Procyon lotor Raccoon skull id |
Teeth: 40 Alisphenoid canal absent poorly developed carnassials Heterodont 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/2 top of skull less rounded |
Ursus americanus American Black Bear skull id |
claws of front feet less than 60 mm long last upper molar shorter than 31 mm longer than wide first lower molar shorter than 20.4 mm poorly developed carnassials mastoid process at least as large as parocciptal process Teeth:42 alisphenoid canal present 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Heterodont |
Ursus arctos: horribilis middendorffi Brown (Grizzly) Bear skull id |
Dished in face claws of front feet greater than 60 mm last upper molar longer than 31 mm first lower molar longer than 20.4 mm poorly developed carnassials mastoid process at least as large as parocciptal process 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Heterodont |
Ursus maritimus Polar bear skull id |
larger canines diastema between canines and premolars Heterodont |
Eumetopia jubatus Steller Sea Lion skull id |
Large diastema between upper molars and premolars quadrate postorbital process no underfur 3/2 1/1 4/4 1/1 alisphenoid canal present large nuchal crest well-formed sagittal crest cheek teeth unicuspid homodont |
Zalophus californianus California Sea Lion skull id |
Rostrum tapering to point nasal angle less than 55 premaxillary-nasal suture longer than 13 mm no underfur five or six cheek teeth 3/2 1/1 4/4 1/1 or 3/2 1/1 4/4 2/1 no diastema triangular postorbital process alisphenoid canal present cheek teeth unicuspid homodont |
Callorhinus ursinus Northern Fur Seal skull id |
Blunt rostrum nasal angle more than 55 premaxillary-nasal suture shorter than 16 mm six upper cheek teeth 3/2 1/1 4/4 2/1 triangular postorbital process no diastema homodont |
Odobenus rosmarus Walrus skull id |
Phoca vitulina Harbor Seal skull id |
multicuspid cheek teeth premaxillary meets nasal bones 3/2 1/1 4/4 1/1 postorbital process absent alisphenoid canal absent homodont |
Mirounga angustirostris Northern Elephant Seal skull id |
unicuspid cheek teeth premaxillary not meeting nasals 2/1 1/1 4/4 1/1 postorbital process absent alisphenoid canal absent homodont |
Canis latrans Coyote skull id |
Nose pad less than 25 mm Anterior-posterior diameter of canine at gumline less than 11 mm Palantine bone shorter than last molar Length of fourth upper premolar less than 22 mm Condylobasal length more than 150 mm Postorbital process thick and convex Upper molars wider than long Mastoid process smaller than jugular process Teeth: 42 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Alisphenoid canal present Two upper molars Heterodont |
Canis lupus Gray Wolf skull id |
Nose pad more than 22 mm Anterior-posterior diameter of canines at gumline more than 11 mm Palantine bone shorter than last molar Length of fourth upper premolar more than 22 mm Condylobasal length more than 150 mm Postorbital process thick and convex Upper molars wider than long Mastoid process smaller than jugular process Teeth: 42 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Alisphenoid canal present Two upper molars Heterodont |
Vulpes vulpes Red Fox skull id |
V shaped temporal ridges Condylobasal length less than 150 mm Postorbital process thin and concave Upper molars wider than longer Mastoid process smaller than jugular process Teeth: 42 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Alisphenoid canal present Heterodont |
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Grey Fox skull id |
U-shaped temporal ridges Condylobasal length less than 150 mm Postorbital process thin and concave Upper molars wider than longer Mastoid process smaller than jugular process Teeth: 42 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Alisphenoid canal present Heterodont |
Canis familiaris Domestic Dog skull id |
Palantine bone longer than last molars Orbital angle greater than 50 Zygomaxillary suture nearly straight Teeth: 42 3/3 1/1 4/4 2/3 Alisphenoid canal present Heterodont |
Lynx canadensis Canada Lynx skull id |
Tail tipped with black on all sides Presphenoid bone broad Jugular foramen and hypoglossal canal separate Teeth: 28 3/3 1/1 2/2 1/1 Short rostrum Heterodont |
Tail tipped with black only on upper side Presphenoid bone narrow Hypoglossal canal confluent with jugular forament Teeth: 28 3/3 1/1 2/2 1/1 Short rostrum Heterodont |
Puma concolor Cougar skull id |
Body length greater than 600 mm Conylobasal length greater than 110 mm Teeth: 30 3/3 1/1 3/2 1/1 Short rostrum Heterodont |
Felis catus Domestic Cat skull id |
Body length less than 600 mm Condylobasal length less than 110 mm Teeth: 30 3/3 1/1 3/2 1/1 Short rostrum Heterodont |
Enhydra lutris Sea Otter skull id |
Skull with very wide nasal area Smooth, flat molars and last premolars Two lower incisors 3/2 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 32 Four upper cheek teeth 36 teeth Only one upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Mephitis mephitis Striped Skunk skull id |
Dorsal surface of skull is arched Postorbital process nearly absent, smooth Rear edge of hard palate about even with posterior end of tooth row Tympanic bullae small Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 Four upper cheek teeth Only one upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Spilogale gracilis Western Spotted Skunk skull id |
Dorsal surface of skull nearly flat Postorbital process clearly evident Rear edge of hard palate about even with posterior end of tooth row Tympanic bullae are small Cheek teeth with small cusps Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 Four upper cheek teeth Only one upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Taxidea taxus American Badger skull id |
Upper molar triangular Condylobasal length greater than 85 mm Hard palate extends back well beyond last molar Tympanic bullae large Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 Four upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Mustela vison American Mink skull id |
Tympanic bullae flat Basilar length greater than 50 mm Condylobasal length less than 85 mm Upper molar hourglass shaped Hard palate extends back well beyond last molar Tympanic bullae large Cheek teeth with sharp cusps Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 Four upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Mustela erminea Short-tailed Weasel skull id |
Postglenoid length more than 49% of condylobasal length Tympanic bullae more rounded Basilar length less than 50 mm Condylobasal length less than 85 mm Upper molar hourglass shaped Hard palate extends well beyond last molar Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 One upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Mustela frenata Long-tailed Weasel skull id |
Postglenoid length less than 49% of condylobasal length Tympanic bullae more rounded Basilar length less than 50 mm Condylobasal length less than 85 mm Upper molar hourglass shaped Hard palate extends well beyond last molar Three lower incisors 3/3 1/1 3/3 1/2 Teeth: 34 Four upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angle to tooth row |
Lontra canadensis Northern River Otter skull id |
Five lower cheek teeth 3/3 1/1 4/3 1/2 Teeth: 36 Five upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angle to tooth row |
Gulo gulo Wolverine skull id |
Greatest length of skull more than 130 mm Skull wide Six lower cheek teeth 3/3 1/1 4/4 1/2 Teeth: 38 Five upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angle to tooth row |
Martes pennanti Fisher skull id |
Blunt postorbital process Condylobasal length more than 90 mm Length of upper carnassial greater than 9.5 mm Greatest length of skull less than 130 mm Six lower cheek teeth 3/3 1/1 4/4 1/2 Teeth: 38 Five upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angles to tooth row |
Martes americana American Marten skull id |
Postorbital processes pointed Condylobasal length less than 90 mm Length of upper carnassial less than 9.5 mm Greatest length of skull less than 130 mm Six lower cheek teeth 3/3 1/1 4/4 1/2 Teeth: 38 Five upper cheek teeth One upper molar at right angles to tooth row |