Shared Flashcard Set


Marine Corps Recruiters School (Sgt Parker CM)
Not Applicable

Additional Marketing Flashcards




What is the purpose of an Itinerant Recruiting Trip?
Prospect in a populated and geographically remote area of the RSS to increase area coverage
How do you complete an Itinerant Recruiting Trip Card?

DATE PREPARED: Date the IRT was established

SECTOR: Sector covered by the IRT

FREQUENCY: Twice a month, twice a week, every third Thursday, monthly, quarterly, etc.

RECRUITER ASSIGN: The recruiter who will be conducting the IRT

HOURS: Hour IRT should start and approximate finish time

1ST, 2ND, 3RD STOPS, ETC: Description and location of the IRT stop

CONTACT: The contact that will help during the IRT

TIME: Time planned to stop at IRT

PHONE: The phone number at the location (if any) Phone may be open for prospecting

COMMENT: Background or other information about the purpose of the IRT stop

ACTIVITY: (TC/AC/HV): Place a check below the activities generally planned at this IRT stop


DATE: Action dates for scheduling IRT’s

HOURS SPENT: Elapsed time between departure and return to the RSS

Remaining sections are for recording activities and the results while on the IRT
What are the steps in developing a plan?
(Identify, Prioritize, Develop, Program, Consider,) 5 key words.1st Step: Identify and use all available assets by:

NCOIC provides all action and tracking cards from working file

Organize recruiting area by high school

Place all tracking cards in separate stacks by high school area

Place all action cards in separate stacks by high school area

2nd Step: Prioritize and distribute time:

High schools and high school areas are already prioritized

Amount of time spent prospecting in any high school is determined by high school priority

Many valuable assets must be worked and given attention no matter what

Determine and distribute time by looking at the percentage of total male seniors in that high school’s area

Multiply the percentage of males by 20 prospecting days to figure out the amount of days per school needed

3rd Step: Develop a prospecting plan:

Review List Scheduling Cards each month to determine how many names are left to contact from each list

Review all PAC’s, PPC’s, and RC’s for the month to set priorities

HOT – Probable Enlistment

Warm – Favorable Response but could go either way

Cold – Said they weren’t interested

Schedule an even flow of cards throughout the month in order to Spread Load (Do not overdo it)

4th Step: Program utilization:

Effective use of recruiting programs requires sound planning

List known events on month-in-sight (pool meetings, high school visits, etc)

Schedule individual action dates on month-in-sight

5th Step: Consider all assets:

Integrate all assets such as IRT’s, Take-ones, Contacts, Media, and Reserve Centers into your monthly plans
How do you complete a month-in-sight?
Place appropriate dates on the Month-in-sight Sheet (block out all non-working days (leave, liberty, holidays, etc.))

Designate dates and days you will prospect in each high school based on your time distribution plan

Schedule lists based on the above distribution plan and mission assigned

Complete the prospection plan by scheduling the appropriate percentage or number of PAC’s, PPC’s, and RC’s

Incorporate known events, commitments, or administrative matters for the month

Weekly Reports

Phase Lines

Pool Functions

Center of Influences (COI’s)

Family Nights

HS Visits

Enter individual poolee events or action dates on the month-in-sight such as ship dates, weekly poolee contact, etc.

Enter individual command recruiting events or action dates on the month-in-sight such as recruit graduations, PTAD, etc.

Fit in additional assets like IRT’s, Media, Contacts, etc.

The Working File should directly reflect the monthly plan (return all cards to NCOIC)
How do you develop a week-in-sight?
Little more than a mirror image of each week of the monthly plan

Daily plan must reflect those known events and planned prospection on the weekly plan

Daily plan is a detailed plan for the recruiter’s day

Ensure planning has maximized productive time by reviewing the plan each day with the SNCOIC

Leave an open block of time to allow for adjustment of the next day’s activities

Daily plan must be carefully scrutinized by recruiter and SNCOIC and appropriate adjustments made
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