Shared Flashcard Set


McDougal IDs: Spring 2011
International Studies
Undergraduate 2

Additional International Studies Flashcards




Hoare-Lavel Plan
WHAT: Proposal between British Foreign Secretary Samuel Hoare and French PM Pierre laval to end the second Italo-Abyssinian War, WHEN: 1935, SIGNIFICANCE: Would have partitioned Ethiopia and provided the most fertile lands to Mussolini while giving Ethiopia the central mountain regions. Signaled the end of the League of Nations, because both Italy and Abbysinia were members, and thus were in violation of the L of N's rule forbidding aggression among members. Also demonstrated GB's realism in attempting to prevent Italy from alligning with Germany and/or Japan.
Axis and Anti-Comintern Pacts
WHAT: Agreement b/w Germany and Japan against the USSR (more specificially the Comintern), WHEN: 1936, SIGNIFICANCE: Germany & Japan agreed not to make an alliance w/ USSR. In case of an attack on one they agreed to consult each other in order to safeguard their common interest. Agreement recognized Japanese puppet government in Manchukuo. Mussolini joined in 1937. Established the Axis Powers.
Munich Conference
WHAT: Conference b/w GB France & Germany, WHEN: 1938, SIGNIFICANCE: Hitler assured British PM Neville Chamberlain that war would be avoided if Germany annexed the Sudetenland region in Czechoslovakia. Seen as appeasement of Nazi Germany by GB and France, and a failure after Hitler invaded teh rest of Czechoslovakia a year later.
Maginot Line
WHAT: french line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, artillery casements, machine gun posts and other defenses constructed along France's borders with Germany and Italy, WHEN: Built between 1930-40, bypassed in 1940 when Germany invaded through the Ardennes forest and the Low Countries, SIGNIFICANCE: Was intended to protect from surprise attack and give French military time to mobilize. Protected Alsace and Lorraine. Demonstrated French fear of Germany. Term now represents a strategy or object that people put hope into but fails miserably.
WHAT: means "lightning war." German military tactic of all-mechanized force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines, afterwards proceeding without regard to its flank. Through constant motion Blitzkrieg attempts to keep its enemy off-balance, making response difficult. WHEN: proved successful in 1938-1941 in Western Europe, unsuccessful in 1941 during Operation Barbarossa, SIGNIFICANCE: Created after studying loss during WWI. Greatly contributed to advanced German Air Force. Was unsuccessful in the USSR during Operation Barbarossa due to large landmass that allowed Soviet troops to regroup and set up defenseive positions.
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact
WHAT: the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR, WHEN: August 1939, SIGNIFICANCE: Went against policies of Hitler and Stalin, but intended to prevent Stalin siding with GB. If attacked by a 3rd nation, the other would remain neutral (non-aggression). Included a secret protocol dividing Northern and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. Poland would be split and Stalin secured rights to the Baltic states. Hitler broke the pack with its invasion of the Soviet Union June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa).
Vichy regime
WHAT: the government of France that allied with the Axis powers for industrial purposes, WHEN: 1940-44, SIGNIFICANCE: Was formed following the military defeat of France by Germany. Run by Marshal Petain. Puppet government run by German laws. However showed some sympathy to the Allies: scuttled fleet in Toulon, put up little resistance against allied invasion of Syria and Lebanon. Lost support over time.
Atlantic Charter
WHAT: joint declaration by FDR and Churchill about allied intentions for the post-war world, WHEN: 1941, SIGNIFICANCE: Offered hope to people living in occupied territory. Goals of the charter: no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the people's will; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; free access to raw materials; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure beter economic and social conditions for all: freedom from fear and want: freedom of the seas; abandonment of use of force as well as disarmament of aggressor nations. Became the basis for the UN pact.
Lublin Committee
WHAT: the provisional government of Poland (in opposition to the Polish government in exile in London) that was fully sponsored and controlled by the USSR, put in place after German defeat, WHEN: 1944-45?, SIGNIFICANCE: Stood in contrast to the Polish gov in exile. Showed the Soviets reneging on Yalta promise to hold free elections (Declaration on a Liberated Europe).
Declaration on Liberated Europe
WHAT: delaration made at the Yalta Conference, WHEN: 1945, SIGNIFICANCE: US, UK, USSR agreed to hold democratic elections in all liberated countries. Reiterated beliefs in the Atlantic Charter. Stalin broke the agreement in Eastern Europe. Criticized for its measure not being strong enough. FDR could have prevented the Soviets from entering Berlin and spreading their influence. Doomed from the beginning, as Poland never had free elections.
Teheran Conference
WHAT: first Big 3 Summit, discussed war aims, WHEN: 1943, SIGNIFICANCE: 1st WWII summit Stalin attended. Planned May 1944 invasion of France that would later be called "D-Day." Ensured full Soviet cooperation and assistance with war policies of US and GB, but FDR and Churchill had to give in and support Stalin and communists in Yugoslavia as well as recognize new borders between Poland and the USSR. The military staff of the 3 powers would keep in close contact. A United Nations Organization was tentatively agreed to. The USSR agreed to wage war against Japan once Germany was defeated.
Yalta Conference
WHAT: Big 3 Summit to discuss post-war objectives, WHEN: 1945, SIGNIFICANCE: Made the Declaration on a Liberated Europe. Germany was Divided into 4 occupation zones (Berlin in 4 zones also). USSR declared war on Japan. USSR forced continuation of communist Lublin government in Poland. Demanded unconditional surrender and demilitarization of Germany. Granted the USSR borders with Poland along the Curzon line. Churchill spoke against the concession of land and free elections of Poland to USSR because it went against Declaration of Liberated Europe.
"Two Camps" Theory
WHAT: Zhdanov Doctrine proposed by Andrei Zhdanov, WHEN: 1947, SIGNIFICANCE: Response to Truman Docrine and Marshall Plan. Claims that Cold War was initiated by the Capitalist powers and not the Soviets because they have nothing to gain. Was however not just used for Soviet solidarity, but also used for spreading Soviet hegemony over Eastern bloc. Was not successful in gaining support from the working class b/c of Secret Police abuses etc.
"Long Telegram"
WHAT: George Kennan's response to the US Treasury asking the embassy why the Soviets weren't supporting the newly created World bank and IMF, WHEN: 1946, SIGNIFICANCE: Telegraph served as the foundation for US Cold War policy. While Soviet power was "impervious to the logic of reason, it was highly sensitive to the logic of force." Concepts: USSR perceived itself at perpetual war with capitalism 2) USSR viewed socialism and social democracy as incompatible 3) USSR would use controllable Marxists as allies in the capitalist world 4) Soviet aggression not alligned with views of Russian people or economic reality, but in Russian xenophobia and paranoia 5) Soviet government strutcture prevented accurate pictures of internal and external reality.
Baruch Plan
WHAT: a proposal by the US government to the UN Atomic Energy Commission written largely by Bernard Baruch, WHEN: 1946, SIGNIFICANCE: US GB & Canada called for an international organization to regulate atomic energy. Plan would 1) extend between all nations the exchange of basic scientific information for peaceful ends 2) implement control of nuclear power to the extent necessary to ensure peaceful use 3) eliminate atomic weapons and all other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction from national armaments 4) establish effective safeguards...Vetoed by USSR since UN was dominated by US and its Western allies, and Soviets didn't trust US. FAILURE of plan led to arms races and nuclear testing that dominated the Cold War.
Truman Doctrine
WHAT: policy set forth by US President Harry S Truman stating that the US would support Greece and Turkey with ecoomic and military aid to prevent their falling into the Soviet sphere. WHEN: 1947, SIGNIFICANCE: Set the precedent for containment shift from detente. Beginning of the Cold War. When Truman announced it, borrowed phrasing from FDR's "4 Freedoms speech" to defend US interest in exporting democracy
Berline Blockade
WHAT: Soviet blockade of railway and road access to Western controlled sectors of Berlin, WHEN: June 1948-May 1949, SIGNIFICANCE: 1st major international crisis of the Cold War and first resulting in casualties. Stalin's aim was to force the Western powers to allow the Soviet zone to supply Berlin with food and fuel, thereby giving the Soviets practical control over the city. Resulted in the Berlin Airlift and the formation of NATO and West German Republic.
Kondrad Adenauer
WHO: Chancellor of the West German Republic, WHEN: 1949-1963, SIGNIFICANCE: Devout Roman Catholic, believed in social welfare reforms but also Western capitalism. Rebuilt WGermany with help of Marshall Plan. Supported an export driven development of the economy. Didn't think Reunificaiton to be feasible, so entrenched WGerman economy with the West's.
Robert Schuman
WHO: French Foreign minister, WHEN: 1948-1953, SIGNIFICANCE: Responsible for the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which served to unify Western Europe by merging economic interests. Set foundation for the EU and supranational EU authority. Made war between France and Germany materially impossible.
European Defense Community
WHAT: plan proposed by Rene Pleven in response to US call to rearm Wgermany and allow it into NATO , WHEN: 1950, SIGNIFICANCE: Plan was signed but never passed the French Parliament for fear of losing French sovereignty. Would have West German soldiers under French and British leadership. Would have established a pan-European military. Its defeat was a step backward in European unity.
Suez Crisis
WHAT: Egyptian leader, Nasser, nationalized the Suez Canal leading to war with Egypt against Israel-GB-France, WHEN: 1956, SIGNIFICANCE: After Nasser nationalized the canal, Israel-GB-France invaded Egypt against US's consent (Eisenhower was furious) in order to secure the canal and depose Nasser. US threatened to sell British bonds if they didnt back down. Pressure from US and USSR at UN forced withdrawal. Signified the weakening of France and GB as global powers (GB would never take military action without US support again). Led to further decolonization (France & GB). ALSO, Seen as US failure since the western alliance had been weakened.
Treaty of Rome
WHAT: two treaties signed by "The Six of European integration" Belg, Franc, Ital, Lux, Nether, Wgerm, WHEN: March 25 1957, SIGNIFICANCE: established the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC Treaty or Euratom) and the treaty establishing the Eruopean Economic Community (EEE). First international organisations to be based on supranationalism, after the European Coal and Steel Community established a few years prior.
Khrushchev's Secret Speech
WHAT: speech made by Khrushchev in private to the 20th Party Congress, WHEN: 1956, SIGNIFICANCE: Revolutionary denouncement of Stalin's purges of the military and upper Party echelons and of his Cult of Personality, called for "Peaceful Coexistance," paved the way for Khrushchev's "Thaw"
Peaceful Co-existence
WHAT: theory applied by the Soviets at points during the Cold War WHEN: 1956 in Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" called for peaceful coexistance, SIGNIFICANCE: was essentially a reaction to the realisation that a nuclear war between the superpowers would ensure mutual destruction. For the Soviet, it was as a move away from outright insurrection and revolution abroad to a a strategy of overcoming the capitalist system through example. Led to the Cold War and its many proxy wars, as well as continued tension between the Soviets and the Chinese, who saw the move as a betrayal of the Communist Revolution.
WHAT: Soviet satellite that is first to orbit the earth, WHEN: 1957, SIGNIFICANCE: Was peaceful and posed no military threat but provoked a US confidence crisis. Caused US to accelerate space program and establish NASA. Khrushchev used it to start the Berlin crisis, and Sino-Soviet tensions increased because Khrushchev wouldn't share rocket tech with Mao (Mao thought sputnik had military capability).
Force de frappe
WHAT: creation of a French nuclear force, WHEN: mid-1950's, 1958 (DeGaulle), SIGNIFICANCE: Solidified in 1958 with DeGaulle's return to power. Was a response to French fear that the US dominated NATO would not aid France and Western Europe if the Soviets threatened them, and if US was already bogged down in Vietnam.
WHAT: a french political ideology based on DeGaulle's policies, WHEN: 1958 with DeGaulle's return to power, SIGNIFICANCE: main theme of National Independence, i.e. France should not have to rely on foreign countries (US) or NATO for its survival. Emphasized maintaining control of colonies with some EEC opposition. Led to Force de frappe (French nuclear force)
Hallstein Doctrine
WHAT: Doctrine named after WGerman Foreign Minister Walter Hallstein that said West Germany would not maintain diplomatic ties with any nation that recognized East Germany, WHEN: 1955, SIGNIFICANCE: Was successful in isolating Egypt from Western and 3rd world states, Showed disinterest in German reunification, Was in place until "Ostpolitik" of WGerman Chancellor Willy Brandt.
Berlin Wall
WHAT: wall erected by the Soviets blocking access between West Berlin and East Berlin and EGermany, WHEN: 1961-1989, SIGNIFICANCE: Symbolized the Iron Curtain. Isolated West Berlin. Prevented defectors from entering West Berlin. Split up families and people from their jobs. Along with the Hallstein Doctrine, it helped escalate tensions.
"Wind of Change" speech
WHAT: speech made by GB PM Harold Macmillan to the South African Parliament. WHEN: 1960, SIGNIFICANCE: Said that GB would grant independence to many of its territories, a process the Labour governments of 1945-51 had started but that was stopped by Conservatives. Began sentiments of African self-determination, leading to 1961 formation of South African Republic
Prague Spring
WHAT: period of political liberalization in Czechoslovaki, WHEN: 5 January 1968 (when Slovak reformist ALEXANDER DUBCEK came to power) to 21 August when Warsaw Pact invaded to halt reforms, SIGNIFICANCE: Dubcek's reforms decentralized economy and administrative authority and increased democratization: loosening restrictions on the media, speech, and travel. AND set the precedent for the BREZHNEV DOCTRINE with the Soviet Invasion.
Brezhnev Doctrine
WHAT: A Soviet Union foreign policy that effectively meant that no country would be allowed to leave the Warsaw Pact, disturb a nation's communist party's power monopoly, or in anyway compromise Soviet hegemony inside the Eastern bloc. WHEN: Autumn 1968 after Prague Spring, SIGNIFICANCE: retroactively justified the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, meant to preserve Soviet control of Eastern bloc and allowed Soviets to define communism in eastern bloc countries. Was even used to justify invasion of non-Warsaw Pact Afghanistan.
WHAT: policy of Wgerman Chancellor Willy Brandt to normalise relations with Eastern nations (including East Germany), WHEN: 1969, SIGNIFICANCE: Was a sharp turn from the Hallstein Doctrine, and helped usher in Détente.
Helsinki Accords
WHAT: an agreement signed by 35 states including USA, Canada, and all European states except Albania and Andorra, in an attempt to improve relations between the Communist bloc and the West, WHEN: 1975, SIGNIFICANCE: recognized post-war border and governments, was supposed to guarantee respect for human rights (thought, religion, etc) but did not (US criticized for ceding territorial recognition for nothing)
Karol Wojtyla
WHO: elected Pope John Paul II, WHEN: 1978, SIGNIFICANCE: credited with helping cause the fall of Communism, He spoke in his native Poland and gave them the moral courage to stand up, he corresponded with (supported) Reagan, he inspired people to speak out from oppression
Lech Walesa
WHO: Polish president, WHEN: 1990-95, SIGNIFICANCE: Before president: 1) Helped elect first non-communist government in Soviet Bloc, 20 created "Solidarity" first trade union. As president he 1) reformed Polish elections 2) transferred to market economy 3) Supported entrance into EU and NATO 4) helped transform Poland from Soviet Communism to Euro capitalism
Margaret Thatcher
WHO: PM of GB, WHEN: 1979-1990, SIGNIFICANCE: She stood by Reagan's policies, Built up UK nuclear defense, supported NATO mostly in Western Europe. Did NOT support expansive role of the EC, believed EC should only be for economic purposes. FALKLANDS WAR, changed GB trend to lower taxes (from higher), supported economic EC-EU integration but not political integration
Jacques Delors
WHO: 3r presiden of the European Commission, WHEN: 1985-94, SIGNIFICANCE: envisioned turning EC into the EU to unify the economy, layed the groundwork for introduction of asingle market within the European Community, helped forge the union by ending restrictions (tariffs) on the flow of people and goods
European Union
WHAT: European supranational organization, WHEN: began ECSC (1952), Treaty of Rome (1957) created EEC, Merger Treaty (Treaty of Brussells) combined ECSC EURATOM & ECC (later EC in 1993), became EU with 1993 Maastricht Treaty, SIGNIFICANCE: established a fully integrated European economy that would help ensure peace in Europe.
François Mitterand
WHO: 4th French President of the 5th Republic, WHEN: 1981-1995, SIGNIFICANCE: Supported expansion of the EEC. With German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, improved Franco-German relations and helped create the Maastricht Treaty which created the EU. Was first a socialist then supported the free market.
Mikhael Gorbachev
WHO: Last Soviet head of state (President of the USSR), WHEN: 1988-1991, SIGNIFICANCE: Author of "New Thinking." He enacted political, social, and economic reforms through Perestroika and Glasnost. Reforms intended to save the Union, but in fact hastened its collapse. Gorbachev had drawn up a plan for a voluntary democratic Union of socialist states, but rising nationalist problems caused his enemies to oust him before he could accomplish his plan.
Helmut Kohl
WHO: German Chancellor, WHEN: Wgermany 1982-90 (Reunited Germany 1990-1998) SIGNIFICANCE: First Chancellor of West and Reunited Germany, oversaw the end of the Cold War and German reunification. With Francois Mitterand, improved Franco-German relations and oversaw the Maastricht Treaty which created the EU in 1992.
Sinatra Doctrine
WHAT: Gorbachev's policy that allowed Warsaw Pact nations to determine their own internal affairs. WHEN: 1989 coined by Gerasimov, SIGNIFICANCE: Caused in part by a rise in anti-communist sentiment, poor economic conditions and ongoing Afghan war. Was a complete break from the Brezhnev doctrine. Admitted the end of the Soviet Bloc. Was in fact a retroactive policy, as many countries had already begun to acquire greater freedoms, abandoning communism.
"Two Plus Four" Talks
WHAT: Treaty on German Reunification, When: signed 1990 in Moscow, Significance: negotiated by E & W Germany and the Four Powers that occupied Germany at the end of WWII. The Treaty: Allied powers renounce all former rights, united German sovereignty recognized, All Soviet forces to withdraw by 1994, Germany to recognize inernationally recognized border with Poland and to renounce all future claims on territory east of the Oder-Neisse line. Helmut Kohn was president of WGermany at the time and then of reunited Germany.
Slobodan Milosevic
WHO: President of Serbia and Yugoslavia, WHEN: SR Serbia 1989-1997 Yugoslavia 1997-2000, SIGNIFICANCE: accused of starting the Balkan Wars (1991-95). Used Serbian nationalism to start wars in Bosnia and Croatia. Stripped Kosovo of its constitutional sovereignty. Initiated campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide that created millions of refugees. Resulted in NATO involvement to end the war. Milosevic was charged with crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, but the trial ended before reaching a verdict when Milosevic died of a heart attack in jail.
Nato expansion
WHAT: the process of including new member states in NATO, in this case the inlcusion of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Repuclic, WHEN: 1999, SIGNIFICANCE: NATO beginning to take on roles other than those dictated by the former bi-polar war, However the addition of former Warsaw Pact countries has increased tension between NATO countries and Russia.
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