chol, NPN, uric acid periodically No PT results available during shift/client displayed no adverse signs of meds |
Diazepam (Valium) 2-10 mg/PO,IV,IM/2-4xdaily |
C T-antianxiety,anticonvulsant,sedative /hypnotic,muscle relaxant P-benzodiazepines A relief of anx,sedation,muscle relax., decr. seizures I anxiety disorders, sedation, seizures dizziness/drowsiness/lethargy/ven. thrombosis/phlebitis/pain/N/V/rash/ dependency/blurred vision/depression/ slurred speech/resp depression Monitor BP, pulse, and resp prior & during/assess IV site/assess for reduct of symptoms assoc with why given/assess for signs of dependency vitals and observations |
Enoxaparin sodium (Lovenox) 120 mg/SQ/bid |
C T-anticoagulants P-antithrombotics A Prevention of thrombus I Prevention of venous thrombo embolism; DVT or pulmonary emb Bleeding/anemia/ dizziness/headache insomnia/edema/constipation/nausea/ reversible rise in liver enzymes Assess for bleeding and hemorrhage/ assess for evidence of thrombosis/ monitor for hypersensitivity reactions Unable to determine clients coag rate/free from thrombus |
Haloperidol (Haldol) 0.5-5mg/PO/daily |
C T-antipsychotics P-butyrophenones A dim signs & symp of psychosis I psychotic disorders (2nd line trmnt) seizures/EPS reactions/tardive dyskinesia/resp depression/hypotension/ tachycardia/agranulocytosis/neuroleptic malig synd/hyperpyrexia assess mental status b4 & during/ monitor BP for orthostatic b4 & during/ monitor I&O's/assess for dehydration/ assess fluid intake & bowel function/ mon. for signs of EPS & tardive BP, I&O's, observations |
Heparin Flush (Heparin) 10,000 units/IV/Q4-6H |
C T-anticoagulants P-antithrombotics A prevention of thrombus I prophylaxis & trmnt of various thrombo-embolic disorders bleeding/drug-induced hepatitis/ anemia/thrombo-cytopenia/fever/pain/rash assess for signs of bleeding and hemorrhage/assess for addition or increased thrombosis/mon aPTT, platelet count,K,AST,ALT Antidote: Protamine sulfate lab results and observations |
Hydrocodone-acetaminophen tab (Norco) 5/325 /PO/Q3-6H |
C T-allergy,cold,cough,opiod analgesic P-opioid agonist/non-opioid analgesic combo A decr pain, sup cough I as combo for pain or decongestant Confusion/dizziness/sedation/hypo-tension/dyspepsia/dependency/N/V/ constipation/sweating Assess BP, pulse, resp b4 & during/ assess bowel function/assess pain, cough, & lung sounds/monitor amylase & lipase levels and for toxicity BP, pulse, assess findings & labs |
Hydrocodone-chlorpheniramine (Lortab) 5 ml/PO/Q12HP/PRN |
C T-opioid analgesic P-opioid agonist A decrease in severity of moderate pain I in combo w/acetaminophen for the mgmt of mod to severe pain Confusion/dizziness/sedation/hypo-tension/dyspepsia/dependency/nausea/ vomiting/constipation/sweating Assess BP, pulse, respiration, cough and lung sounds during therapy Pain med did not seem to decrease pain/pain ranked at 5 at 0830 and 7 at 1130 |
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 2mg/IV/Q2HR PRN |
C P-Opioid analgesic agonist A Interacts with opioid receptors at the spinal cord level to depress pain impulse trans. I Narcotic analgesic Sedation/confusion/hypotension/ bradycardia/constipation/nausea/ diaphoresis/respiratory depression Assess pain control, monitor vital signs, monitor for CNS and allergic reactions decreased or absent pain |
Insulin Detemir (Levemir) |
Insulin aspart (Novolog) OPMC sliding scale/SQ/b4 meals & b4 bed |
C T-antidiabetics,hormones P-pancreatics A lower blood gluc I Cont hyperglycemia in patients w/ diabetes mellitus hypoglycemia/erythema/lipodystrophy/ anaphylaxis/assess for symptoms of hypo-glycemia and hyperglycemia/monitor electrolytes/monitor blood glucose Q6H |
Insulin glargine (Lantus) |
Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur) |
Levofloxacin IV (Levaquin) 750 mg/IV/Q48H |
C T-anti-infectives P-fleuroquinolones A death of susc. bact., broad spectrum I trmt of infection-urinary, gonorrhea, gyno, resp., skin, bone, joint, abdo., anthrax CNS seizure/dizzy/headache/insomnia CV arrhythmias GI hepatotoxicity/pseudo-membranous colitits/diarrhea/nausea MISC anaphylaxis/SJ synd assess for infection/culture & sens. B4/observe for anaphylaxis/mon. bowels for colitis/liver/glucose/WBC/ RBC/Na/hemo/PT time patient reports feeling better/easier to breath/not in as much pain/no results of PT avail/glucose 103 |
Lisinopril (Zestril, Prinivil) 20 mg/PO/Q12 |
C T-antihypertensives P-ACE inhibitors A systemic vasodilate, lowering of BP, decrease risk of MI, stroke, diabet. nephropathy I mgmt of hyper- tension & CHF/ agranulocytosis/angioedema/renal failure/hyperkalemia/anorexia/ tachycardia/vertigo/hyperuricemia Monitor weight, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, liver function, CBC, BP, pulse, frequency of refills Notate BP |
Lorazepan (Ativan) 2 mg/IV/Q6HP |
C T-anesthetic adjunct,antianxiety,sed/ hypnotic P-benzodiazepines A sedation,dec anx, decreased seizures/ dizziness/drowsiness/lethargy/ataxia/ blurred vision/resp depression/apnea/ cardiac arrest/brady-cardia/n/v/dependen Assess need, CNS function, anxiety, dependency, frequ and char of seizures, renal, hepatic and hematologic function observations & lab results |
Metoprolol (Lopressor) 100 mg/PO/daily |
C T-antianginals,anti-HTN P-beta blockers A decreased BP, heart rate, freq of angina pectoris attacks I hypertension/angina pectoris/prev. of MI/sys heart failure Bradycardia/CHF/pulmonary edema/ hypotension/periph vasoconstriction/ bronchospasm/depression/drug-induced hepatitis/hypo or hyperglycemia Monitor BP, ECG, and pulse frequ./ frequency of script refills to determine compliance/vital signs and ECG every 5–15 min during and for several hours after parenteral admin./ If HR <40 bpm/especially if cardiac output is also decreased, admin atropine 0.25–0.5 mg IV/I&O’s, weight, assess routinely for signs and symptoms of CHF/assess frequency and charac. of anginal attacks periodically/may cause ↑ BUN, serum lipoprotein, potassium, triglyceride, uric acid levels, blood glucose, ↑ serum alkaline phosphatase, LDH, AST, and ALT levels Client’s BP was 172/74/still HTN stage/no angina attacks during shift |
Ondansetron inj. (Zofran) 4 mg/IV/Q12HP |
C T-antiemetics P 5-HT3 antagonists A decr incid of n/v after chemotherapy I prevent & tmnt of n/v postoperatively headache/diarrhea/ constipation/ fatigue/dizziness/drowsiness/weakness/ abdo pain/elev liver enz/EPS reactions Assess for nausea, vomiting, abdo distention, bowel sounds b4 and after/ assess for EPS effects/monitor liver enz & bilirubin Observations & lab results |
Pantoprazole tab and inj. (Protonix) 40 mg/PO/0630 |
C T-antiulcer agent P-proton pump inhibitor A diminished acid in gastric lumen/ lessened acid reflux/healing of duodenal ulcers and esophagitis Headache/abdominal pain/diarrhea/ eructation/flatulence/hyperglycemia Assess routinely for epigastric or abdominal pain and for frank or occult blood in stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate/May cause abnormal liver function tests, including ↑ AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin Client exhibited no signs of acid reflux |
Promethazine inj. (Phenergan) |
Simvastatin (Zocor) 20 mg/PO/daily@2100 |
C T-lipid lowering agents P-HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor A lowers tot, LDL chol & tri's/slightly increase HDL/slows progress of coronary atherosclerosis I adjunctive mgmt of hyper-cholesterolemia Rhabdomyolysis/abdom. cramps/constipation/diarrhea/flatus/ heartburn/rashes/altered taste/elev. liver enzymes/pancreatitis/drug induced hepatitis Obtain a dietary history with regard to fat consumption/evaluate serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels before initiating, after 4-6 weeks therapy, and periodically thereafter/monitor liver function tests before, at 12 wks and then q6mths Unable to determine/no blood tests were performed to verify client’s levels |