- (100sp)
- Body: 100-500μm
- Introvert, Neck, Trunk
- Has scalids
- Lorica - 6 plates
- Longitudinal + circular muscles
- Habitat: Attached to shell hash
- Digestion: Complete, ingest bacteria
- Circulation: None
- Excretion: Protonephrida
- Respiration: Diffusion
- Reproduction: diploid, Dioecious, Higgins Larva
- Nervous: ganglia, nerve cord, bristles
- Ecology: unknown
- (2000sp)
- Body: 100μm-2mm
- Coronia, mostax, trunk, toes
- Longitudinal + circular muscles
- Cuticle - thick outer covering
- Habitat: mostly planktonic
- Digestion: Complete, all feeding types
- Circulation: none
- Excretion: Protonephrida
- Respiration: Diffusion
- Reproduction: amictic females- eggs produced by Parthenogenesis that do not need fertilizing
- Mictic life cycle- 1N males sometimes
- Nervous: ganglia, nerve web, bristles, ocelli
- Ecology: minor part of plankton
- (1,000sp)
- Body: 5-200cm
- Spiny proboscis, trunk
- Lacunar system of canals (in proboscis)
- Habitat: parasitic in intestines of verts
- No organ system other than reproduction
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Acanthor larva ->Crustacean (infected) -> Cystacanth larva (develops in crustacean)
- Nervous: ganglia, nerve web
- (3sp)
- Symbian pandar- original species
- Body: Asexual feedingstage 350-500μm
- Adhesive disk, trunk, buccal funnel
- Habitat: epizoic on the mouth parts of Lobsters
- Digestion: U-shaped gut, feed on small particles
- Circulation: none
- Excretion: diffusion
- Respiration: diffusion
- Reproduction: Pandora Larva - asexual reproduction
- Sexual: Dwarf male bud released-> joins female asexual bud, forms Chordoid larva
- Nervous: ganglia
- Degeneration-Regeneration Cycles
- Top part degenerates then regenerates
- Ecology: unimportant maybe
- Body: 5mm-several cm
- Introvert, tentacles, trunk, Caudal Shield in some
- Longitudinal + circular muscles
- Retractor muscles - pull introvert in
- Thin cuticle, large coelom
- Habitat: Anywhere on Bottom
- Digestion: Complete, U-shaped, Deposit feeders
- Circulation: none
- Excretion:metanephridia, has urn cells inmetanephridia
- Respiration: diffusion, coelom with hemerythrocystes
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva -> Pelagosphera larva
- Nervous: Dorsal ganglia, ventral cord, ciliated pits, Nuchal organ, ocelli
- Ecology: Important in Benthic food web
- (Segmented Worms) (12,000sp)
- .Class Polychaeta
- Body: mm-1m
- Segmented body: Prostomium- first segment, Peristomium- second segment
- Notopodium, Neuropodium, Setae
- Errant- mobil body form
- Tube: often tentacles, gills, tube
- Habitat: All, Sand-mud Dominant
- Digestion: Complete, Carnivores (often errant), Particulate (often tube)
- Circulation: Closed or none, no heart
- Excretion:metanephridia
- Respiration: gills, parapodia
- Reproduction: Dioecious
- Trichophore larva -> Metatrochophore larva
- Epitoke formation- sometimes back end forms gametes and swims off
- Nervous: Dorsal ganglia, ventral cord, tentacles, palps, ocelli
- Foot- muscle (usually present)
- Mantle - cover, shell-CaCO3, Sensory
- Radula in most- teeth
- Belt shaped in most, special shape in some
- Body: 1-40mm, 1 oval shell, Foot(very large), 8 pairs of retractor muscles
- Mantle Cavity - grove around foot
- Habitat: 2000-7000m on Rock
- Digestion: Complete, radula, Crystalline style
- Circulation: open, heart (4 atria, 2 ventricles)
- Excretion:6 pairs of metanephridia
- Respiration:6 pairs of monopectinate gills
- Reproduction: Diecious, Trichophore larva
- Nervous: ganglia, 4 nerve cords (2 visceral + 2 pedal)
- Ecology: unknown
- Body: 3-400mm, 8 plates, girdle, foot, 4-6 pairs of retractor muscles
- Habitat: shallow water, Rock
- Digestion: Complete, radula
- Circulation: open, heart (2 atria, 1 ventricles)
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration:6 or more pairs of bipectinate gills
- Reproduction: Diecious, Trichophore larva
- Nervous: Mollusk, esthetes (nerve endings in plates)
- Ecology: rocky shores
- (no shell)
- Body: 1-30mm, worm like body, Spicules on outside (this is the shell), Foot - is a grove in some
- Habitat: mud, on soft coral+ Hydroid
- Digestion: Complete, may have radula, may have crystalline style, Carnivore
- Circulation: open, heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion: diffusion
- Respiration: diffusion, or 1 pair of Bipectinate gills
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva
- Nervous: Mollusk
- (tusk shell)
- Body: 5-15mm, 1 tube shell, Captacula (defining feature), foot
- Habitat: sand, slightly deeper water
- Digestion: Complete, radula, crystalline style, Carnivore
- Circulation: Sinus
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: mantle
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva, Veliger larva
- Nervous: Mollusk
- Body: 2mm-1m, 2 shells,
- Peristracum - protein coating on shell
- CaCO3
- Prismatic layer
- Nacreous layer- mother of pearl layer, present in some
- Adductor Muscles
- Foot(present in most), mantle, Siphons (sometimes mantle rolled into this)
- Hinge- holds shell together
- Umbo- starting point of the shell
- Habitat:
- Mud/sand clams
- Attached- muscles
- Epibenthic- scallops (sit on surface)
- Bore- wood, coral
- Digestion: Complete, No radula, Crystalline style, digestive gland
- Feeding:
- Few deposit feeders
- Protobranch gills, large palps
- Most filter feed
- Lamellibranch gills, small palps
- Few Carnivorous
- Septibranch gills, very small palps
- Circulation: open, heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: gills called Ctenidia
- Reproduction: most Dioecious, few monecious, Trichophore larva, Veliger larva
- Nervous: Mollusk
- Ecology: Major part of food web
- Bioturbation - turning of the bottom
- Commercial: food, health issues- bacteria
- Parasites
- Shipworms
- Pearls- Pinctada- main pearl oyster
- Lamellibranch gills
- Byssal threads or cement glands
- Straight hinge, many small similar teeth
- Anterior Adductor Muscle: small or none
- No siphons
Subclass Palaeoheterodonta |
- AKA. Trogonid
- Schizodont hinge teeth
- Lamellibranch gills, Septibranch gills
- No byssal threads or cement glands
- Curved hinge line, few dissimilar teeth
- Siphons in most (can be really long)
- Body: 2-500mm, 1 shell or none, Torsion + right side reduction
- Shell: CaCO3 - Sinistral or Dextral Spiral
- Columella - central axis of shell
- Operculum, foot
- Body: 1 conical shell, uncoiled
- Habitat: rock, intertidal
- Digestion: Complete, radula with variable teeth, no crystalline style, digestive gland, Herbivores
- Circulation: open, heart (1 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: Bipectinate gills, 2nd gills, no gills
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva, Veliger larva
- Nervous: Mollusk, eyes, tentacles, statocysts, usually no osphradia (chemical sensor)
- Ecology: rocky intertidal
- Body: 1 shell, coiled
- Habitat: Benthic
- Digestion: Complete, radula with many teeth, crystalline style, digestive gland, Herbivores
- Circulation: open, heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: Bipectinate gills
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva, Veliger larva
- Nervous: Mollusk, eyes, tentacles, statocysts, osphradia (chemical sensor)
- Ecology: minor
- Body: 1 shell, coiled
- Habitat: All
- Digestion: Complete, radula with few teeth + modifications, crystalline style, digestive gland, All Feeding Types
- Circulation: open, heart (1 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion:1 metanephridium
- Respiration: 1 monopectinate gill
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Trichophore larva, Veliger larva, egg cases
- Nervous: Mollusk, eyes, tentacles, statocysts, osphradium (chemical sensor)
- Ecology: Major Part of food web
- Commercial: humanfood, shell collecting
- Body: 1 shell or none
- Habitat: All
- Digestion: Complete, radula with few teeth, crystalline style, digestive gland, All Feeding Types
- Circulation: open, heart (1 atria, 1 ventricle)
- Excretion:1 metanephridium
- Respiration: reduced gill, no gill, 2nd gill (folds on body called Cerata)
- Reproduction: Many monoecious, Trichophore in egg cases, Veliger larva, some form mating rings
- Nervous: Mollusk (very large), eyes, tentacles (1-2 pairs), statocysts, 0-1 osphradium (chemical sensor)
- Foot- arms
- Mantle
- Siphon
- Radula
- Beak
Subclass Nautiladea Order Nautilida |
- Body: 1- external shell, Speta (chambers), Siphuncle (joins chambers), 80-100 arms, no suckers or hooks, no chromatophores
- Habitat: tropical Pacific, deeper 100m
- Digestion: Complete, Carnivore/Scavenger
- Circulation: Closed, Systemic heart, Branchial heart
- Excretion:2 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: 2 pairs of gills
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Direct, 12-15 eggs on bottom, multi-year (don’t die after reproducing)
- Nervous: brain, stellate ganglia, 2 major nerve cords, eyes (no lens), statocyst, osphradium (chemical sensor)
- Nautilus
- Body: few mm-30m, Internal or no support structure, chromatophores, Ink sac, may have photophores
- Digestion: Complete, Carnivores
- Circulation: Closed, Systemic+ Branchial hearts
- Excretion:1 pair of metanephridia
- Respiration: 1 pair of gills
- Reproduction: Dioecious, Direct, many die after mating, Hectocotylus Arm (modified arm in males), mating display
- Octopus- Den (gard eggs in den)
- Nervous: brain, stellate ganglia, 2 nerve cords, eyes (lens), statocyst, no osphradium
- Ecology: middle of food web
- Largest, Smartest, Fastest
- Commercial
- Bio- Nerve (used to study nerves)
- Body: Internal CaCO3 shell, planaspiral- phragmacone, 8 arms, 2 tentacles, suckers (with rings), no circularis muscle, eyes (no cornea), No branchial canal
- Nectonic
- Cuttlefish
- Body: CaCO3Cuttlebone, 8 arms, 2 tentacles, suckers (rings + circularis muscle), eyes(with cornea), No branchial canal
- Squid
- Body: Internal pen, 8 arms, 2 tentacles, suckers (rings often with hooks), branchial canal present
- Myosida- circularis muscle, cornea
- Oeaopsida- No circularis muscle, no cornea
- Nectonic
- Body: Internal pen, 8 arms with webbing, 2 filaments, no suckers, hooks
- Deep water