-importance of children as a part of the labor force (esp. less developed, makes sense for them to have more children to help with neccessary work)
-cost of raising and educating children( rate lower in more developed because raising children is more costly and do not start work until later in life)
-availability of or lack of pension (pensions reduce need for couple's to have more children to help support them later in life)
-infant deaths (more in poorer countries so must have more kids to inusre some survival)
- Urbanization (urban areas better access to family planning services so fewer kids)
- educational and employment opportunities available for women** (rates lower when women have access to education and paid employment outside home, better educated tend to marry later and have less kids)
- average age at marriage (later marriage=later first child=not as many)
- availability of legal abortions and birth control methods (more availability =less birth rate, allows womesn to control # they have)
- religious beliefs, traditions, and cultural norms (some favor large families, oppose abortion and birth control) |